Tracey Claeys a man of conviction


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Nov 24, 2008
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Why do so many seem to want to replace him as head coach? He seems to live by his beliefs , not by political correctness or what may be best for him. Isn't this what people say they want?
I would guess that there is not a player who wouldn't (run through a brick wall ) for him and his staff. That is real leadership.
In addition he appears to be very intelligent, a good talent evaluator, and recruiter.
Don't always think the grass is greener.
I think coach claeys if given time will bring our program to new heights. I think we were very fortunate he was there when coach kill had to step down. He was better than anyone we could have hired.

Why do so many seem to want to replace him as head coach? He seems to live by his beliefs , not by political correctness or what may be best for him. Isn't this what people say they want?
I would guess that there is not a player who wouldn't (run through a brick wall ) for him and his staff. That is real leadership.
In addition he appears to be very intelligent, a good talent evaluator, and recruiter.
Don't always think the grass is greener.
I think coach claeys if given time will bring our program to new heights. I think we were very fortunate he was there when coach kill had to step down. He was better than anyone we could have hired.

If he does end up staying at the very least I want to hear from him how the 17 year old recruit ended up in that situation. As HC I feel like he should be at least partly responsible.

The only thing I don't agree with on the OP is recruiting. That being said, I don't think he survives
after the bowl game is played. If Coyle stays, his chances of hiring a credible coach is slim and none after the way he has handled this whole debacle ; especially throwing Claeys under the bus.

If he does end up staying at the very least I want to hear from him how the 17 year old recruit ended up in that situation. As HC I feel like he should be at least partly responsible.
Ask Rick Pitino...[emoji41]

Ask Rick Pitino...[emoji41]

What this stuff only happens in MN......

It would be stupid to fire Claeys, at least until this situation is well behind us. What coach would want to walk into all the bullsjit that will be swirling around the program well after the bowl game and probably into next season.

It's going to be very hard to get recruits to come here. Or coaches.

Can't wait for the reaction when the extension is announced.

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If somehow Claeys survives this the stands are going to be pretty empty next year. Folks have not been pleased with the lack of a big win and the undisciplined play on the field. Now the teams lack of discipline off the field has alienated a large number of folks and the teams boycott attempt is going to be seen by several as evidence of a culture of disrespect towards women. Add in the recruit being an active participant in all of this and IMO it points to firing Claeys and staff and starting over.

Not to sound cynical but.......................a big win over Iowa or especially Wisconsin next year, and all of this will be forgotten. It will become a footnote in Gopher history.

In the end, it's all about winning. As far as attendance, if Coyle is smart (a huge assumption), he will come out as soon as possible with a drop in ticket prices, or a reduction in the scholarship seating fee.

Why do so many seem to want to replace him as head coach? He seems to live by his beliefs , not by political correctness or what may be best for him. Isn't this what people say they want?
I would guess that there is not a player who wouldn't (run through a brick wall ) for him and his staff. That is real leadership.
In addition he appears to be very intelligent, a good talent evaluator, and recruiter.
Don't always think the grass is greener.
I think coach claeys if given time will bring our program to new heights. I think we were very fortunate he was there when coach kill had to step down. He was better than anyone we could have hired.

wtf you talking about---political correctness?? he stuck up for a bunch of players that were way over their head that supported the breaking of a set of code of ethics of every student at the U signs on for when accepted to the U

he's got to go

As @JoeCStrib first noted: the 82-page report influenced some Gopher players to rescind boycott. Parents were calling players, too.

Another red flag against Claeys is when players parents are calling and telling their kids to end boycott.

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As @JoeCStrib first noted: the 82-page report influenced some Gopher players to rescind boycott. Parents were calling players, too.

Another red flag against Claeys is when players parents are calling and telling their kids to end boycott.

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Claeys' tweet looks really bad considering what was in the report, which is why I would have preferred something a little more generic or for him to say nothing at all. As it is, he's probably having to do some explaining on multiple fronts behind the scenes.

Here's what we don't know - when did Claeys see the EOAA report? the players had not seen the report when they met with Coyle and began the boycott. and Claeys was in San Diego doing media for the bowl game. It's quite possible he had not seen the report. If I was Claeys, I would be royally ticked at Coyle and Kaler for not keeping him in the loop- and for lying when they said Claeys had a role in deciding the suspensions.

If someone thinks Claeys deserves to lose his job over this - then Coyle and Kaler should be following him out the door - if not preceding him out the door.

Here's what we don't know - when did Claeys see the EOAA report? the players had not seen the report when they met with Coyle and began the boycott. and Claeys was in San Diego doing media for the bowl game. It's quite possible he had not seen the report. If I was Claeys, I would be royally ticked at Coyle and Kaler for not keeping him in the loop- and for lying when they said Claeys had a role in deciding the suspensions.

If someone thinks Claeys deserves to lose his job over this - then Coyle and Kaler should be following him out the door - if not preceding him out the door.


Here's what we don't know - when did Claeys see the EOAA report? the players had not seen the report when they met with Coyle and began the boycott. and Claeys was in San Diego doing media for the bowl game. It's quite possible he had not seen the report. If I was Claeys, I would be royally ticked at Coyle and Kaler for not keeping him in the loop- and for lying when they said Claeys had a role in deciding the suspensions.

If someone thinks Claeys deserves to lose his job over this - then Coyle and Kaler should be following him out the door - if not preceding him out the door.

Can get on board with that, especially since Coyle presumably knew what was in the report. If Claeys had truly not seen the report and then tweeted in that context, I can understand why he did so. Admittedly, I wouldn't have tweeted that way, but that's just me. Coyle may not have anticipated Claeys tweeting anything when the boycott was announced either. Regardless, Coyle should have kept Claeys in the loop, as you said.

Here's what we don't know - when did Claeys see the EOAA report? the players had not seen the report when they met with Coyle and began the boycott. and Claeys was in San Diego doing media for the bowl game. It's quite possible he had not seen the report. If I was Claeys, I would be royally ticked at Coyle and Kaler for not keeping him in the loop- and for lying when they said Claeys had a role in deciding the suspensions.

If someone thinks Claeys deserves to lose his job over this - then Coyle and Kaler should be following him out the door - if not preceding him out the door.

I don't think Coyle saw the report until making the suspensions. I don't think Coyle can be part of EOAA investigation.

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You need to understand that, a large part of the players anger, was that the accusser had her attorney present during questioning and the players for the most part did not. From the outside looking in it has all the appearences of being a 'kangaroo court'. That by it's self is enough to justify the players anger.

You need to understand that, a large part of the players anger, was that the accusser had her attorney present during questioning and the players for the most part did not. From the outside looking in it has all the appearences of being a 'kangaroo court'. That by it's self is enough to justify the players anger.

This is just messed up.

Tracy Claeys is responsible for everything that happens or doesn't happen within the football program. He signs off on everyone that Minnesota recruits and is the author of the local culture in which the coaches, staff, and players execute their responsibilities. Everything that happens or not is a direct reflection of his leadership and management efficiency. Assuming this significant responsibility is the reason why he is paid the way he is.

A visiting high school student participating in a gangbang of a drunk woman is Tracy Claeys' responsibility. Half a dozen players in line reflects what makes sense to them under Tracy Claeys' leadership. He is responsible for communicating the standards of acceptable behavior and providing supervision to guarantee that those expectations are met. Saying "it happens at other places on recruiting visits" or trying to normalize the behavior is quibbling, spineless bull****.

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