This much I know...

Ogee Ogilthorpe

Tattooed Millionaire
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Our beloved Rodents are 7-0 this season without Devoe Joseph, including a championship in Puerto Rico;

They were 5-3 with him playing. Sure, they did not play MSU and Wisky, on the road, without him, I'll concede that.

Bottom line: I choose to look forward and not look back. What's done is done. Gotta go with Coach Dale from Hoosiers on this one (as another poster pointed out recently):

"My team is on the floor."

They have 15 BT games left before postseason play and we know what players will be playing and which ones won't. Barring any academic setbacks like last year or any more significant injuries, I'm more than happy with the group that will be moving forward.

Still laughing at the shocking revelation that Tubby is "hard to play for." How in the world did news like this not make the front page of ESPN?

Player: "Mom. I'm back from my visit to Minnesota. I'm a bit concerned...Coach Smith says if I don't go to class I can't play! Not only that....but if I DO go to class, I still have to get good grades!! On top of that, he won't get anyone to do my work for me!!!"
Mom: "Well, at least you can still do things like shoplift, assault security guards, hit girls with phonebooks, smoke doobies and the like..."
Player: "No. Surprisingly, even if I have good grades, I won't be able to do those things either!!! Can you believe it?!?"
Mom: "Hmmm. That's crap. Well, the silver lining, keep a clean record, then you can throw up dumb shots when everyone is out of position."
Player: "It would not appear so. He wants us to run an OFFENSE!!! And even when we do run the offense and score...we have to PRESS!!!! And if our press fails, we have to play.....DEFENSE!!!!!!"
Mom: "..."
Player: "There's more. Early in the season, he's going to give at least 10 players a lot of playing time. He says that will give everyone experience and make us a better team in the end...especially when the inevitable injuries occur..."
Mom: "Well, at least you can still make money selling your tick...."
Player: "NO!!!"
Mom: "That's it. He's too hard to play for. You're going to Cincinnati. I'll call Myron."

Player: "Mom. I'm back from my visit to Minnesota. I'm a bit concerned...Coach Smith says if I don't go to class I can't play! Not only that....but if I DO go to class, I still have to get good grades!! On top of that, he won't get anyone to do my work for me!!!"
Mom: "Well, at least you can still do things like shoplift, assault security guards, hit girls with phonebooks, smoke doobies and the like..."
Player: "No. Surprisingly, even if I have good grades, I won't be able to do those things either!!! Can you believe it?!?"
Mom: "Hmmm. That's crap. Well, the silver lining, keep a clean record, then you can throw up dumb shots when everyone is out of position."
Player: "It would not appear so. He wants us to run an OFFENSE!!! And even when we do run the offense and score...we have to PRESS!!!! And if our press fails, we have to play.....DEFENSE!!!!!!"
Mom: "..."
Player: "There's more. Early in the season, he's going to give at least 10 players a lot of playing time. He says that will give everyone experience and make us a better team in the end...especially when the inevitable injuries occur..."
Mom: "Well, at least you can still make money selling your tick...."
Player: "NO!!!"
Mom: "That's it. He's too hard to play for. You're going to Cincinnati. I'll call Myron."

Mick Cronin (UC coach) is unlikely to be his next head coach in college. He requires his players to do all of that (or not do it) just like most coaches do.

bruce, your conversations and translations are classic comedy. keep it up.

fot, you could suck the fun out of a circus and your ability to pick up tone, sarcasm and intent is consistently pathetic.

This much I know: no matter what, most folks at Gopherhole will have the maroon colored glasses firmly in place.

I've made the point before that this team starting playing badly when Devoe came back. We looked like world beaters until the Virginia game and we have struggled since. I don't know 100% if there's a correlation, but it's hard not to notice. The team we have now is definitely capable for a top 3 or 4 finish in the B10.

This much I know: no matter what, most folks at Gopherhole will have the maroon colored glasses firmly in place.

Well, that would certainly be a first on an internet message board; fans looking at the positive side of things. Call Ripley!

Thanks for weighing in, Connie...

This much I know: no matter what, most folks at Gopherhole will have the maroon colored glasses firmly in place.

Just like there are a few that would find something negative even if the Gophers went undefeated. Some like to be positive, some like to be negative.

Just like there are a few that would find something negative even if the Gophers went undefeated. Some like to be positive, some like to be negative.

A few are only interested in reality.

interesting. hilarious. laughable. nxet.

Player: "Mom. I'm back from my visit to Minnesota. I'm a bit concerned...Coach Smith says if I don't go to class I can't play! Not only that....but if I DO go to class, I still have to get good grades!! On top of that, he won't get anyone to do my work for me!!!"
Mom: "Well, at least you can still do things like shoplift, assault security guards, hit girls with phonebooks, smoke doobies and the like..."
Player: "No. Surprisingly, even if I have good grades, I won't be able to do those things either!!! Can you believe it?!?"
Mom: "Hmmm. That's crap. Well, the silver lining, keep a clean record, then you can throw up dumb shots when everyone is out of position."
Player: "It would not appear so. He wants us to run an OFFENSE!!! And even when we do run the offense and score...we have to PRESS!!!! And if our press fails, we have to play.....DEFENSE!!!!!!"
Mom: "..."
Player: "There's more. Early in the season, he's going to give at least 10 players a lot of playing time. He says that will give everyone experience and make us a better team in the end...especially when the inevitable injuries occur..."
Mom: "Well, at least you can still make money selling your tick...."
Player: "NO!!!"
Mom: "That's it. He's too hard to play for. You're going to Cincinnati. I'll call Myron."

Please keep them coming.:clap:

Player: "Mom. I'm back from my visit to Minnesota. I'm a bit concerned...Coach Smith says if I don't go to class I can't play! Not only that....but if I DO go to class, I still have to get good grades!! On top of that, he won't get anyone to do my work for me!!!"
Mom: "Well, at least you can still do things like shoplift, assault security guards, hit girls with phonebooks, smoke doobies and the like..."
Player: "No. Surprisingly, even if I have good grades, I won't be able to do those things either!!! Can you believe it?!?"
Mom: "Hmmm. That's crap. Well, the silver lining, keep a clean record, then you can throw up dumb shots when everyone is out of position."
Player: "It would not appear so. He wants us to run an OFFENSE!!! And even when we do run the offense and score...we have to PRESS!!!! And if our press fails, we have to play.....DEFENSE!!!!!!"
Mom: "..."
Player: "There's more. Early in the season, he's going to give at least 10 players a lot of playing time. He says that will give everyone experience and make us a better team in the end...especially when the inevitable injuries occur..."
Mom: "Well, at least you can still make money selling your tick...."
Player: "NO!!!"
Mom: "That's it. He's too hard to play for. You're going to Cincinnati. I'll call Myron."

Greatest post in the history of gopherhole. yes.

Mick Cronin (UC coach) is unlikely to be his next head coach in college. He requires his players to do all of that (or not do it) just like most coaches do.

Uhh..that post wasn't about Devoe specifically.

Read it again. It slams 4 coaches, at least 10 different players and 1 gossip columnist.

Uhh..that post wasn't about Devoe specifically.

Read it again. It slams 4 coaches, at least 10 different players and 1 gossip columnist.

Regardless it said he (somebody) was going to Cincinnati. The poster was slamming Bob Huggins, who hasn't coached at UC since 2005.

This post will be bumped and bumped. Thanks for the ammunition. After Sat, we will have 3 losses with Nolen in the lineup starting. Will Nolen lead us to the championship game of the Big Ten tourney? Will he lead us to an NCAA Tourney invite? Stay tuned. The proof is in the pudding and pudding is coming soon.

After numerous posts about this. We really needed another idiot posting the same thing and then calling those that disagree, Connie? Really, really impressive thread.

Bottom line: I choose to look forward and not look back. What's done is done. Gotta go with Coach Dale from Hoosiers on this one (as another poster pointed out recently): I'm with you Ogee.

Player: "Mom. I'm back from my visit to Minnesota. I'm a bit concerned...Coach Smith says if I don't go to class I can't play! Not only that....but if I DO go to class, I still have to get good grades!! On top of that, he won't get anyone to do my work for me!!!"
Mom: "Well, at least you can still do things like shoplift, assault security guards, hit girls with phonebooks, smoke doobies and the like..."
Player: "No. Surprisingly, even if I have good grades, I won't be able to do those things either!!! Can you believe it?!?"
Mom: "Hmmm. That's crap. Well, the silver lining, keep a clean record, then you can throw up dumb shots when everyone is out of position."
Player: "It would not appear so. He wants us to run an OFFENSE!!! And even when we do run the offense and score...we have to PRESS!!!! And if our press fails, we have to play.....DEFENSE!!!!!!"
Mom: "..."
Player: "There's more. Early in the season, he's going to give at least 10 players a lot of playing time. He says that will give everyone experience and make us a better team in the end...especially when the inevitable injuries occur..."
Mom: "Well, at least you can still make money selling your tick...."
Player: "NO!!!"
Mom: "That's it. He's too hard to play for. You're going to Cincinnati. I'll call Myron."

Two classic posts in one day. Awesome.

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