This team is different.


Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
Than the last few seasons.

Can't quite put a finger on it but this team seems to be a legit, solid team. We're not winning the B1G this year or going to a major bowl but there is no doubt in my mind that this team is significantly better than what we've seen in recent years. Almost back to the Glen Mason days sort of feel where they could be a top 5 in the B1G sort of team.

Than the last few seasons.

Can't quite put a finger on it but this team seems to be a legit, solid team. We're not winning the B1G this year or going to a major bowl but there is no doubt in my mind that this team is significantly better than what we've seen in recent years. Almost back to the Glen Mason days sort of feel where they could be a top 5 in the B1G sort of team.

Don't want to rain on your parade here, but I seriously hope this team actually accomplishes top 5 instead of pissing it away like Mason's teams did when they had the "opportunity"....

I think JK is the complete Head coach package Minnesota has been missing for several decades... Not saying we're going to win it all, just saying that this team with JK as the Coach makes you want to believe and have confidence way more than Mason coached teams ever did because of their epic ways to piss it all away....

Lets see how they fare against Iowa. The Hogeyes will be a tough challenge and we should have a better idea if this team is possibly top 5 BIG caliber after that contest

Don't want to rain on your parade here, but I seriously hope this team actually accomplishes top 5 instead of pissing it away like Mason's teams did when they had the "opportunity"....

I think JK is the complete Head coach package Minnesota has been missing for several decades... Not saying we're going to win it all, just saying that this team with JK as the Coach makes you want to believe and have confidence way more than Mason coached teams ever did because of their epic ways to piss it all away....

Mason had teams that finished in the top 5 in the B1G. I wasn't talking nationally and didn't mean this year. I think they could maybe be 6th-7th. in the conference his year if they are what I think they are and maybe actually win a bowl game.

I'm just saying there seems to be real progress with the team this year, that they look to be going the right direction.

Its the attitude, the confidence and the drive that you see in these players. You can tell they wanted to make a change and they want to play to win. Atleast thats what i see differently compared to the last 5 or so seasons.

Mason had teams that finished in the top 5 in the B1G. I wasn't talking nationally and didn't mean this year. I think they could maybe be 6th-7th. in the conference his year if they are what I think they are and maybe actually win a bowl game.

I'm just saying there seems to be real progress with the team this year, that they look to be going the right direction.

Definitely agree!!

Lets see how they fare against Iowa. The Hogeyes will be a tough challenge and we should have a better idea if this team is possibly top 5 BIG caliber after that contest

I agree. The next three games are going to show us where we are. Not that they have to win all of those games but they need to beat Iowa and at least give Michigan and NW a lot of trouble...IMO.

Hard to say. We haven't really seen a passing game so far. We will need one to be a competitor this year. Otherwise, the team has looked very good. A few blown coverages and big plays against the defense could be the difference between a win and a loss.

Hard to say. We haven't really seen a passing game so far. We will need one to be a competitor this year. Otherwise, the team has looked very good. A few blown coverages and big plays against the defense could be the difference between a win and a loss.

I'm not very worried about a passing game if the running game is working. We will see how the running game works out the next few games and we will see if the passing game is good enough.

Lets see how the early going in the B10 looks. I agree, we look better, and I think we are better, but the team is not complete without a passing game. Hopefully we will see some progress there. That said, I am more of a JK fan than ever. He manages every aspect of his job very well - expectations, holding his players accountable, his very public situation with epilepsy and the whole brick by brick theme. We may not take the B10 by storm this year, but I can stay the course with this dude because he will deliver continuous improvement.

If this program is going to take the next step, this is the perfect year for it. The Big Ten as a whole looks as weak as ever.

If this program is going to take the next step, this is the perfect year for it. The Big Ten as a whole looks as weak as ever.


At the beginning of the year I would have laughed at the thought of winning 4 converence games this year but but 3-4 is definintely possible if they can beat Iowa.

def agree with this. I know incremental change is the norm, but when you are coming from the very bottom, large leaps of improvement are not unheard of!! Go Gophers!

Not sure the last time I posted on FB board

Than the last few seasons.

Can't quite put a finger on it but this team seems to be a legit, solid team. We're not winning the B1G this year or going to a major bowl but there is no doubt in my mind that this team is significantly better than what we've seen in recent years. Almost back to the Glen Mason days sort of feel where they could be a top 5 in the B1G sort of team.

But JK and this year's team is starting to give me hope for not only a bowl game, but a decent bowl and maybe even a win. That would be different.

I don't know exactly how Mason's Gophers managed to lose some of those games (Michigan 2003!?!) but there was definitely a level of hubris at that time with regard to the running game.

One thing I am seeing is basic tackling. Just two years ago there were a lot of missed tackles on defense, even in the non-conference games against poor competition! The announcers are starting to talk about MN's D and O lines as physically dominant over other teams. That is refreshing. And it doesn't hurt to have a future NFL All Star on defense!!!

If this program is going to take the next step, this is the perfect year for it. The Big Ten as a whole looks as weak as ever.

Not only this, but after the Vikings debacle yesterday, all eyes are now on the Gophers this weekend. If there was ever a time to make a statement and gain some publicity in this town, this weekend is it.

Not only this, but after the Vikings debacle yesterday, all eyes are now on the Gophers this weekend. If there was ever a time to make a statement and gain some publicity in this town, this weekend is it.
Great point and very true!

Don't want to rain on your parade here, but I seriously hope this team actually accomplishes top 5 instead of pissing it away like Mason's teams did when they had the "opportunity"....

I think JK is the complete Head coach package Minnesota has been missing for several decades... Not saying we're going to win it all, just saying that this team with JK as the Coach makes you want to believe and have confidence way more than Mason coached teams ever did because of their epic ways to piss it all away....

Well, maverick: before you talk too loudly and too proudly, you had BEST make sure that Coach Kill brings this program up to the Mason level that you try to put SO much crap on. Your talk is REALLY cheap at this point in time. The Conference play just begins on Saturday. Mason's Program won FIVE Conference games his third season. And, before your big talk takes over too much here, just take a look at the schedule for 2014 and 2015.
Believe me, I am rooting for Coach Kill to surpass Coach Mason's record here at Minnesota. But, some of you people are SO obnoxious and disrespectful of all the kids who played on those Mason coached teams that really managed to make my Gopher Football Program a bit more respected around the conference. Those two teams that did get FIVE conference wins...beat some teams like Oregon, Arkansas and Alabama and Ohio State and Michigan and even Wisconsin once in a while. YOU brought this up maverick. And, your attempts to put down the coaches and players on those teams that DID manage to play some pretty darn respectable football...some of those All_American players and All-Conference players .

So, maverick: I say you are just pi$$ing in the wind...and...until Coach Kill matches or surpasses what Coach Mason did here, the BLOWBACK from that wind you are pi$$ing into is going to soak you down and make all your talk pretty meaningless. Go out and pass Coach Mason, Coach Kill! Do it! I'd love to see you do it Coach Kill. But, some of these loose cannons...these "wet mavericks" around here need to be a bit more respectful of the DECENT Golden Gopherr teams that have managed to COMPETE in the Big Ten Conference. BUT, in order to be BETTER than some other coach in the program...Coach Kill will have to at least rise to the level that had achieved and THEN surpass the conference records and standings and bowl invitations and records of that coach. I am sure Coach Kill would agree with me on this point...He is an HONEST man.

Well, maverick: before you talk too loudly and too proudly, you had BEST make sure that Coach Kill brings this program up to the Mason level that you try to put SO much crap on. Your talk is REALLY cheap at this point in time. The Conference play just begins on Saturday. Mason's Program won FIVE Conference games his third season. And, before your big talk takes over too much here, just take a look at the schedule for 2014 and 2015.
Believe me, I am rooting for Coach Kill to surpass Coach Mason's record here at Minnesota. But, some of you people are SO obnoxious and disrespectful of all the kids who played on those Mason coached teams that really managed to make my Gopher Football Program a bit more respected around the conference. Those two teams that did get FIVE conference wins...beat some teams like Oregon, Arkansas and Alabama and Ohio State and Michigan and even Wisconsin once in a while. YOU brought this up maverick. And, your attempts to put down the coaches and players on those teams that DID manage to play some pretty darn respectable football...some of those All_American players and All-Conference players .

So, maverick: I say you are just pi$$ing in the wind...and...until Coach Kill matches or surpasses what Coach Mason did here, the BLOWBACK from that wind you are pi$$ing into is going to soak you down and make all your talk pretty meaningless. Go out and pass Coach Mason, Coach Kill! Do it! I'd love to see you do it Coach Kill. But, some of these loose cannons...these "wet mavericks" around here need to be a bit more respectful of the DECENT Golden Gopherr teams that have managed to COMPETE in the Big Ten Conference. BUT, in order to be BETTER than some other coach in the program...Coach Kill will have to at least rise to the level that had achieved and THEN surpass the conference records and standings and bowl invitations and records of that coach. I am sure Coach Kill would agree with me on this point...He is an HONEST man.

Well New Wrenny. I think Mason was a far worse Coach than Lou Hoax. He did the same thing as Louie, only he was rejected by his "dream job" and nobody else wanted him either... At least Hoax's teams could play defense...

I think JK is the real deal and even if he is offered another job, I believe he will retire from MN with nothing but success and LOYALTY as his legend.

OH conference wins...Match Mason.... 5 la la.... I get it.... I want and fully expect JK to get there, exceed even and then STAY there, and stay HERE! Not sell out like Mason did!! JK has integrity that Mason can't even sniff....

Well, maverick: before you talk too loudly and too proudly, you had BEST make sure that Coach Kill brings this program up to the Mason level that you try to put SO much crap on. Your talk is REALLY cheap at this point in time. The Conference play just begins on Saturday. Mason's Program won FIVE Conference games his third season. And, before your big talk takes over too much here, just take a look at the schedule for 2014 and 2015.
Believe me, I am rooting for Coach Kill to surpass Coach Mason's record here at Minnesota. But, some of you people are SO obnoxious and disrespectful of all the kids who played on those Mason coached teams that really managed to make my Gopher Football Program a bit more respected around the conference. Those two teams that did get FIVE conference wins...beat some teams like Oregon, Arkansas and Alabama and Ohio State and Michigan and even Wisconsin once in a while. YOU brought this up maverick. And, your attempts to put down the coaches and players on those teams that DID manage to play some pretty darn respectable football...some of those All_American players and All-Conference players .

So, maverick: I say you are just pi$$ing in the wind...and...until Coach Kill matches or surpasses what Coach Mason did here, the BLOWBACK from that wind you are pi$$ing into is going to soak you down and make all your talk pretty meaningless. Go out and pass Coach Mason, Coach Kill! Do it! I'd love to see you do it Coach Kill. But, some of these loose cannons...these "wet mavericks" around here need to be a bit more respectful of the DECENT Golden Gopherr teams that have managed to COMPETE in the Big Ten Conference. BUT, in order to be BETTER than some other coach in the program...Coach Kill will have to at least rise to the level that had achieved and THEN surpass the conference records and standings and bowl invitations and records of that coach. I am sure Coach Kill would agree with me on this point...He is an HONEST man.

A little strong but I agree with the basic sentiment.

Mason was not given enough credit. He wasn't a great coach but he was able to beat big time programs some times. He might have been the best coach the Gophers had since Bierman and Warmath. Granted not hard to beat Brewster, Wacker and the like but still certainly the best coach in a good 35 years, pending what Kill does.

Just to remind everyone and keep it on task... THIS team appears to be different. It is looking like it has pulled away from many of the weights that were holding it back over the past few years. Excellent topic. Good team. Happy times. I'm probably going to stick with my 7-5 pre season prediction for now and that would be an excellent step forward. I hope the trends continue and I am proven to be short on my Gopher prediction once the season is at its end.

Just to remind everyone and keep it on task... THIS team appears to be different. It is looking like it has pulled away from many of the weights that were holding it back over the past few years. Excellent topic. Good team. Happy times. I'm probably going to stick with my 7-5 pre season prediction for now and that would be an excellent step forward. I hope the trends continue and I am proven to be short on my Gopher prediction once the season is at its end.

Yeah, 7 wins at this point really seems like it could happen........even 8 if they surprise someone.

And this is coming from somone who has been accused of being very much a debby downer when it comes to the

NOTHING would make me happier than to have Coach Kill surpass Coach Mason's impact...

Well New Wrenny. I think Mason was a far worse Coach than Lou Hoax. He did the same thing as Louie, only he was rejected by his "dream job" and nobody else wanted him either... At least Hoax's teams could play defense...

I think JK is the real deal and even if he is offered another job, I believe he will retire from MN with nothing but success and LOYALTY as his legend.

OH conference wins...Match Mason.... 5 la la.... I get it.... I want and fully expect JK to get there, exceed even and then STAY there, and stay HERE! Not sell out like Mason did!! JK has integrity that Mason can't even sniff....

After all: Coach Mason was the coach who pushed and pushed and talked about the NEED for a return to campus in a new stadium for the Gophers. But, the thing is, maverick: I have GOT to see Coach Kill get it done before I will give him credit for it. I like VERY much the direction of the program right now. However, I ONLY pay attention to the Conference record because as you all too well know, the ooc games are "no win" situations...and from year to year, it is impossible to gage just were we are at during the ooc part of the schedule. The Conference games will tell us where this program is compared to ALL the other Conference Members. It provides an apples to apples kind of comparison and tells us exactly where this program stands.

So, when Coach Kill gets it done and surpasses Mason's record, I will give him credit for it. BUT, until he does that, I will merely say that it "appears" Coach Kill is making progress here. Who knows maverick, people like you may not WANT Coach Kill to be the Coach here two or three seasons from now...I have seen the fan base here at Minnesota for a LONG, LONG time. What appears to be support today can turn into COMPLETE melt-down bashing tomorrow. Hell, I watched the "fans" try to run Murray Warmath off back in 1959. I watched 'em run Cal Stoll off. I have watched the masses turn Minnesota into a "graveyard" for College Football Coaches. Believe me I am pulling for Coach Kill to win BIG here at Minnesota. IF he doesn't and you people run him off...from that day forward Gopher Football will b in the crapper for the next decade. So, I want Coach Kill to succeed Big Time here. But...I will have to see him do it before I will consider it a done deal...I predict 2 Conference wins and I hope for more in 2013.

After all: Coach Mason was the coach who pushed and pushed and talked about the NEED for a return to campus in a new stadium for the Gophers. But, the thing is, maverick: I have GOT to see Coach Kill get it done before I will give him credit for it. I like VERY much the direction of the program right now. However, I ONLY pay attention to the Conference record because as you all too well know, the ooc games are "no win" situations...and from year to year, it is impossible to gage just were we are at during the ooc part of the schedule. The Conference games will tell us where this program is compared to ALL the other Conference Members. It provides an apples to apples kind of comparison and tell us exactly where this program stands.

So, when Coach Kill gets it done and surpasses Mason's record, I will give him credit for it. BUT, until he does that, I will merely say that it "appears" Coach Kill is making progress here. Who knows maverick, people like you may not WANT Coach Kill to be the Coach here two or three seasons from now...I have seen the fan base here at Minnesota for a LONG, LONG time. What appears to be support today can turn into COMPLETE melt-down bashing tomorrow. Hell, I watched the "fans" try to run Murray Warmath off back in 1959. I watched 'em run Cal Stoll off. I have watched the masses turn Minnesota into a "graveyard" for College Football Coaches. Believe me I am pulling for Coach Kill to win BIG here at Minnesota. IF he doesn't and you people run him off...from that day forward Gopher Football will b in the crapper for the next decade. So, I want Coach Kill to succeed Big Time here. But...I will have to see him do it before I will consider it a done deal...I predict 2 Conference wins and I hope for more in 2013.


I agree. There appears to be a lot more ownership from the players and I believe that is where winning truly begins.

I will also say, I am guardedly optimistic about the remainder of this season.

Boy are we ever getting ahead of ourselves here. This team has shown some good things. We tackle well for the first time in years, we now know that we have two workable QB's, we have the best team speed - maybe ever, our two lines have shown strength and some depth, our linebackers have surprised. Finally, our coaches have shown the ability to coach up at half time.

However, we have not yet shown that either QB can pass. Our secondary has issues. We have not shown that we have a single B1G quality receiver. While we have had success running too much of this is coming from the QB position. We have made adjustments at half but the question remains why weren't they made on the sideline? We have not played anyone approaching B1G caliber.

I, too, am hopeful about this season, but we won't yet be favored in many more games. I remain in "happy but show me a little more" mode. Clearly this week is large!!!

Boy are we ever getting ahead of ourselves here. This team has shown some good things. We tackle well for the first time in years, we now know that we have two workable QB's, we have the best team speed - maybe ever, our two lines have shown strength and some depth, our linebackers have surprised. Finally, our coaches have shown the ability to coach up at half time.

However, we have not yet shown that either QB can pass. Our secondary has issues. We have not shown that we have a single B1G quality receiver. While we have had success running too much of this is coming from the QB position. We have made adjustments at half but the question remains why weren't they made on the sideline? We have not played anyone approaching B1G caliber.

I, too, am hopeful about this season, but we won't yet be favored in many more games. I remain in "happy but show me a little more" mode. Clearly this week is large!!!

All that stuff you said in the first paragraph is enough, IMO, to be excited as we have not seen that in several years now.

Nobody is getting ahead of anything. Like we said, we have to see how we do VS Iowa and the next two games after that. However, right now I think the Gophers should beat Iowa and seem good enough to maybe give Michigan or NW a run.

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