Tony Dungy on the Sports Huddle


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Nov 20, 2008
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Tony Dungy admitted at times he misses coaching, but he doesn't expect to rejoin the coaching ranks. (He misses the interactions with the players.) "I'm enjoying being a dad." He also said he's been attending his son's football games at the University of Oregon and is excited that he has an opportunity to play in the Rose Bowl. He told his son that he tried to get to the Rose Bowl while at the U but didn't quite get it done. His son is a freshman at the Eugene, OR school.

Go Gophers!!

Maybe he'd like to join Kill's staff as a part-time coach/consultant/recruiter/ambassador :)

What is bettter than one post from DL65?

Thanks for the multiple posts (Maturi and Dungy). They actually are better than the live broadcasts. I am looking forward to the Kill portion with bated breath.

Tony Dungy admitted at times he misses coaching, but he doesn't expect to rejoin the coaching ranks. (He misses the interactions with the players.) Go Gophers!!

I am not seeing a 100% denial in this quote. Tony Dungy could be the next Penn State coach. Don't bet against it. They are desperate for somebody like Tony to come in and rescue their program. And it might be just the kind of challenge he is looking for. Tony is a healer.

The Vikings could have any opening sooner rather than later. Just saying.

Dungy is friend with Frazier, seriously doubt he'd take the job from him.

Dungy might be tempted to do something like camps in the summer but I doubt he would want to go back to full time coaching. Also his wife hates the snow so even if he did get back into coaching it wouldn't be in the snow belt.

When's the last time Dungy has been to a U of M game? People around the Minnesota program seem to love him so much, but I don't know if the guy has ever promoted the school and program, or even attended a game.

When's the last time Dungy has been to a U of M game? People around the Minnesota program seem to love him so much, but I don't know if the guy has ever promoted the school and program, or even attended a game.
I still remember the basketball game where he got into a shouting match with, then Purdue head coach, Fred Schaus that very nearly devolved into fisticuffs. Ah, the good old days.

Dungy is an AINO (alumnus-in-name-only). I'll never understand why he gets so much play around here (not just on this board, but in Gophers talk generally). Until he shows that he actually cares about the U, he's dead to me as far as Gophers-related items are concerned.

Dungy is an AINO (alumnus-in-name-only). I'll never understand why he gets so much play around here (not just on this board, but in Gophers talk generally). Until he shows that he actually cares about the U, he's dead to me as far as Gophers-related items are concerned.

Generally concur. He spoke at an alumni function a few years ago (I'm assuming he was compensated) and he "helped" Maturi with the search for a new coach (really?), and other than that, I've personally never seen him at any U of MN event, even when he lived here. The only thing I've really heard him say positive was he made a comment on Sunday Night Football about Decker doing well and how great it was that he was a Golden Gopher.

But to answer your question, he's the most successful living coach with a U of MN tie besides possibly Shanahan, and Shanahan's tie is weak at best. I think it's like when I was in high school and we all talked about the hottest girl in school. Sure she'd never even give me the time of day, but it was fun to imagine what would happen if she did...

Dungy is an AINO (alumnus-in-name-only). I'll never understand why he gets so much play around here (not just on this board, but in Gophers talk generally). Until he shows that he actually cares about the U, he's dead to me as far as Gophers-related items are concerned.

Well put. I guarantee you if polled a bunch of U of M students, a majority would likely not even know that Dungy is an alumnus. This is simply the result of Dungy not showing any love to the U or promoting its athletics. To think that he would ever come to the U in any official capacity is living a dream. The guy has never shown any interest in helping the U. I chuckled when I read that Dungy claimed to help with the coaching search; yeah right, I am sure he is the one who came up with Jerry Kill.

Dungy likes professional sports and will never be involved with the U of M athletics dept. in any substantial way.

Well put. I guarantee you if polled a bunch of U of M students, a majority would likely not even know that Dungy is an alumnus. This is simply the result of Dungy not showing any love to the U or promoting its athletics. To think that he would ever come to the U in any official capacity is living a dream. The guy has never shown any interest in helping the U. I chuckled when I read that Dungy claimed to help with the coaching search; yeah right, I am sure he is the one who came up with Jerry Kill.

Dungy likes professional sports and will never be involved with the U of M athletics dept. in any substantial way.
Well... Dungy is known for his faith and Kill has won multiple Christian coaching awards...

Dungy is an AINO (alumnus-in-name-only). I'll never understand why he gets so much play around here (not just on this board, but in Gophers talk generally). Until he shows that he actually cares about the U, he's dead to me as far as Gophers-related items are concerned.

Agree. I am tired of Dungy. Great guy, good coach, terrible television commentator.

Dungy is an AINO (alumnus-in-name-only). I'll never understand why he gets so much play around here (not just on this board, but in Gophers talk generally). Until he shows that he actually cares about the U, he's dead to me as far as Gophers-related items are concerned.

I thought that he gave advice regarding coaching candidates, and spoke on the capital steps at a rally for the Gophers new on campus stadium.

I think many of us expect him to speak frequently/ campaign for the U. My guess is that it just isn't something pro coaches do. I honestly can't recall any head coach being consistantly vocal about his alma mater. I can't even think of any of the current NFL coaches alma mater. Don't recall hearing them talk about it.

Ask yourself how many times Bud Grant stumped for the U?

I thought that he gave advice regarding coaching candidates, and spoke on the capital steps at a rally for the Gophers new on campus stadium.

I think many of us expect him to speak frequently/ campaign for the U. My guess is that it just isn't something pro coaches do. I honestly can't recall any head coach being consistantly vocal about his alma mater. I can't even think of any of the current NFL coaches alma mater. Don't recall hearing them talk about it.

Ask yourself how many times Bud Grant stumped for the U?

A person can only give so much of themselves. You don't here Bud stumping much for the U, or even for a Vikings stadium. But he is passionate about the outdoors and lends his voice in that arena.

I read one of Dungy's books as part of a group I belonged to. It was terrible but that was beside the point. He made mention of the U, but I gather there wasn't any influence here that really grabbed him. It seems as though he relates to those organizations that have had a profound impact on him. The Steelers organization and the Rooney family were mentioned with frequency. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that the U can be counted as one of his great influences. He certainly doesn't owe anything to the U.

A person can only give so much of themselves. You don't here Bud stumping much for the U, or even for a Vikings stadium. But he is passionate about the outdoors and lends his voice in that arena.

I read one of Dungy's books as part of a group I belonged to. It was terrible but that was beside the point. He made mention of the U, but I gather there wasn't any influence here that really grabbed him. It seems as though he relates to those organizations that have had a profound impact on him. The Steelers organization and the Rooney family were mentioned with frequency. Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that the U can be counted as one of his great influences. He certainly doesn't owe anything to the U.

Good post! What I meant by not hearing much from Grant was that it doesn't seem real common for a pro coach to (publicly)promote, etc. his alma mater.

BTW I ran into Bud Grant on a day the Vikings were pushing for a new stadium a couple of years ago at Mancini's. I am sure he was at least giving advice. I think when you get to the level of a Grant or Dungy, you often support in private not always in public.

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