Tom Powers: Main course doesn't taste so good for Gophers


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Powers:

All those nonconference cupcakes didn't really prepare the Gophers for Saturday's slab of corn-fed Iowa beef.

As a result, Floyd of Rosedale never was in danger of having to relocate to the amber fields of Minnesota. Instead, they just plopped him right back on a John Deere and headed south on Intersate 35. Maybe he's happier there.

Go Gophers!!

per Powers:

All those nonconference cupcakes didn't really prepare the Gophers for Saturday's slab of corn-fed Iowa beef.

As a result, Floyd of Rosedale never was in danger of having to relocate to the amber fields of Minnesota. Instead, they just plopped him right back on a John Deere and headed south on Intersate 35. Maybe he's happier there.

Go Gophers!!

I hope we don't hear one more word out of people who criticized sportswriters for taking shots at our schedule and being unimpressed with our wins. The team had a chance to shut all of those critics up today, and instead we laid down and got beat bad by what is probably our weakest conference opponent.

Shut them up? Why? It's MUCH better to just let them hang themselves the way the dude from the strib did when he tried to seize the health issue thing. He is still laying in the corner bleeding from the thousands of cuts he received from outraged people all over America after he had the gall to write what he wrote.

Sportswriters basically suck. Period. That's the way it goes maroonandgoldbleeder. Sportswriters would starve to death if they didn't receive pay for being stiffs, jerks, low-lifes and people everyone loves to hate. So, they bash and we, the fans bash 'em right back.

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