This easy to get student tickets?


Apr 25, 2011
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My son is an incoming freshman and we just ordered his season tickets for football, bball and hockey. I was shocked to see the reasonable prices and no lottery. As great of a sports town the twin cities are, do the students not support their teams that well. Again, just surprised how available they were, and happy to get them for him.

Welcome to the family.

And yes, student tickets are very easy to get. Plenty of good seats at TCF still available.

My son is an incoming freshman and we just ordered his season tickets for football, bball and hockey. I was shocked to see the reasonable prices and no lottery. As great of a sports town the twin cities are, do the students not support their teams that well. Again, just surprised how available they were, and happy to get them for him.

Sadly this is how things have been for every year except the first year of the new stadium.

I was surprised to see that they lowered the prices for basketball and hockey.

I was really surprised that bball and hockey so readily available.All 3 season packages were $300 with a t-shirt. I am not complaining, just surprised at the lack of student support. I know Badger football and bball are tuff seats to get for students. Supply and demand I guess. My son's excited.

I'm not much of a hockey fan, so I haven't checked ticket info recently, but that's the only one that really surprises me. I know they had a lottery fairly recently, but I guess that's a thing of the past too.

On the plus side, I don't think I'd be nearly as big a gopher football fan as I am now if student tickets weren't so cheap easy to come by in my day. Twins games on student night had more U students than some football games, but it's tough to pass up dirt-cheap season tickets. I think they were about $100 in 2000.

Usually BBall and Hockey tix aren't on sale until later. They're real early this year. My freshman year, you couldn't even sniff hockey tickets unless you had a group, even then it was iffy.

They're real early this year. My freshman year, you couldn't even sniff hockey tickets unless you had a group, even then it was iffy.

During my whole time at the U, you had to have hockey money in by the end of the first week of classes. I thought that was nuts.

My son is an incoming freshman and we just ordered his season tickets for football, bball and hockey. I was shocked to see the reasonable prices and no lottery. As great of a sports town the twin cities are, do the students not support their teams that well. Again, just surprised how available they were, and happy to get them for him.

Wont get Hockey or basketball.

I have a printed out confirmation order for paid season seats. Am I missing something?

My son is an incoming freshman and we just ordered his season tickets for football, bball and hockey. I was shocked to see the reasonable prices and no lottery. As great of a sports town the twin cities are, do the students not support their teams that well. Again, just surprised how available they were, and happy to get them for him.


1. My son is also an incoming freshman, but we are out of state. What was the process / website that you went through? Let me know please. Thank you.

He is also out of state. You go thru the athletic department ticket office on line and use his student i.d.# It's easy.

I can for sure confirm that students are able to buy all three sports right now at the prices listed above. 6 Nov 1999 you can also get them when your son comes in for Orientation, there will be a little booth in the Great Hall of Coffman Memorial Union.

PS While you're here if you see a kid in a wheelchair w/ a sweet U of M polo be sure to come say hi!

Go Gophers!

Wont get Hockey or basketball.

Not sure why you would say this. They will get hockey and basketball. Neither have sold out in recent years, and hockey has been way down in student sales.

We know who to thank for that...

Not sure why you would say this. They will get hockey and basketball. Neither have sold out in recent years, and hockey has been way down in student sales.

That really ignorant Asst. A.D. who's sole mission in life it was to kill student sections. First he split the student section up, then banned long time cheers. He went so far as to instruct the band to start playing over an cheer he found "offensive". The Minnesota Student section was secretly admired and copied all over the WCHA. Now it is a sad, pathetic joke. For those of us who go back to the Old Mariucci, it is almost enough to stop watching the games. The on ice product has been historically bad, but a fun atmosphere could have gone a long way to keeping the section alive.

My point is, name a city the size of the twin cities with mlb,nhl,nba,nfl and d-1 sports. It wasn't a comment as to the success of any of the teams.

That really ignorant Asst. A.D. who's sole mission in life it was to kill student sections. First he split the student section up, then banned long time cheers. He went so far as to instruct the band to start playing over an cheer he found "offensive". The Minnesota Student section was secretly admired and copied all over the WCHA. Now it is a sad, pathetic joke. For those of us who go back to the Old Mariucci, it is almost enough to stop watching the games. The on ice product has been historically bad, but a fun atmosphere could have gone a long way to keeping the section alive.

Yup, I agree. It is really sad what the administration has done to that student section. Taking away the "Hey Song" at the 10 minute mark of the 3rd period because the students chant "Sioux Suck" has got to be the most rediculous thing ever. Luckily this year or maybe next year they are combining the student section again. But that wont bring back all the great cheers I remember so fondly!

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