Three possiblities for the "Liberty Bell"


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Nov 12, 2008
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1. As only PSU wins were vacated, the official game that counts is the one we last won. The Bell comes to Minnesota.

2. The win/loss plate is removed and we start all over.

3. The Bell is scraped as a bad idea.

I'm fine with #3. :) I hate forced rivalry trophies.

I don't think you want to scrap the Liberty Bell. Victory Bell, maybe.

Should the name be changed to "Hell's Bell"?

If it were up to me, we'd play for a loofa...

Or bar of soap.

Our other three trophies have connections to both states. The Jug, built and sold in Minnesota, bought by Michigan. The Axe, Paul Bunyan is important to both Minnesota and Wisconsin (although Paul only visited Wisconsin to go to the Dells). The Pig was a bet of a pig between the two governors. The bell is generic, and uses a symbol associated with Pennsylvania, but nothing ties it to Minnesota.

I don't know if they will pull off Penn State's vacated wins, but I think the trophy will just limp along.

I think all the responses pretty much sum up the significance of this rivalry. I say melt it down as scrap metal and get whatever we can at the junk yard.

I think all the responses pretty much sum up the significance of this rivalry. I say melt it down as scrap metal and get whatever we can at the junk yard.

Instead of this option, I'd offer to donate $50 to charity for the thing and make it a fantasy football trophy amongst my friends and I.

I think the probability, given PSU's sanctions and the anticipated improvement in Gopher football, is that the GV Bell may reside in Minneapolis for quite some time after the 2013 season. Never hurts to have another trophy in the case.

Oh that's right - forgot about that stupid bell. Seems worthless now.

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