Troy Fumagalli

You beat me to it. Fumagalli has the coveted Western Michigan offer, so sign him up!

I took a look at his tape, nice hands, good blocking effort/technique, ok speed, and shows the ability to adjust to balls thrown at him.
Skinny for 6'5'' 220, I'd bet he's actually closer to 205, but that's not a problem to coach Klein and Kill. Good potential as a TE prospect IMO.

Question - (for some of you who really follow the recruiting scene)

Before they extend an offer to a kid, do they sound out the kid and see if he's receptive? It would seem to be a waste of time to offer kids who have no interest in the Gophs, so I'm just wondering how they figure out whether a kid is genuinely interested in the U.

My only direct exposure to the recruiting scene has been more at the D2 and D3 level. I've known a few kids who were recruited by D1 schools, but I never asked them about the nitty-gritty of the process.

Question - (for some of you who really follow the recruiting scene)

Before they extend an offer to a kid, do they sound out the kid and see if he's receptive? It would seem to be a waste of time to offer kids who have no interest in the Gophs, so I'm just wondering how they figure out whether a kid is genuinely interested in the U.

My only direct exposure to the recruiting scene has been more at the D2 and D3 level. I've known a few kids who were recruited by D1 schools, but I never asked them about the nitty-gritty of the process.

Well in this case Fumagalli camped here, so that would probably indicate he has some interest in the program.

Question - (for some of you who really follow the recruiting scene)

Before they extend an offer to a kid, do they sound out the kid and see if he's receptive? It would seem to be a waste of time to offer kids who have no interest in the Gophs, so I'm just wondering how they figure out whether a kid is genuinely interested in the U.

My only direct exposure to the recruiting scene has been more at the D2 and D3 level. I've known a few kids who were recruited by D1 schools, but I never asked them about the nitty-gritty of the process.
It's probably a case-by-case basis, but from about February to June they throw out a TON of offers. There's probably, at the least, a phone call or two made in each case, but clearly not everyone who gets an offer is expressing a ton of interest. If a kid is getting 20-30 offers, you're not playing great odds that he's going to be all that interested in your school unless you're an Alabama or a USC, but it also doesn't hurt anything to send him a letter to potentially catch his eye.

At this point, with so many offers out and so many players already committed, you can spend more time looking at guys through camp and things like that because they simply don't have the offers to be snobs.

Anyway, this is the type of kid we should be (and obviously are) after. Lots of MAC offers, but still willing to make the drive to Minneapolis and try to earn a Big Ten offer. I'm not sure we really need a TE/H-back for this class, considering we added 2 or 3 in the last class, but a good athlete is a good athlete.

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