Trying to find a positive


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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I think it's a good thing the Gophers are playing a quality team (Va Tech) without Trevor right out of the chute, perhaps what'll end up being our most difficult nonconference opponent. Sometimes emotion can help carry a team through something like this, at least for the first game or two. The Gophers certainly will need to play with a chip on their shoulder to beat the Hokies.

We might as well find out ASAP if (1) we have anyone willing to step up out of their comfort zone and be reliable every night, (2) who needs to get more minutes & most importantly (3) figure out quickly what style we need to play in order to give us the best chance to win games (vs. quality opposition). Again, trying to find a bright side, we do have 6 games to work out the kinks before the conference season starts. We should know "who we are" heading into the B1G slate.

Another daunting task for Tubby and his staff, certainly, but I'm not ready to concede 2011-12 is a throw-away season just yet. Let's find out what we have, for better or worse.

Exactly, wait and see for me. These kinds of circumstances can bring out the best in some guys, while bringing out the worst in others. Let's see how this plays out in the next few games before we immediately throw the rest of our current guys under the bus.

It's not like the team is completely void of talent. But the problem is, a vast majority of our team is comprised of either freshman, sophomores, or 1st year JUCO guys. The only players who have more than a year with us is Rodney and Ralph. That's just scary, and that was even with Mbakwe on the court.

I know it's near impossible to believe that we could be rebuilding once again in Year 5 of Tubby, but that's essentially where we're at based on our roster makeup. It sucks, I know, it's ridiculous. But it's where we are right now, like it or not.

Great post SS! My thoughts exactly, I'm not giving up just yet. Go gophers!

Welch and Austin Hollins are the two guys I most expect to step up to the challenge. I think it's in their make-up.

SelectionSunday said:
Welch and Austin Hollins are the two guys I most expect to step up to the challenge. I think it's in their make-up.

Agreed. Especially welch. Dre or Rodney could be dark horses as well.

I'm with you SS. We do have a lot of talent on this team, its just that most of that talent is raw and undeveloped. Best case scenario, the guards keep improving and Sampson shakes his injury and comes on strong, with Rodney stepping up his game and we surprise some folks and squeeze out a bid.

Worst case, we miss the tourney again but our new guys get valuable experience for next year when they already were going to be expected to carry the team.

Trevor's injury really hurts this years team (captain obvious) but the silver lining is that it will improve next years team..

Considering he was our best scorer, rebounder and arguably defender, I don't know how this team remains competitive. I'm sick just thinking about it.

OK, well, let's try to make some lemonade out of this. It's been clear to me that, even with Trevor, they weren't going to be an NCAA tournament team. Beyond that, they were going to have to move on without him next year anyways, so this just hastens that process. This may be a difficult experience for the team, but they might end up the better for it next year and beyond. It still doesn't answer the question of who will be the badass big forward next year and beyond, but like I said, there is going to be that question in any case. Perhaps Rodney takes on the '4' position, and maybe that's a better fit for his skill set and opens up a shooting spot (the '3') for someone who can actually shoot.

Ralph ain't stepping up and not sure what Williams could do even if he wanted to.

Only player that could possibly step up position-wise would be Mo Walker.

Speaking of which, I don't even know if he's expected back this year. I thought he wasn't but then someone mentioned January. Anyone know?

Welch and Austin Hollins are the two guys I most expect to step up to the challenge. I think it's in their make-up.

I'm encouraged by the fact that in Hollins, Hollins, and Welch (for starters anyway) the Gophers finally have a few guys that can hit the mid-range jumper. This looks to be one of the better shooting teams they've had in a while.

Maybe more importantly than who actually DOES step up is the possibility that a number of guys will feel like they at least have to TRY to step up. Knowing that they can't all just stand around and watch Trevor could have a very positive cumulative effect. A handful of guys might realize more than before that they need to elevate their games.

Or, I could just be sniffing glue....

I'm encouraged by the fact that in Hollins, Hollins, and Welch (for starters anyway) the Gophers finally have a few guys that can hit the mid-range jumper. This looks to be one of the better shooting teams they've had in a while.

Maybe more importantly than who actually DOES step up is the possibility that a number of guys will feel like they at least have to TRY to step up. Knowing that they can't all just stand around and watch Trevor could have a very positive cumulative effect. A handful of guys might realize more than before that they need to elevate their games.

Or, I could just be sniffing glue....

Whether you are or not, I like the way you think LOL

Welch and Austin Hollins are the two guys I most expect to step up to the challenge. I think it's in their make-up.

That's my thinking as well. I like what I've seen from Austin so far this year. I think he could develop into a very good player. He already has way more confidence than last year.

Guards need to grow up quickly. In one night they have gome from the question mark of the team to its strength. I agree completely that the additional experience will help next year and beyond. One thing not mentioned yet is that this is likely to get Joe Coleman a lot of extra minutes, which will be a very good thing for next year if not this. Tubby may be faced with his biggest coaching challenge yet. I hope he is up to the task.

I am all for the run and gun outscore them approach here, as long as the shots are good. If enough go in, some wins will be there. If not, we may be looking up at Iowa. This team has been hurt defensively more than anything and that is tough in this conference.

Hey SS, Ogee, Holy Man- thanks for giving me a reason to be interested in the next game!

Hey SS, Ogee, Holy Man- thanks for giving me a reason to be interested in the next game!


More than a challenge for the players, it's a challenge for Tubby. Instead of trying to get his players to fit into his "system", maybe he will create a new system for his players. There is still some talent on this roster and it will be interesting to see if Tubby can adapt to the new circumstances.

I think it's a good thing the Gophers are playing a quality team (Va Tech) without Trevor right out of the chute, perhaps what'll end up being our most difficult nonconference opponent. Sometimes emotion can help carry a team through something like this, at least for the first game or two. The Gophers certainly will need to play with a chip on their shoulder to beat the Hokies.

We might as well find out ASAP if (1) we have anyone willing to step up out of their comfort zone and be reliable every night, (2) who needs to get more minutes & most importantly (3) figure out quickly what style we need to play in order to give us the best chance to win games (vs. quality opposition). Again, trying to find a bright side, we do have 6 games to work out the kinks before the conference season starts. We should know "who we are" heading into the B1G slate.

Another daunting task for Tubby and his staff, certainly, but I'm not ready to concede 2011-12 is a throw-away season just yet. Let's find out what we have, for better or worse.

Good stuff. The Trevor injury is a shot to the gut. However, this should inspire every player, coach and even fans to rally. I will expect a very supportive crowd Wednesday and a team that lays it's best effort on the floor. It will be fun.

As you say, there is talent here. Anyone that has watched the Grier squad of 2006 (?) would have to say that you never know what a team can do it comes together for a purpose. Was that squad more capable than this? No. More experienced yes. I will be interested to see the level of passion and creativity Tubby brings to this situation.

I believe this is appropriate here:

The thing that is tough about using next year as a basis for finding a silver lining is that we're doing it year after year. It was first waiting for White and Trevor only not to have them. Then it was, well, we now have Trevor only to lose Nolen. Now it was we have some guards only to lose Trevor again. You can start dreaming about next year, but my heart's not in it.

Seeing Trevor go off on crutches gave me the same feeling yesterday I've had too many times with this program: the news coming out on Clem's cheating; Pryzibella quitting after a monster game against Indiana; the news breaking out of Madison; and I'm stopping there though I could keep going.

Appreciate the effort though, folks. Still going to be there, and by Wednesday I'll hopefully quit moping about it.

SS, have you forgotten? The positive is the Gophers aren't playing Virginia yet again :)

The thing that is tough about using next year as a basis for finding a silver lining is that we're doing it year after year. It was first waiting for White and Trevor only not to have them. Then it was, well, we now have Trevor only to lose Nolen. Now it was we have some guards only to lose Trevor again. You can start dreaming about next year, but my heart's not in it.

Seeing Trevor go off on crutches gave me the same feeling yesterday I've had too many times with this program: the news coming out on Clem's cheating; Pryzibella quitting after a monster game against Indiana; the news breaking out of Madison; and I'm stopping there though I could keep going.Appreciate the effort though, folks. Still going to be there, and by Wednesday I'll hopefully quit moping about it.

Yeah no kidding. Here's more of the list in order to purge it from our systems:

Cliff notes version:
Lou Hudson broken arm
Ollie Shannon ineligible
Cal Luther takes job and quits something like a day later.
Fitch here and gone.
Mussy's OSU fight night.
End of year loss to Northwestern-ruining season
Michael Thompson suspension and season that could have been a national title
Mussy's probation and departure
Mark Hall credit card
Mitch Lee's champaign glass
Lee again in Madison
Dutcher out
Courtney James phone book
Loss of Eric Harris before final 4 -costs national championship?
Playing in the NCAAs with half the team and the ensuing Clem scandal
Huge scandal backlash and probation
Bauer, Bennett and Bickerstaff injuries
Pryz. quits
Rickert early exit
Hump and Hargrow
Monson out
Royce issues
Trevor issues
Nolen injury halts potential big year
Trevor injury

What is it that makes our fan base so apathetic anyway? :)

Seriously the Gopher Basketball team has always been a passion for me. Many more great memories than bad. Here's to hope for some good days ahead for Tubby and the Gophers.

Yeah no kidding. Here's more of the list in order to purge it from our systems:

Cliff notes version:
Lou Hudson broken arm
Ollie Shannon ineligible
Cal Luther takes job and quits something like a day later.
Fitch here and gone.
Mussy's OSU fight night.
End of year loss to Northwestern-ruining season
Michael Thompson suspension and season that could have been a national title
Mussy's probation and departure
Mark Hall credit card
Mitch Lee's champaign glass
Lee again in Madison
Dutcher out
Courtney James phone book
Loss of Eric Harris before final 4 -costs national championship?
Playing in the NCAAs with half the team and the ensuing Clem scandal
Huge scandal backlash and probation
Bauer, Bennett and Bickerstaff injuries
Pryz. quits
Rickert early exit
Hump and Hargrow
Monson out
Royce issues
Trevor issues
Nolen injury halts potential big year
Trevor injury

What is it that makes our fan base so apathetic anyway? :)

Seriously the Gopher Basketball team has always been a passion for me. Many more great memories than bad. Here's to hope for some good days ahead for Tubby and the Gophers.

Thanks for nothing.

I can't remember the exact timing (mid-season?) but Don Yates was ruled ineligible I think the same season Hudson broke his wrist. We had Archie Clark, one of the best guards ever at the U; Hudson, IMO, the best Gopher ever; Tom Kondla, a good center; Yates, who was awfully good, and we still finished in the middle of the pack. Second year at the U. If only I had known.

Yeah no kidding. Here's more of the list in order to purge it from our systems:

Cliff notes version:
Lou Hudson broken arm
Ollie Shannon ineligible
Cal Luther takes job and quits something like a day later.
Fitch here and gone.
Mussy's OSU fight night.
End of year loss to Northwestern-ruining season
Michael Thompson suspension and season that could have been a national title
Mussy's probation and departure
Mark Hall credit card
Mitch Lee's champaign glass
Lee again in Madison
Dutcher out
Courtney James phone book
Loss of Eric Harris before final 4 -costs national championship?
Playing in the NCAAs with half the team and the ensuing Clem scandal
Huge scandal backlash and probation
Bauer, Bennett and Bickerstaff injuries
Pryz. quits
Rickert early exit
Hump and Hargrow
Monson out
Royce issues
Trevor issues
Nolen injury halts potential big year
Trevor injury

What is it that makes our fan base so apathetic anyway? :)

Seriously the Gopher Basketball team has always been a passion for me. Many more great memories than bad. Here's to hope for some good days ahead for Tubby and the Gophers.

You could add in the Monson year where we lost a birth in the NCAA's because we couldn't get the ball across halfcourt against Illinois.

You could add in the Monson year where we lost a birth in the NCAA's because we couldn't get the ball across halfcourt against Illinois.

That's the one that just about killed me. I was so pissed that when I came home I threw on my running clothes and took the fastest training run of my life. I still think about that game.

That's the one that just about killed me. I was so pissed that when I came home I threw on my running clothes and took the fastest training run of my life. I still think about that game.

Me too. I went home and did a sit up.

Seriously- that was the game that turned Monson's career here and it was partly his fault, but what a crazy ending........

So sorry for Trevor and he will certainly be missed. We must move-on. I think the team will play faster and will exhibit better perimeter defense based on a quicker player than Trevor on the floor. Oto had a horrible turn-over game ( along with others) and his nerves should settle some. Chip and Oto will get more minutes and I like their play. Ingram is coming along..... Go Gophers!

Me too. I went home and did a sit up.

Seriously- that was the game that turned Monson's career here and it was partly his fault, but what a crazy ending........


How in the world did Kevin Burleson get a job in the NBA when he couldn't get the ball across the mid court line....twice?


How in the world did Kevin Burleson get a job in the NBA when he couldn't get the ball across the mid court line....twice?

That has to be one of my most painful memories as a Gopher fan.

If I recall correctly, it really looked like the Gophers in the backcourt were EXPECTING to get fouled immediately and that's why they weren't that prepared to try to get the ball across mid court. Smart play by Illinois. I'm pretty sure I thought they were going to come out and foul immediately.

That was arguably a program-changing loss. Regardless, it was a shot to the jewels...

Painful memories can sometimes cloud the reality of the situation. It was horrible, maybe one of the worst feelings I have ever had at the Barn, other than the Wisonsin game a week or so earlier, but the magnitude is a bit overblown. The common perception that they would have made the tournament is flawed, I think. If we recall, they got pounded by Illinois later that week in the BTT, which I think would have sealed their fate even if they held on to the first Illinois game. What also gets lost in cursing Burleson is that Dusty was out of position after he passed the ball in. The faux pas was a team effort.

Interesting insight that they were expecting a foul and panicked when it didn't happen. Maybe true. I think that demon has been exorcised, though.

You could add in the Monson year where we lost a birth in the NCAA's because we couldn't get the ball across halfcourt against Illinois.

You had to bring up 2003 Michigan...I mean...whatever.

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