Thinking of donating a pair of tickets


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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We have a fellow at work who has had surgery for brain cancer. They are asking for donations for a benefit auction for him. I have season tickets in section 142 - row 15. That is roughly on the 35 yard line. Those seats are right behind the Minnesota bench so it is kind of fun to watch the things going on during the game. I wanted to donate tickets that would bring in the most money so I was thinking the Iowa or Wisconsin games. Which seats does this board think would bring in the most money. We live in the Rochester area so we are close to both Iowa and Wisconsin.

If you don't care who the tickets go to (regardless of team affiliation) you'd "generally" have more people interested in bidding on the Iowa tickets due to our proximity closer to the border and having more people commuting to Roch from Iowa than Wisconsin for work (just my opinion). Speaking in terms of Kasson, Byron, Triton area, I believe we have more Hawks fans living among us than Badger fans but again, could be wrong.

Having said that, you'll need to take into consideration that the HS Sectional semi-finals are played that Saturday (10-29) which we will see many of our area HS programs participating in and possibly limiting your potential bidders (if they have HS aged kids).

Either way, I commend you on doing a very nice act of kindness for your co-worker and I am sure he will appreciate whatever funds are raised on his behalf. Your generosity will be very much appreciated and go a long way.

tickets for charity

Thanks for your input Buck. Good food for thought! I had several Iowa people try to buy the tickets already and that got me thinking about putting them in the auction. I hear people on hear claim to dislike Iowa and Wisconsin with the same intensity so I thought there might be some thought that Wisconsin might bring in more money.

I don't really care if the tickets go to the opposing team if that means they brought in more money for the auction. It is just a little thing on my part but if enough people do a enough little things that will add up to a lot for the family.

NDSU - According to bannedbison there can not be a hotter ticket on the face of the planet.

Bring it on ND

If someone from ND wants to donate to the cause they are more than welcome. Great seats for all games.

Your Nebraska tickets will bring the most money, no question.

Can't do Neb.

I agree with you on Neb. but can't do the Nebraska game. My father-in-law used to go to every Nebraska game when he lived down there. He would wear a red sport jacket and top hat to every game. A Husker football game was by far the biggest event in Nebraska. So I've already promised him that game.

Hats of to you MNSpaniel! That's a really nice thing to do.

Congrats on your generosity. My family donated Gopher tickets to a Golf Tournament today that benefited our local high school football team. As far as value...the Nebraska game would generate the most dollars...then Iowa...then Wisky.

Offer a choice of either game. Highest bidder gets to choose which tickets they want.

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