Trevor rules out Europe


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Mar 23, 2010
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Per this tweet from Myron

"@GophersBBGuy: Source: Trevor Mbakwe "has kind of ruled out overseas so if the draft looks good here, he'll leave, but if it's iffy, he'll stay here.""

With the pending lockout, I'd highly recommend if he's not a sure 1st round pick (which by most accounts he isn't from what I've seen), he might wanna stick around. I can't imagine being a 2nd round pick this year can be a good thing when you have an option of playing another year in college. But I'm not the one making the decision, so I don't know all the factors involved. Of course, things can changes through workouts and such. All it takes is blowing away a couple teams and suddenly you're a top 20 pick cause one team likes what you offer.

Either way, I wish him the best and just hope he makes the best decision for him and his family.

Per this tweet from Myron

"@GophersBBGuy: Source: Trevor Mbakwe "has kind of ruled out overseas so if the draft looks good here, he'll leave, but if it's iffy, he'll stay here.""

Good!! And if the NBA rules out Trever....we're coming!

"has kind of ruled out" means that he hasn't 100% ruled out anything. If he gets drafted, he'll get drafted. If he doesn't, I'm sure he'll try to catch on with a team. If he can't do that, who knows what he'll do.

We don't learn anything new we didn't know from that quote.

I try to avoid posting tweets from players, but this seems to be Trevor's response. Not much to read into I suppose from either quote (sorry if title is misleading)

"@TMbakwe32: I always wonder who my "sources" are"

More from Myron

"@GophersBBGuy: As for Trevor, I've talked to NBA scouts who believe he can play at the next level. Will be an interesting time for Minnesota."

"@GophersBBGuy: If he leaves, it changes everything for the upcoming season. If he stays, could be an all-Big Ten first-teamer and possibly more"

I can see tubby offering Ingram and Landry and if both commit someone else will "decide " to transfer. That way regardless of Trevor's decision gophers are covered. And if he leaves u can replace the transferring player.

You'll know what Trevor is going to do when he actually does it. Until then, forget about it. I'd say that even if he came out and said, "I have decided I will do X." I think most likley he'll be playing for the Gophers this coming season, but wouldn't be surprised by anything with him.

"@TMbakwe32: I always wonder who my "sources" are"

Whenever Myron says 'source' I call bull$h!t.

I can see tubby offering Ingram and Landry and if both commit someone else will "decide" to transfer.

I would say if they were going to force someone out it wouldn't be Mav (although he's our worst player on scholarship). We are going to need the depth at PG, I hope Andre and Welch can move Maverick back to third string. It would have to be a SG or SF. Who are you suggesting would "decide" to leave?

I would say if they were going to force someone out it wouldn't be Mav (although he's our worst player on scholarship). It would have to be a SG or SF. Who are you suggesting would "decide" to leave?

I just recall the Gophers have as many "scholarships as necessary" report, although it was Myron ... grain of salt.

I could see Chip or Mav leaving if Landry and Ingram committed, most likely Chip as he was rumored awhile ago as being unsure about his future.

Then if Trevor DOES end up leaving, use that last scholly on a transfer player, rumored top-10 guy, or a 4-year guy who you won't need any time soon (hopefully)

All speculation, on how I could see it playing out. Just an opinion.

Europe isn't the only place outside the U.S. where they play professional basketball. If Trevor is saying he doesn't want to leave the country, he is probably eliminating the only option to play pro ball available to him.

I hope he comes back. I'm a big fan but, I don't see him in the NBA.

I'm not an NBA guy, but I'm guessing the amount of college players that go overseas and wind up back in the NBA is pretty small. Jennings was an unusual situation, but I hear few names that have done that. So the question seems to me to be- does he just want to make money or does he want to go to the NBA. If he wants the NBA I would assume he is beiong counseled that another year here would be his best shot.

I'm not an NBA guy, but I'm guessing the amount of college players that go overseas and wind up back in the NBA is pretty small. Jennings was an unusual situation,

Jennings was a very different situation - he never went to college. Not a college-overseas-then NBA guy. He was always going to play in the NBA. He just needed to find something to do for a year.

Jennings was a very different situation - he never went to college. Not a college-overseas-then NBA guy. He was always going to play in the NBA. He just needed to find something to do for a year.

Exactly. He would have been drafted out of HS if he had the option. Not sure NBA scouts even really cared a whole lot about his Europe numbers.

I do wonder though why guys like Bledsoe didn't go to Europe for a year ... it was obvious he was hurting for money and had a hard time getting into school (based on rumors) he could have made his families life a lot easier by just going to Europe for a year. If he has the same draft result as Jennings that is.

Classic! Trevor isn't the first player to shut Myron down.

IMO, wasn't necessarily "shooting him down" could also just be wondering who is talking to the media about him. He doesn't confirm nor deny Myron's comments, but interestingly Myron's comments don't confirm or deny anything either.

Trev could just be wondering who told Myron exactly what was on his mind, you guys seem to only think he's calling Myron wrong, when he might be just a little creeped out that Myron found out something he hasn't really told anyone...

Trev could just be wondering who told Myron exactly what was on his mind, you guys seem to only think he's calling Myron wrong

That's one option, but I say he's wondering where Myron comes up with this $hit.

kingnoble23 @TMbakwe32 now myron talkin even more about u, i would tell him whats up hahahaha

ci45th @TMbakwe32: I always wonder who my "sources" are// me too...I guess people know more about us than we do lol

TMbakwe32 @kingnoble23 lmao

kingnoble23 @TMbakwe32 i think its that myron guy from the star tribune haha

TMbakwe32 I always wonder who my "sources" are

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