Trestman loses 40-3 tonight to Hamilton


Wag more, bark less
Jan 5, 2009
Reaction score
Do we really want someone who loses focus so easy?

Trestman would be a ridiculous choice but this is reaching.

Canadian football doesn't count. I mean 20 yard endzones and a 110 yard field? Twelve players per side and three downs? C'mon!:p

Would you want a high school coach who coached Nine man football?

Just to clarify, 25 yard end zones.

I was just fooling around. Montreal is now 10-5 but has really been thumped a few times on the road. Strange team. To be fair they have already won the division while Hamilton needs to stay ahead of Toronto for second place in the division.

Guarantee he was on the sideline the whole night, thinking about the Gophers. Smoking cigarettes.

And children.

Free candy?


You guys, give him a break!

I mean, really! Even with the bad loss, Montreal is still among the top 7 or 8 teams in the league.

The lopsided loss, numerically, sounds like a score you might associate with our recently fired head coach!

He was obviously playing the #2 QB to get him some snaps(and game experience) for their new coach next year.

In all fairness, outside of a few bad calls and some bad luck, weren't they in the game until the 4th trimestre?

Canadian football doesn't count. I mean 20 yard endzones and a 110 yard field? Twelve players per side and three downs? C'mon!:p

That would actually make for a seamless transition. Brewster's teams routinely had too many guys in the huddle, and we usually wasted at least one play/series with a mongoloid playcall. Besides, given Weber's propensity for overthrowing his receivers, a wider endzone would be a real plus.

To add insult to injury, have you ever been to Hamilton, Ontario. Its a friggin' dump. Basically a suburb of Toronto (which is an awesome city). Horrible traffic. It has about as much character as Bloomington, MN. Without the MOA. At least Trestman could have gotten spanked by a team with a real city. If he boofs Fido vs. Hamilton, it would be a sign that he'd routinely choke vs. MAC teams. Or NDSU.

That would actually make for a seamless transition. Brewster's teams routinely had too many guys in the huddle, and we usually wasted at least one play/series with a mongoloid playcall. Besides, given Weber's propensity for overthrowing his receivers, a wider endzone would be a real plus.

To add insult to injury, have you ever been to Hamilton, Ontario. Its a friggin' dump. Basically a suburb of Toronto (which is an awesome city). Horrible traffic. It has about as much character as Bloomington, MN. Without the MOA. At least Trestman could have gotten spanked by a team with a real city. If he boofs Fido vs. Hamilton, it would be a sign that he'd routinely choke vs. MAC teams. Or NDSU.

MOA adds character????????????????????????

Otherwise great post.

That would actually make for a seamless transition. Brewster's teams routinely had too many guys in the huddle, and we usually wasted at least one play/series with a mongoloid playcall. Besides, given Weber's propensity for overthrowing his receivers, a wider endzone would be a real plus.

To add insult to injury, have you ever been to Hamilton, Ontario. Its a friggin' dump. Basically a suburb of Toronto (which is an awesome city). Horrible traffic. It has about as much character as Bloomington, MN. Without the MOA. At least Trestman could have gotten spanked by a team with a real city. If he boofs Fido vs. Hamilton, it would be a sign that he'd routinely choke vs. MAC teams. Or NDSU.

Hamilton is basically like a smaller Cleveland or a much, much larger Duluth. It's not really a suburb of Toronto (except in Toronto's mind). It's a blue collar town and a lake port.

You are right about the dump part though...but there are worse places. Cleveland for starters.

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