Today I gave me 2 year map of the United States and 2 crayons

norman dale

Lord, grant me one Rose Bowl
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Today I gave my 2 year a map of the United States and 2 crayons


Kid can't color within the lines at all.

picture compliments of Frank the Tank blog

Looks to me like they wanted to welcome NU to the conference and so made the divisions solely on their initials! I call a conspiracy.

Picasso Resurrected! Draws New Big 10 Division Lines!!



From this map, you can see that Wisconsin sticks in our craw both figuratively and now, divisionally speaking of course...

At least they're contiguous, if a little gerrymandered.

You're not thinking deeply enough. it's obviously a Yin-Yang symbol. The conference alignment that cannot be spoken is not the true conference alignment.

It's not the Big Ten Conference, it's the Big Zen Conference.

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