Total Seat Count as of Midnight 6-12-09


Grand Poobah
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
All of these numbers are a little fluid, as I am two off from a previous number, but it's pretty much the same. Anyways, here are my numbers:

Total seats remaining: 745 (-464 from midnight last night)

Total lower level seats remaining: 124 (-9 from midnight last night)

Total upper level seats remaining: 621 (-455 from midnight last night)

Sections sold out: 11 (not counting student sections)

Sections with at least 100 seats remaining:

-232: 110 seats
-231: 109 seats

Some statistical notes over the past 24 hours:

-Today's selectors were primarily upper-deck selectors, with 455 of a total of 464 seats being selected upstairs. This has a lot to do with the fact that there are no longer any consecutive seats available downstairs.

-The biggest section from the lower deck selected today was still 101, although only six seats were chosen in that section. Three other single seats were selected from the lower deck today.

-In the upper deck, there were a few "mover and shaker" sections. They were:

-Section 232 (84 seats)
-Section 219 (78 seats)
-Section 232 (62 seats)
-Section 231 (59 seats)
-Section 235 (53 seats)
-Section 234 (48 seats)
-Section 201 (27 seats)
-Section 246 (24 seats)

-Again, the folks seem to really be shying away from single space tickets. Problem is, we're about three sections away from having only single game tickets. Either someone's going to take them, or they're going to be left there for the athletic department to figure out what to do with them...that should be fun.

-One would guess that there will be fewer than 300 tickets remaining at the end of the day tomorrow. I'll do another analysis tomorrow, and then probably wait until after Monday night to do the next analysis, considering they won't do any picking over the weekend.

T-shirt for the true Minnesota heros...

If anybody needs a t-shirt, it should be the gopherholers on the waitlist who make the tough choices next week, and decide to sit alone. Those who recognize going to TCF is more important than sitting next to friends or family. Those who are going to be truly asked to suffer for GopherNation. Those who will for years have to collect GopherPoints and hope and pray for the old guys in front of them to just hurry up and die already ;)

Oh and Nick good work, but did you, Rock, and I manage to pick the dog of the sections? What happened to good old 231!?

My 370+ total was....

...just consecutive seats.

I'm suprised by the singles number...but maybe that is normal for a process like this.

I can only remember singles in the same row in 1 or 2 instances.

I do wonder if they will bump someone up or down a row to make room to put single in adjacent rows together.

Great to see. Thanks for the data ATTF.

Go Gophers!


I called the ticket office the other day to see if they were going to set single game ticket prices and they said "no". They don't plan on selling any single game tickets other than the visitor allotment through the visiting school. Tickets will not have a face value on them like they have in the past.

...just consecutive seats.

I'm suprised by the singles number...but maybe that is normal for a process like this.

I can only remember singles in the same row in 1 or 2 instances.

I do wonder if they will bump someone up or down a row to make room to put single in adjacent rows together.

Great to see. Thanks for the data ATTF.

Go Gophers!


When I got my tickets I believe I read that the U reserved the right to move me left or right to eliminate single seats. I assume you could also get bumped a row.

If you click through the sections there are quite a few singles that are next to each other in terms of one row up from the other. I wonder how many people would be willing to buy two tickets this way. Better than sitting several rows apart.

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