Top 3 things you will and won't miss about the dome

Go Gophers Rah

Section 238 Row 21
Nov 13, 2008
Reaction score
While the dome has mostly bad memories, there are a few things about it that I will miss. They are probably the same for many people.

Top 3 things I'll miss about the dome:
1) The noise. Even 45,000 of us can make quite a racket in there.
2) Protection from the pouring rain (I can live with the cold and snow, but a downpour - yuck)
3) Beer sales.

Top 3 things I won't miss about the dome:
1) Sitting inside on a beautiful fall day.
2) All the blue seats.
3) Being separate from the beautiful U of M campus.

The only thing I'll miss about the dome:
1) The noise.

Top 3 things I won't miss about the dome:
1) Being inside.
2) The horrible, horrible, horrible lack of college football atmosphere outside the stadium.
3) The stale, boring, sterile atmosphere inside the dome.

SteveDavis23 and GGR hit the top ones for me. (no tailgating on a widespread basis)

I'll miss the dome only that...I have many memories of college football games in the (many were VERY bad ones)...some good ones.

The 59-56 game and the win over Wisconsin in '93?? were great memories.

But the blue seats and STALE!! atmosphere against especially non-conference foes is enough for me to CAN'T wait to be outside and cheering in a real atmosphere on campus.

Beat the Hawks!




Will Miss
Good sight lines.
Chair backs instead of benches.

Won't Miss
The fake piped in noise on 3rd downs. That's lame.
15,000 Iowa and Wisconsin fans. We will miss their money.
Not trying to be disrespectful, but old people in the stands. I have a feeling a lot won't move to the outdoor stadium.

Miss: Protection from downpours. Cold you can bundle against. I guess it will be poncho time.

- Chairbacks; I just don't get bench sitting without backs in a new stadium.

-We come down from north of the Dome. It's very easy getting to and from the game, but I'll take the irritation to be back on campus.

Won't miss: Feeling like being a "visitor" when Iowa or Wisconsin come to town.

- The lousy consession food. Eating something while watching pre-game drills is an excercise in "what the hell was I thinking"

- Playing in the Vikings stadium, looking up at people in the Vikings Suites, driving by and seeing Vikings ads etc.,etc. When the Gophers win we should tear down the goalposts and give them to their rightful owners in Eden Prairie!

Will not miss the metrodome B.O.

1. All the games against Buffalo, Lousiana Lafayette(Last time we have seen a chilli pepper as a mascot) and even the games against those pogues from NDSU.
2. The couple times the Gophers won the Axe or the Pig.
3. Going on the road to see what the rest of college football is like.

1. Blue Seats
1A. Blue Seats

2. Metrodome BO, the stale air and the smell of sweat, dank and gross air every time you go in
there. The BO quotient will be high with the poor hygiene Ioweegians, not mention them peeing in the streets.

3. Will not have to listen to stupid Badgers and Hawkeye fans talk about all those great memories of taking over the place and the goal post.

Will miss

Won't miss:
1) old people
2) roof
3) bad sound for band

Will miss:
1) beer
2) seatbacks
3) beer

Will Miss:

*Easy train ride to the dome
*Getting blown out the doors at the end of the game, it's kind of fun.

Won't Miss:

*Buying over priced crappy beer, now I can get loaded up on something good and then sober up to enjoy/remember the end of the game
*Distance from campus
*Crappy band setup

Will Miss:
Dome Dogs

Won't Miss:
Bad atmosphere, CFB needs outdoors
Fans not being excited, thats my #1. the fans make the game what it should be and i I have a feeling the fans in TCF will be better.

3 things I will miss
-Ability to buy a beer (won't miss the price)
-Can't think of anything for number 2
-Can't think of anything for number 3

Won't miss
-The sick feeling I always got stepping out of the dome after a game into a crisp cool autumn day
-Crappy sound from the band being piped through the sound system
-Trying to figure out where to put my coat without having it stick to the floor during the game

Won't Miss:
-Dressing in easily removable layers for tailgating, and stripping down for the game.
-horrible acoustics
-Iowa and Wisconsin fans

Will Miss:
-rain shelter

Will Miss:
Good sight lines.
Chair backs instead of benches.

You're in luck Section. TCF has better sight lines!

Will Miss:
Dome Dogs

Curse, you'll only have to miss lightrail for 2 seasons...won't the new lightrail line that will run on Wash then Univ be done in '10 or '11?

As for what I will miss:
Honestly, not much. Protection from really crappy weather. I'll sit through anything in TCF but I'll admit there will be days where I'm in a poncho where I'll be pining for the Humpty Dome.

What I won't miss:
- Bad acoustics that ruin everything from the band's sound to "And that's another Golden Gopher, FIRST DOWN!"
- "Jumbotron" that is anything but.
- Blue seats/the Sconnies/Iowa fans that fill them for a rivalry game

What I will miss:
1. Nothing
2. Nothing
3. Nothing

What I will not miss:
1. Cramped concourse
2. Dreadful acoustics
3. Sitting INSIDE on a lovely September afternoon or a snowy November evening

What I will Miss:
1) Beer (will be replaced by flasks/tailgating)
2) Warmth (will be replaced by flasks/layers)
3) Lightrail (will be replaced by very early tailgating)

What I won't miss:
1) Going indoors/off campus
2) Chairbacks (benches promote cheering/standing up)
3) Terrible acoustics + Jumbotron

Won't miss
1. The blue seats
2. The narrow concourses
3. Only 3,000 students in the stands at 11

Will miss:
1. The familiar faces that have had the same seats around me for the past decade.
2. The dome on days of downpours.
3. The memories I have of going to Gopher games at the dome with my grandpa as a kid.

Won't miss:
1. The narrow concourses. You can't walk anywhere at halftime in the dome.
2. Not being able to hear the band because of the echo's.
3. Blue seats. BLAH!

Just one more excuse for not playing in the fresh air.

High of 33 Saturday and winds 10-15mph. Lets move the game outside to the Blaine Sports Center. By the time the Iowegians figured out where the heck Baline is, the game is long over!! And we have the pig!!

my three

My elderly parents won't make every game now.
sitting by my friends
nothing else

won't miss
empty student section
visitor fans
away games at home

All miss seeing the student sec always showing up late

Three Things I will not miss

1. Conflicts with the Twins and playing at their convience.
1a. Half a$$ field markings in chalk, the mound,
2. The uneven steps in the dome. I have run some steps, and they are impossible.
3. Visiting fans spilling beer on me.

Three Things I will miss

1. Nothing
2. Absolutely, nothing
3. Let me be perfectly clear, Nothing.

One thing I will add, when they blow it up I want a ticket to that.

Wont miss anything

Having watched many games at the dome and also travelled to games at Penn St., Michigan, Michigan St, Iowa, Iowa St. and been to games in Nebraska, Colorado, Missouri, Texas, Florida & Florida St, Auburn and Alabama, I can say without hesitation that the Metrodome is the WORST major college venue in the country.

I will miss nothing and can't wait for the cold, the weather, the sun, the students, the band, the pregame and tailgaiting, the walk through campus with the buzz and pagentry.

To this day, one of my all time favorite game day experiences was getting loaded in Lincoln starting at 9 AM and walking through campus to the stadium and standing for the entire game (that is why you don't need seat backs) while Nebraska destroyed Kansas St. a few years ago.

There is nothing in the world like game day at these places...and I can't wait until all the Minnesota kids get to be a part of it.

I will miss nothing about the dome! Bring on TCF and Airforce!:D

Things I will miss:
1. One of the only stadiums I have watched football in. I almost feel like I have grown up with the dome.
2. The noise
3. Warmth on the freezing cold days

Things I won't miss.
1. Sitting inside when it a beautiful fall day - whether that be 85 degrees week one or the weather I sat through last weekend in Madison!
2. Away Fans
3. Empty Blue Seats

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