Three former Toledo football players charged with point shaving, spanning 2004-06

Sports gambling is an ugly monster that will do much to bring down college sports. The greed merchants who seek to "hang with" college players and infiltrate college programs so that they can bribe and purchase power and influence with players need to be hounded down like the dogs they are and crucified in every court in the land. Purge gambling from college sports. Go after the bookies. Go after the players who succumb to the money, drugs and other perks. Nail the coaches and athletic directors who fail to police interactions between the gambling sleeze boosters and their players. Turn the IRS loose on the "joe six packs" who bet on college sports and by participating become part of the cancer that gambling poses to college sports. Crack down hard before college sports are hopelessly contaminated by the bookmaners, handicappers and gambling lines furnished on sports pages in newspapers all across the nation. today toledo...tomorrow the U????? Stop it NOW! Bash the point spread publications! These are obviously the "tools of the trade" for all of the guilty parties. Gambling is a cancer that is hiding just beneath the surface of EVERY college program in America. Take it seriously. It will haunt virtually every college program across the land. This is serious business and it is closer than you may want to think. It is happening every day during football and hoops season. Kill it before it's too late...and if YOU bet on college games YOU are part of the cancer.

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