Those Cheating Badgers

Would the coaches have reported it on their own if the logging coordinate had not caught it? Get caught, fess up; don't get caught, keep silent. Unfortunately, it is my opinion that this happens all over...opinion only.

Would the coaches have reported it on their own if the logging coordinate had not caught it? Get caught, fess up; don't get caught, keep silent. Unfortunately, it is my opinion that this happens all over...opinion only.

The coaches should have looked at the calendar to see that it had changed the quiet period by one day from last year, however I truly do not believe the coaches knew they did it even after the fact until it was brought to their attention. If they were trying to hide it you don't put it in the recruiting log or you modify the date in the log by a day. Even though it is Wisconsin in this case I think it truly was a mistake.

While my comment originally was opinion only, GopherGod you make good sense. But, ultimately, it is up the the Head Coach to make sure that everyone is current. The reflection is on Butt.

It still amazes me...

The coaches should have looked at the calendar to see that it had changed the quiet period by one day from last year, however I truly do not believe the coaches knew they did it even after the fact until it was brought to their attention. If they were trying to hide it you don't put it in the recruiting log or you modify the date in the log by a day. Even though it is Wisconsin in this case I think it truly was a mistake.

...that when you really only have two parts to your job, coach and recruit, that things like this still happen, especially if you are a coordinator--the recruiting coordinator!

I'm also amazed that the NCAA response is to declare the player ineligible. The three coaches should be suspended until the player is reinstated and fined...

Much ado about nothing. Minor mistake and a lack of detail by their compliance office.

Yep, most of us feel it's much ado about nothing, but still it was a stupid mistake that shouldn't have happened. One of the coaches is our recruiting coordinator. Either he, or one of his assistants must be aware of the change in dates, and insure something like this doesn't happen.

I think the school did the right thing by banning the 3 coaches from recruiting the first 2 days of spring evaluation. Not a big penalty, but not a big crime either.

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