Ticket renewal question...

CP Gopher

Active member
Nov 21, 2008
Reaction score
If I want to change seats and move to those that belonged to someone who doesn't renew. How do I go about doing this? What is the process? Thanks for any help.

Assuming you got your renewal e-mail today, click on the link toward the bottom that says "Season Ticket/Parking Request Form." Fill it out and e-mail/mail it back to the ticket office. It is used for changes and upgrades. You can request to be upgraded to the specific section/row/seat you want. Obviously, there's no guarantee, but you can at least request it.

have him/her renew and buy direct from them

you'll have doubled your season tix and will be better off for it - you'll impress everyone - a win win in my book - you wont regret more tix - I bought more last year and am loving it - I hold six now

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