Tressel May Have Known Early

The Vest is not as hyped out of classy guy as everyone thinks. Everyone around Youngstown knew his guys were dealing with a man named Mickey Monus (corrupt business man from Youngstown who later and still may be serving jail time), his QB after they won their first 1-AA title was rolling around in BMW's and what not.
As much as a mess up as the guy was, take into account everything Maurice Clarrett hads said about tOSU and how much goes on there, where there is smoke there is fire.

Even if the allegations are true, OSU is too much of a high profile school to get made an example of. I'm sure it'll be a slap on the wrist...the NCAA has no morals.

Here in Columbus, news of SweaterVest introuble comes with mixed reaction. Some see this as rreally, really bad while others question the reliability of the source. But funny thing is Yahoo Sports filed an open records request for emails and notes from last April in regard to the allegations and the tOSU is still contemplating the request.

The NCAA will not allow an opportunity like this to pass by without showing the member institutions that it means business. Bowling Green will have no idea what hit it by the time this investigation is finished and penalties are handed down.

The Vest is not as hyped out of classy guy as everyone thinks. Everyone around Youngstown knew his guys were dealing with a man named Mickey Monus (corrupt business man from Youngstown who later and still may be serving jail time), his QB after they won their first 1-AA title was rolling around in BMW's and what not.
As much as a mess up as the guy was, take into account everything Maurice Clarrett hads said about tOSU and how much goes on there, where there is smoke there is fire.

I've long heard the same rumors about Youngstown but have never been sure how much stock to put into them.

Why the NCAA has been almost NBA-like in their foul calling, there is one thing that schools like Alabama and USC found out, the NCAA takes a very dim view of being lied to.

If you're a big time school they'll protect you. Lie to them and all bets may be off.

I lol at the Ohio State fans and their reactions to this. My favorite so far was "the NCAA is just out to get us because a bad story sells more than a good story, and we're under the biggest microscope all the time."

Normally, I would want the hammer to come down hard on a program like OSU. But they can keep cheating for all I care, if it keeps the skunks out of the b10 championship game every year.

My best guess is that the vest will get fined and suspended for a game. He will also be required to sign 'a pledge' to return to coaching and fulfill his contract. Integrity is important to tOSU...

Perhaps THIS was the rumored 'major program'/"major violations" story and not Oregon. I was actually hoping for ND or a SEC school get dinged.

I know what will happen....

the ncaa will be so mad at OSU for this they will penalize Minnesota!!!!

the ncaa will be so mad at OSU for this they will penalize Minnesota!!!!

Or Cleveland State!!! Or NDSU for lakesbison's sake.

Actually, because the Big Ten shares all moneys from Bowl Games, etc, equally, the NCAA will have all BT schools share tOSU's punishment equally. The punishment will be needles driven under the fingernails of the schools' mascots. Because WI sucks so bad, their mascot will also have needles driven under toenails just to emphasize how naughty tOSU is.

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