Through 3 years and 2 games grade position development

Some guy

Well-known member
Aug 1, 2014
Reaction score
QB - F - too many transfers leads to no depth. No great performers either. We are weak at the top and weak at the bottom. Needs to be fixed.

RB - B+ - good depth. Have found a few guys to contribute. Cobb has become a very consistent player. Still lack homerun players. If Edwards or jones turn into a home run threat in the next year or two this will be an A.

TE - A- - tight end might be our best offensive position. A number of above average receiving tight ends. One potentially great one. They have had too many blocking miscues the past two weeks for me to give a straight up A, but good nonetheless.

OL - A - considering some injuries to guys over the past few seasons and the continued improvement I would have to give this an A. When kill took over we were below average in the pass game and horrible in the run game. I would say we are above average in run and pass game now.

DL - B+ - we play a lot of guys. That speaks to depth, but it also speaks a little bit to the lack of players who are elite. For our line to get an A grade I would have to see more line players making plays in the run game and more non-blitz pressures. We also need better containment when rushing 4 (although this isn't true if the coaching staff is teaching them to flush the QB). Still a B+ is solid.

Linebacker - A- - under Brewster, I thought linebackers were one of our strengths (by comparison to our weaknesses). Our linebackers are fast and physical. Still we have times when we miss some tackles. So no A.

Secondary - B+ - although I think we may have improved the most athletically at this position compared to brew and mason, we have too many times where we line up wrong to get an A. Yesterday there were 4-5 times where we lined up in an unsound position or were aligned late. Strangely enough, 2 of those times MTSU actually called timeout. One of those times we lined up 2 over 3 on trips. The next time we had a short side corner blitz on with our coverage rolled the other direction. We either needed to check out of the corner blitz or roll the coverage to help the blitzer (the blitzer was panicking before the play). We either had the wrong call on or did it wrong). B+ but it might be my favorite improvement. Just clean up mental side.

Kicking game - A - despite a missed FG yesterday, it may be the first time in my gopher watching that I have confidence in our kicker and punter at the same time. We typically have had 2-3 blocks per season if I recall and our return game is a threat to just one. That's enough for an A.

The light hasn't gone on yet for Campbell. That leaves me a little bummed.

He's a big liability against the run right now. Still hasn't learned to tackle. He's grabbing.

Since I suspect we're going to be soft up the middle all year, I'm hoping he takes a big leap.

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