Today's trivia question: Where did the mystery recruit end up?

embarrassed Hoosier

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Dec 20, 2016
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He committed yesterday to Indiana. No comments yet from the coaching staff. :confused:

Edit: looks like he may not be going to Indiana.

His best offer was Nebraska, unless they pulled it..

There's a picture on his 24/7 profile on him on the sideline with a woman who I assume is his mother. Awkward.

The recruit is Black, is he not:confused: I was told the train pull was a Blacks only event.

What is overly ironic and hilariously fitting is that the kid announced it from a bar called "Dicks Wings" no joke.

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His best offer was Nebraska, unless they pulled it..

Unless they can prove they pulled it for another reason, it is a likely Title IX violation.
1) He clearly was not involved in rape. From the Girl's own admission.
2) Thus, he has experienced discrimination over his sexual preferences.

One thing is certain: he would still have over 30 scholarship opportunities if he had not accepted a visit at Minnesota.

hopefully his teamates don't have odor issues.

One thing is certain: he would still have over 30 scholarship opportunities if he had not accepted a visit at Minnesota.

Hopefully your recruit at Indiana has improved his hygiene issues since his visit to Minnesota. As a U alumn I'm not really driven to discover the source of this dudes cause of distinct odor. He has a ready made nickname for the fanbase, "Stinky"

As of December 22nd, he is no longer listed as an Indiana commitment. And that would indicate that the Indiana coaches did not know about what had happened at Minnesota on Sept. 2.

So what if any action do you think his parents will pursue toward University of Minnesota for putting their 17 year old in the hands of the Golden Gophers for the weekend?

What to you think the ramifications will be for this kid losing all of his scholarship offerings?

What do you think the ramifications will now be for the Minnesota players that have been suspended now that the one kid who was least responsible appears to have lost all of his offers?

How do you think this reflects on your coach who said he stands behind his players?

What do you think this says about lack of institutional control at Minnesota? Did the Sept. 2 fiasco change anything about how Minnesota conducted recruit visits since then?

I think Minnesota has just bailed Rutgers out of the doghouse as having the most out of control football program in the Big 10.

Hopefully your recruit at Indiana has improved his hygiene issues since his visit to Minnesota. As a U alumn I'm not really driven to discover the source of this dudes cause of distinct odor. He has a ready made nickname for the fanbase, "Stinky"

Not so funny now Stinky!

Not so funny now Stinky!

I know, I was making a poor joke in bad taste and deserved your response. I do feel bad for the kid as a minor, especially since players on the team I support put him in that situation in the first place and served him alcohol. Pretty sure his parents will have the opportunity to take action against the Minnesota Football recruiting department, the person in charge over there, as well as the Gophers head coach, the Gophers athletic department, and more than likely the recruit host, who has wealthy parents and probably good liability insurance. Probably going to have to hire a good attorney who can also find out if any of the individuals filmed the recruit with the "alleged" victim. The recruits life got pretty messed up over what happened here on 09/02/16. Because of the public presence of recruitings football sites and the reporting on visits, pretty sure all Universities will be able to figure out the recruits name. This recruit get's tainted by this visit, and will likely spend quite a bit of time finding an attorney that will take his parents case. This will likely be the undoing of our Head Football coach, all of the pending lawsuits, because he trusted a lot of people that he put in charge, and the program and a kid like this will suffer for years because of it.

I know, I was making a poor joke in bad taste and deserved your response. I do feel bad for the kid as a minor, especially since players on the team I support put him in that situation in the first place and served him alcohol. Pretty sure his parents will have the opportunity to take action against the Minnesota Football recruiting department, the person in charge over there, as well as the Gophers head coach, the Gophers athletic department, and more than likely the recruit host, who has wealthy parents and probably good liability insurance. Probably going to have to hire a good attorney who can also find out if any of the individuals filmed the recruit with the "alleged" victim. The recruits life got pretty messed up over what happened here on 09/02/16. Because of the public presence of recruitings football sites and the reporting on visits, pretty sure all Universities will be able to figure out the recruits name. This recruit get's tainted by this visit, and will likely spend quite a bit of time finding an attorney that will take his parents case. This will likely be the undoing of our Head Football coach, all of the pending lawsuits, because he trusted a lot of people that he put in charge, and the program and a kid like this will suffer for years because of it.

You have restored my faith in humanity.

As of December 22nd, he is no longer listed as an Indiana commitment. And that would indicate that the Indiana coaches did not know about what had happened at Minnesota on Sept. 2.

So are you saying that Indiana pulled his scholarship offer because he had sex on a recruiting visit to Minnesota? Will they be discontinuing pursuit of all recruits who had sex on a recruiting visit? Does this sort of thing never happen at IU?

One only needs to read the report to know that the recruit did more than that. He participated in a threesome with a drunk girl and a member of the football team, then he stuck around and watched more football players (allegedly) chain rape the girl and cheered.

It's okay for a society to have higher standards than this. It's okay for us to call revolting, perverted behavior revolting and perverted.

One only needs to read the report to know that the recruit did more than that. He participated in a threesome with a drunk girl and a member of the football team, then he stuck around and watched more football players (allegedly) chain rape the girl and cheered.

It's okay for a society to have higher standards than this. It's okay for us to call revolting, perverted behavior revolting and perverted.

Standards are great. I have no idea why, or even if, IU pulled a scholarship offer to this recruit as the OP suggests. It appears that the OP is only speculating as to the reasoning. I think it's a bit hypocritical for any school to pretend that they are only going to recruit perfect ladies and gentlemen when I think we all know that recruiting visits can often get a little racier than ice cream sodas and being in bed (alone) by 10:00pm.

Does the report say he stayed around and cheered? The most common narrative I have heard is that it was awful for the University to have put him in this position since he was just 17 and in their care. If that's the version that you believe, then he's a "victim" in all of this and it shouldn't negatively impact his opportunity to pursue his education at IU or anywhere else. He isn't subject to University discipline and the police haven't pursued him. If IU cut ties with him because of that, then I think they are treating him unfairly to avoid a couple of tough questions at a press conference.

IU is certainly within its rights to take the action claimed by the OP, but to me they are hypocrites.

Does the report say he stayed around and cheered?

According to the author of the report, citing testimony from a team member, the recruit was one of those who stood in the doorway cheering and flipping the lights on and off.

The most common narrative I have heard is that it was awful for the University to have put him in this position since he was just 17 and in their care. If that's the version that you believe, then he's a "victim" in all of this and it shouldn't negatively impact his opportunity to pursue his education at IU or anywhere else.

I don't think most people give a free pass to perversion just because someone is a few months from their eighteenth birthday. I know the criminal justice system doesn't. The young man is responsible for decisions that he makes, and he chose to engage in a two-on-one with a drunk stranger and then watch and cheer for other men doing the same. Of course his host was supposed to watch over him, and the Gopher who invited/enticed him to participate deserves discipline too. And as much as I wanted to give TC the benefit of the doubt, I now have doubts about his leadership. Huge reservations, in fact.

He isn't subject to University discipline and the police haven't pursued him. If IU cut ties with him because of that, then I think they are treating him unfairly to avoid a couple of tough questions at a press conference.

IU's obligation is to carry out its mission, and its mission isn't to provide second chances for young men who have done bad things. The University of Indiana football program would be foolish to take a chance on someone who has already embarrassed another school by engaging in revolting behavior on an official visit.

IU is certainly within its rights to take the action claimed by the OP, but to me they are hypocrites.

We may disagree on the meaning of the word Hypocrite. I understand a hypocrite to be someone who says that a particular behavior is okay for them, but forbidden to others. How is it hypocrisy for IU to pull the recruit's scholarship offer?

Regarding the Indiana commitment, yesterday there were some posts that essentially said that there was no way IU was going honor the commitment. Tom Allen - the new Indiana coach - has a reputation of never swearing at practice. He went to a small baptist college. He is a family man and has a son who will be a freshman on scholarship next season. He appears to be a squeaky-clean straight shooter who has been extremely successful on the defensive side of the ball. People are pretty excited about the potential for the Hoosiers to get to the next level. This year IU was in every game in the fourth quarter and next year they have 21 of the 2-deep on defense returning.

There has been no word from the IU coaching staff commenting on the new commitment. And today, on the team website the recruit was no longer listed as committed. I think that is reasonable. I also think that it is reasonable for all of the schools that pulled their offers consider providing him the opportunity to earn their trust and get another offer. Maybe he needs to go to a prep school for a year to gain a level of maturity. The mitigating factor is that he did not go out looking for trouble. He was literally recruited into it.

Last year IU had a defensive back who had led the team in tackles as a sophomore was arrested for selling heroin, cocaine, meth, pot and for good measure has an illegal handgun. He was immediately kicked off the team and withdrew from school. Indiana State offered him a scholarship after the arrest - now that is desperation. He went court and got a few years of house arrest that allowed him to go to school and participate in school. A couple weeks ago he was arrested for armed robbery of someone he knew and threatened to kill him if he went to the police. I am not making this up.

So I ask you, do you think a new baptist coach if going to take a flier on this guy? Whoever does will undoubtedly tie in a lot of conditions. I feel sorry for the kid. But nobody twisted his arm to participate - though he did say he was not going to go to Minnesota because it was too "f--cked up.

Wilson, who just lost his coaching job under mysterious circumstances, was a disciplinarian. This year 6 players were suspended from the opening game. The year before he suspended 9 players from the opening game. Fred Glass, the AD, is very concerned about the real reputation - not perceived reputation of the student athletes. When Allen took the job the first question he got was what he would tell parents that his priorities are. He answered that the most important thing was that players graduate from college. IU is trying to build the program "the right way". Who knows how it turn out.

No one will deny that IU historically is probably the worst program in the country. Things are moving forward but at a glacial pace. Indiana probably is not a good place for "the recruit" because there would be too many things under the microscope.

One thing is certain: he would still have over 30 scholarship opportunities if he had not accepted a visit at Minnesota.

I think almost everyone would agree that what happened with this group that night was an embarrassment and not the way we want our state and university represented. I hope this young man gets another chance, and it was wrong that the player who was supposed to be watching out for him and showing him a fun weekend showed such an error in judgement.
Hoosiers are my fav Big Ten East football team and I look forward to the Gophs playing them again soon.

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