Torren McGaster to Vanderbilt


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Jul 25, 2009
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James Franklin is a recruiting machine.

I live in Knoxville and James Franklin's early work has a lot of the University of Tennessee fans very nervous.

Vandy landed the top in-state prospect and has been competitive in areas like Memphis where there are a ton of kids with raw talent. (think "The Blind Side")

I hate to say it, but I'm scared to death Jamel Harbison is going to bail on us and head to Vandy.

Academically, Vanderbilt is awesome. I'm not in love with the campus, but it's very similar to Minnesota in that it's near downtown in an urban area. Although, I'd say Minnesota is much more attractive in terms of aesthetics.

I am worried about Harbison as well, but Franklin will get tired of having to recruit decent students when the rest of the conference can get anyone in school. He'll be gone before McDonald graduates.

He's a good coach, too. Vandy 6-6 this year and played some of the SEC big boys tough...

Probably means Eric Lee stays with his South Florida verbal as well....

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