Traye Simmons takes shot at U coaches


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per this tweet:

"I love how Tressel has his guys back even though his players messed up. I wish my coaches at the U would've had mine."

Go Gophers!!

Don't recall him messing up publicly in any way.

That "support" Tressel is showing may very well destroy his coaching career and put the program through some major difficulties. I believe in coaches being their for their players and supporting them to a degree, but not to the devastation of team and their careers and the players need to learn to be responsible as well.

Public perception and what really happens are two seperate things. Traye sees the Evil Sweater Vest publicly support his guys but doesn't see what kind of punishments the Tatted 5 have to endure. I'm guessing that Traye feels he wasn't supported for something he did wrong that wasn't leaked to the public even though the non-leak is a good start for support.

If I remember correctly, didn't Traye lose some PT his senior year to Carter later on in the season? Maybe that was due to some off-field transgressions.

If BPT did not play it was because the guy was afraid of contact. He would literally cringe when he saw the ball runner coming in his direction.

Kid was afraid of contact.

(Edit: Department of Redundancy Department)

sour grapes do not make a good whine. The coach is always going to back people on the payroll.

The difference is that Tressel's players have a lot more talent than Traye.

Public perception and what really happens are two seperate things. Traye sees the Evil Sweater Vest publicly support his guys but doesn't see what kind of punishments the Tatted 5 have to endure. I'm guessing that Traye feels he wasn't supported for something he did wrong that wasn't leaked to the public even though the non-leak is a good start for support.

If I remember correctly, didn't Traye lose some PT his senior year to Carter later on in the season? Maybe that was due to some off-field transgressions.

You may be on to something. He is likely referring to how he was treated his Senior year being benched behind Carter and Collado, particularly in the Iowa and Bowl games. But I agree that players are better served when transgressions are not leaked.

Whether Tressel had better talent that ^Simmons^ or not is beyond the point.. Let's put things into perspective, with all the fairy dust in the world, Brewster could never be the coach Tressel is and screwed our student athletes in many ways most fans don't understand.
Yet, wishing for public support from your coach after rules violations that got you a 5 game suspension?.. Isn't something you really want, especially when this 'support' for players could STILL cost sweater vest his job..

That "support" Tressel is showing may very well destroy his coaching career and put the program through some major difficulties.

Is that such a bad thing I would love to see OSU be terrible for a few years.

Is that such a bad thing I would love to see OSU be terrible for a few years.

Not saying that is necessarily a bad thing, but the cause/effect. Why would any coach want to go to such lengths just so their players can still feel protected even though they have been totally irresponsible. That is asking a little to much IMO. Tressel is in no way better off with the fans or the School if the NCAA comes down hard on him and the program.

Whether Tressel had better talent that ^Simmons^ or not is beyond the point.. Let's put things into perspective, with all the fairy dust in the world, Brewster could never be the coach Tressel is and screwed our student athletes in many ways most fans don't understand.
Yet, wishing for public support from your coach after rules violations that got you a 5 game suspension?.. Isn't something you really want, especially when this 'support' for players could STILL cost sweater vest his job..

You're fooling yourself if you think that Tressel is about backing up his players. Tressel's actions throughout his ordeal was fueled by one thing, the drive to win at all costs. He buried information and lied to investigators because he thought it gave him the best chance to win. If you think that makes him a great guy more power to you but I for one hope he gets his ass nailed to the wall.

I don't understand how what Tressel did was having their back. He put the program in jeopardy by his actions. If anything, what he did will cause him to lose respect from many players and recruits.

Seems like Traye is a "me" type person. Addition by subtraction IMO.

I don't understand how what Tressel did was having their back. He put the program in jeopardy by his actions. If anything, what he did will cause him to lose respect from many players and recruits.

Agreed. Sweater-vest had his best interest in mind only. He would have sold those kids souls to the devil if it kept him out of hot water.

Who is Traye Simmons? He's #38 for the San Diego Chargers. Practice Squad, but still getting paid at the next level.

Who is Traye Simmons? He's #38 for the San Diego Chargers. Practice Squad, but still getting paid at the next level.

Note to Traye:

Practice squad guy should be tweeting "I'm in great shape, best of my life. Gonna push the starters at camp for sure."

Very stupid manuevre for Traye. The Chargers will look into what he is referring to. Guys on the margin have very little flex when it comes to bad behaviour.

Saying that you want to push the starters for time is exactly what you want from a practice squad player, so I guess I don't see how a tweet saying that is a terrible move.

As to the OP: it should read "former" U coaches.

Saying that you want to push the starters for time is exactly what you want from a practice squad player, so I guess I don't see how a tweet saying that is a terrible move.

Treye's original Tweet was about wishing Brewster covered his back as well as tressel covers up for tOSU players. I suggested this wasn't a great tweet from a practice roster guy and suggested what he should be tweeting.

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