This video is so well done.

This is (as others have said) a great video and another home run by the media department.

My two cents:

— The Gopher pass rush has improved mightily. Coach DeLattiboudere has them firing on all cylinders.

— Those all-maroon uniforms are excellent.

— The video direction/sequencing on the footage of the game-winning kick was amazing.

— To call a running play to set up the final field goal: a great call. Gutsy. Kudos!

— I loved how the videographers alternated the national TV voiceover with Mike Grimm's calls.

— The slow-motion shot of the Jackson catch was sheer poetry in video form. Seriously; it showed exactly how great a catch it was. Watching, anticipating the (slow, slow, slow) toe drag and the black particles flying up from the field as Daniel stretches out to his limit. Unbelievable. Maxx Williams, all over again.

Did you see at the end during the FG one of our coaches couldn’t look and was facing the crowd and not the field and he smiled big when he heard the crowd reaction!

Go Gophers!!

My favorite part is the kicker on the winning kick. I was a kicker in high school. You know immediately if you made a kick. He knew.

I forgot to express my most heart-felt comment:

Thank you to the media department for using Mark Knopfler's guitar from Money For Nothing as the soundtrack.

One of my true guitar heroes.

Wonder what kinds of video the players see from week to week?

Ever notice how hype videos are typically the radio call over the video highlights?

This video is an exception in a few spots because Gus Johnson, but TV folks should take a few lessons from the radio voices on how to build the drama and use delivery and tonality to create energy.

If I were an aspiring broadcaster I would practice like it's radio, like swinging a weighted bat in the on-deck circle.

Game highlight films sure have evolved into an art form.

Row The Boat!!!
Go Gophers!!!!

Except the old fart music. This music is more geared to a lot of us old farts. I like the tunes but wish it were geared towards this generation and students, that is all.

Except the old fart music. This music is more geared to a lot of us old farts. I like the tunes but wish it were geared towards this generation and students, that is all.
Mostly likely produced by the younger generation.
Don't underestimate the knowledge that today's youth have in "older" music. My college-aged kid probably knows more about music from my generation than I have ever known. Any song they ever want to hear is literally at their fingertips.

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