This is spot on.

El Amin Fan

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2012
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Fleck's lack of creativity and lack of modern offense is baffling. He's a new age coach in nearly every facet except for actual coaching.


Playing for close games has a lot of risk, especially if your FG kicker has the Yipps.

When you're in an age where you can actually get fans to financially contribute to players, why would you not try to find a way to shine a spotlight on your offensive skill players? Nobody is donating a penny for a dive play. Triple reverse fleaflicker that results in a 70 yard TD? That opens people's eyes.

When you're in an age where you can actually get fans to financially contribute to players, why would you not try to find a way to shine a spotlight on your offensive skill players? Nobody is donating a penny for a dive play. Triple reverse fleaflicker that results in a 70 yard TD? That opens people's eyes.

I'd donate a lot more for a dive play if we won a B10 title every 15 years or so

Fleck's lack of creativity and lack of modern offense is baffling. He's a new age coach in nearly every facet except for actual coaching.

This. It's as if he doesn't trust his offensive players to make plays. The old 3 yards and a cloud of dust, play solid defense and have a trustworthy kicking game. If any of the legs of the 3 legged stool collapse, the Gophers are screwed. Last night was a case in point.

Here’s a secret, he’s copying Ferentz. As only Ferentz and one other B18 coach has more tenure, it’s working.

This. It's as if he doesn't trust his offensive players to make plays. The old 3 yards and a cloud of dust, play solid defense and have a trustworthy kicking game. If any of the legs of the 3 legged stool collapse, the Gophers are screwed. Last night was a case in point.

Well said.

There is something to be said for being conservative on offense, but it is usually after you have firmly established a sufficient lead. Starting a game with a conservative offense sends unseemly signals of vulnerability and incompetence.

I liked how the run game was more effective in our "two-minute drive" offense because completing passes put the run defenders back on their heels as their expectation shifted to a pass, and not wanting to get burned.

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