Motion offense: Predicated on the away from the ball screen, not a ball screen. Gophers were switching on the screens, not just ball screens. No advantage Iowa.
Flex: Predicated on the away from the ball screen, not a ball screen. Gophers were switching on the screens, not just ball screens. No advantage Iowa.
High post: Coach Lickliter adjusted and had Matt Gatens in the high post in the second half. Name a viable option for the Hawkeyes in the low post? Tate was out with an injury, forcing Cole to play the entire time until he got in foul trouble. Maybe Brommer could have done there? Instead of true high post offense, it was more of a 2-1-2 set.
Down-screen: Predicated on the away from the ball screen, not a ball screen. Gophers were switching on the screens, not just ball screens. No advantage Iowa.
ISO: Yes, they could have isolated Gatens (as Gottlieb kept calling for) on TB. Gatens as a freshman needs to step up and call for the ball more, be more aggressive, and assert himself, especially in the absence of Tucker. That is something that will either come or it won't. I will give Mr. Gottlieb credit for that insight.
Maybe, instead of throwing in the towel as you say, he could have gone to something that would have been equally ineffective? Why don't you list out a bunch of zone offenses in your next post that the Hawkeyes could have tried?
I think you will agree that the Gophers were a more athletic, more talented, and deeper than the Iowa team that was on the floor for much of the second half.