Title IX Excesses

Title IX was also twisted out of all recognition by this administration to impose the trans bathroom issue on N. Carolina and other states, always with the threat of pulling federal funds.

Both articles were good reads...the idea that you aren't allowed representation, don't know the charges (Winfield was told he was a witness), the accuser and witnesses being interviewed before the acused and the presumption of guilt simply don't jive with our constitution and rights as citizens and humans.

Guess we live in America unless you are enrolled in school, then you live in Marxist Russia.

Title IX was originally about gender equality. If you ignore basic economics and reality, I guess it originally did a good job of that by forcing schools to create women's teams that no one will watch and that will never turn a profit.

And now the DoE is promoting gender discrimination through Title IX. Literally the exact opposite of what it was supposed to do.

I hope this becomes a national issue. I hope this goes to the Supreme Court. Many people are saying that we're only defending the players because they're valuable to the football team. On the other hand, the fact that they're on the football team and that this is so public makes it possible for us to talk about this huge problem on campuses across America. The players are lucky they play football. I'm sure if they were just regular students, they'd get screwed over and no one would care about the lack of fairness or the discrimination.

Title IX was originally about gender equality. If you ignore basic economics and reality, I guess it originally did a good job of that by forcing schools to create women's teams that no one will watch and that will never turn a profit.

And now the DoE is promoting gender discrimination through Title IX. Literally the exact opposite of what it was supposed to do.

I hope this becomes a national issue. I hope this goes to the Supreme Court. Many people are saying that we're only defending the players because they're valuable to the football team. On the other hand, the fact that they're on the football team and that this is so public makes it possible for us to talk about this huge problem on campuses across America. The players are lucky they play football. I'm sure if they were just regular students, they'd get screwed over and no one would care about the lack of fairness or the discrimination.

The necessary changes could come about politically through a change at the OCR, or via the judicial system as you pointed out above. To amend Title IX legislatively is probably to much of a hurdle to overcome as every politician will consider whether they will be painted as soft on rape or soft on crime. The concept of due process ( which is supposed to be hard and unpopular and not easy by design) is probably just too much to think about for the average Joe and Jane. We have seen that even college students are ready to throw away their rights in their crusade to root out criminals. Scary stuff.

The necessary changes could come about politically through a change at the OCR, or via the judicial system as you pointed out above. To amend Title IX legislatively is probably to much of a hurdle to overcome as every politician will consider whether they will be painted as soft on rape or soft on crime. The concept of due process ( which is supposed to be hard and unpopular and not easy by design) is probably just too much to think about for the average Joe and Jane. We have seen that even college students are ready to throw away their rights in their crusade to root out criminals. Scary stuff.

If I understand it correctly, what the DoE did in 2011 was just a guideline, not a law. I think that means that the DoE can amend that without involving politicians. Considering how politics have gone in the past year, I don't think Trump's secretary of Education will be too afraid of that.

Plus if it does make its way up to the Supreme Court, they're set for life so they don't really care if people dislike them.

This case has gained national exposure very quickly
Incoming Secratary of Education Betsy DeVos could very well adress this in her first year.

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