Tough summer continues for STrib critics, yet another huge cover profile on Gophs!


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Nov 11, 2008
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Great job by Kent Youngblood today with a huge three-page profile on the 1960 national title team. It won't be online until Wednesday as it's one of those Sunday profiles, but some great photography including an awesome picture of Coach Warmath speaking to students at an on campus rally.

All of these Sunday profiles sure have silenced the vocal critics.

Go Gophers!!

I'm assuming the 1960 team profile is in the newspaper edition only, not online yet?

I'm assuming the 1960 team profile is in the newspaper edition only, not online yet?
Yeah, it'll be online Wednesday. Look for it, definitely worth the read. Kent really did a nice job giving an overview of the build up to that season. I didn't know Warmath was on the hot seat.

Looks like it's just the first installment for the 50th anniversary of the 1960 team. I'm excited to see the others.

I heard Reusse a couple days ago say that the new top guy in the strib sports dept is a big college football fan. He said we are going to get more coverage shoved down our throats if we like it or not. Awesome!

"Tough summer continues for Strib critics, yet another huge cover profile on Gophs!"

Have I missed a lot of complaining about the Strib's (lack of) coverage of the Gophers? I mean, I know people have complained about Youngblood ignoring his blog for seven months and I am aware of the general hatred of Souhan and Reusse. But I think the Strib's beat reporters have generally done a good job over the years once practice begins.

I am probably one of those. I canceled my subscription, and tried the PP for a bit, and ended up canceling that one also. I tend to voice my displeasure with my wallet.

"Tough summer continues for Strib critics, yet another huge cover profile on Gophs!"

Have I missed a lot of complaining about the Strib's (lack of) coverage of the Gophers? I mean, I know people have complained about Youngblood ignoring his blog for seven months and I am aware of the general hatred of Souhan and Reusse. But I think the Strib's beat reporters have generally done a good job over the years once practice begins.

To be fair, there has been a lot of praise thrown at both papers for increased coverage so far. I haven't heard anyone NOT being happy that Youngblood is off the beat.

My feeling on this is simple: There is way too much painting with a broad brush when it comes to coverage.

Don't like what talk radio says? It's always 'the media in this town' that sucks.

Don't like what a columnist writes one day? It's always 'the media in this town' that hates the Gophers.

That's like saying all lawyers are crooks or all football players get arrested. It just isn't true.

I think the people that write 90 percent of the words written on the team in this town (the two beat writers) are very fair. I get the Star Tribune at home and there have been stories in the paper nearly every day since practice started and many of those have been on the front page. Considering that reporters can only watch a small amount of practice and the Gophers haven't played or practiced against anybody other than themselves, I think that isn't bad.

Isnt it odd

I still remember listening to that opening game vs nebraska in the car as my parents were shopping.

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