Tonight refs


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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we get Ed Hightower crew. wow we screw.

excuses are already beginning...

Dont let the refs decide the game.

At the Purdue/Michigan game last weekend Hightower got kneed in the groin. It was immensely satisfying.

Yeah Ed was actually pretty good tonight. I saw a blatant foul committed by PC right in front of Ed and he let them play on (PC pulling Thompson back on a rebound).

At the Purdue/Michigan game last weekend Hightower got kneed in the groin. It was immensely satisfying.

If I remember correctly it was by E'Twan Moore. And rcpratt is right it was immensely satisfying. Although he only had one bad call that game I was fairly pleased with the way he called the game which be the first and most likely the last time I ever say that.

We got a bit of the home cooking we've been missing tonight. Could've used it against Michigan State, but I'll take what we can get. Hightower was fine.

Yeah, the reffing was good tonight. I wouldn't say the Gophers got that much of a home-court advantage.

wow, i think this was the best game ever called by hightower. i think his buttbuddy got a lil carried away at the end of the game, but we won so cant complain too much

Thought the refs were fine last night. A couple calls/no calls I had issues with but thats to be biggest gripe was I though Devoe drew a charge on a NW fast break and they called it a block, but a replay could prove me wrong. We got away with some stuff too, so I can't complain.

Yeah, the reffing was good tonight. I wouldn't say the Gophers got that much of a home-court advantage.

Watching it on TV, we DID get a whole lot of home cooking last night. It was a pretty badly called game, IMO, until the final 8 minutes, when it seemed to get fairer.

One of the worst calls I've seen in a long time was in our favor - I can't remember who it was, but our player transferred to the baseline on D, ran into the NW player who had just caught the ball, hit him hard and pushed him out of bounds, and the call was - OoB - our ball.

This was as bad of a job in our direction as the @Iowa or @MSU games were in their direction; but still not anywhere nearly as biased as the ridiculous @Purdue or @Indiana games. Still, in this case, w/o the home cookin' I'm not sure how that game turns out.

One of the worst calls I've seen in a long time was in our favor - I can't remember who it was, but our player transferred to the baseline on D, ran into the NW player who had just caught the ball, hit him hard and pushed him out of bounds, and the call was - OoB - our ball.


That was one of the worst calls you will ever see. Was wondering if you would point it out. What are the refs watching when they make a call like that?

Simple formula for great reffing...

1) The refs let them play

except ...

2) if an opponent breathes on one of your guys.

and of course ...

3) #1 & #2 don't mean a thing if your team loses because the other team obviously ... a) got the home cooking or b) your team didn't.

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