Time out


Apr 27, 2010
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Thanks iowa for taking that idiotic and classless timeout with 24 seconds left-It gave us TWO chances to go and get the Pig!

Thanks iowa for taking that idiotic and classless timeout with 24 seconds left-It gave us TWO chances to go and get the Pig!

I actually didn't mind it. Perhaps most of you don't remember the great Joe Piscarcik brainlock when Herman Edwards picked up his fumble and returned it for a TD on the last play of the game way back when.

I fully expected them to call their final TO the first play after our last first down. When they did not, I assumed they were going to let it run out. I generally have a lot of respect for Ferentz, but that was pretty weak.

I think it was a "brain fart" / reaction mistake by Kirk. I honestly don't think he meant anything by it. Am I way off base? I just didn't get that feeling from the whole scenario.

Thanks iowa for taking that idiotic and classless timeout with 24 seconds left-It gave us TWO chances to go and get the Pig!

That was just classic Ferentz not knowing what to do in a tight game at the wire. He seems like a class guy and a solid coach overall, but has trouble with clock management.

The Hawkeye beat writers were claiming that it was so the equipment guys to reposition Floyd down by our student section so he could get his team off the field ASAP via the tunnel on the other end of the sideline. Even if true, still lame.

The Hawkeye beat writers were claiming that it was so the equipment guys to reposition Floyd down by our student section so he could get his team off the field ASAP via the tunnel on the other end of the sideline. Even if true, still lame.

I call BS. Highlights showed that they already had it down around the 20, which is at the far end of the Iowa bench anyway. I don't see what another 10 yards gives them.

I'm not sure, but Ferentz was very respectful to Horton, and at the handshake he was definitely giving his team praise.

I actually didn't mind it. Perhaps most of you don't remember the great Joe Piscarcik brainlock when Herman Edwards picked up his fumble and returned it for a TD on the last play of the game way back when.

I remember that, but if I remember correctly they were running an actual play. Doing the kneel down became the norm after that.

I didn't realize Kyle Theret could run that fast!!! He looked like a guided missle locked onto Floyd.

Anyone notice Johnson-Koulianos (however his name is spelled) standing in the way before last kneel down, almost like he wanted to start something? Eventually, a Hawkeye lineman tried to talk some sense into him and pull him away just before the Gophers started the 2nd dash.

I did say to my buddy that if we would have fumbled & lost the game, that would have been the most depressing Gopher loss yet.....half of the team had their hands on the pig before they had to go back to the other side.

It was rather dumb, if they had hoped for a miracle fumble on the kneel-down, they should have called it earlier. When was the last time the offense fumbled on a kneel-down and the defense recovered? It's got to be one of the rarest things in football.

Thanks iowa for taking that idiotic and classless timeout with 24 seconds left-It gave us TWO chances to go and get the Pig!

The strange part is he didn't call time out the play before so the assumption was he was just going to be classy and not call it.

If it was buttface from WI it would have been a classless move but Kirk is classy so I will let it go.

If #15 is johnson koulianias or whatever he is a classless punk. I remember one play where he pushed Troy S in the back after the play and then sprinted to the pigeye bench.

Meh, while it was very weird and all that.. I didn't mind the poor timing on the TO. Like someone else said, it just gave our boys the chance to celebrate with Floyd twice.

Calling timeouts seems to be a problem for Kirk this year, a la Wis. Worst called timeout all year. I am still pissed he wasted that t.o. Iowa would have won that game and wis. would not be in the rose bowl. Kirk seems like a classy guy and I do not think he was trying to be a jerk. Now if it was BB, there is no question he would be doing it to be a first class a$$hole.

they wheeled the pig out and down to the 20 yard line with a few minutes left in the game and all the media and security were surrounding it. No way they needed more time to clear their equipment- except that field-goal practice net that was blocking my view of the trophy.

I don't get it, but Ferentz has always been a pretty classy guy. I am not worried about it. I hope he gets back to kicking Bielema's butt next year.

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