Think about it


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Nov 12, 2008
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What is characteristic about winning teams (Big 10)?

The incoming recruits play under the same system during their 4 years of playing.

ie: Iowa. Wisconsin, Penn State, Ohio State.

Teams that have changed: Minnesota (even with the same coach), Michigan, Michigan State.

Now my comment. If we keep the same Defense and Offense approach and coaches and their systems without changing as we have done recently we will be OK and with our success in recruiting we will be at or near the top in the B10.

To me it is quite obvious that learning new systems this year has set us back.

Well in 2007, Brewster chose Dunbar and Withers as his guys when he came in. Brewster sells fan base on Spread Offense. After Season One, Withers forced out.
In 2008, Dunbar is still Brewster's guy and he brings in Roof. After Season Two, Roof leaves for better job, no fault to Brewster. But Dunbar is dumped.
In 2009, Brewster brings in Fisch and Cosgrove.

Complain all you want about not having consistency with five coordinators in three years, just remember, only one left on their own accord. And the change from a Spread offense to a Pro-Style was made by one person - Brewster.

Dunbar and the spread may still be here if he had a power run formation in his play book. The inability to convert any short yardage situations led to Dunbar being fired. I'm not sure when Brew decided to go to a pro style offense - but he certainly decided during last season that he needed the ability to run with authority.

A couple of points; Withers was not forced out he left voluntarily and has had good defenses at NC. Dunbar was a mismatch from the beginning. I do think ,that if Brewster keeps all of his coach's a years continuity will help, and additional years will help more. Another thing that will help is when we reach the point that we don't need to bring in JC players.


Withers wasn't fired but he wasn't exactly given a vote of confidence after 2007. He knew he was on a short leash and bolted at the first opportunity. And no one shed a single tear from Brewster's staff when he left.

I like to believe Withers would have applied the same corrections to his mistakes he made to his first year to what he did at UNC. I imagine we are going to go through the same growing pains with Fisch. I'd like to believe next year's game planning/execution will be better after he gets some time to analyze how he prepared and attacked this year.

I like to believe Withers would have applied the same corrections to his mistakes he made to his first year to what he did at UNC. I imagine we are going to go through the same growing pains with Fisch. I'd like to believe next year's game planning/execution will be better after he gets some time to analyze how he prepared and attacked this year.

Truth be told, Withers isn't THE guy on defense either at UNC with Butch Davis at the helm. And Withers inherited a defense with more talent at UNC than he did with the 2007 Gopher squad.

This is a legitamate knock on Brewster/Maturi. I think though, that we knew there would be problems with hiring a coach without head coaching experience. We also thought that the benefit in recruiting was worth the learning curve. But let's at least follow that thought through enough to know that the problems of an inexperienced HC has to look like something. This is what it looks like. Accept it, and look for growth.

Truth be told, Withers isn't THE guy on defense either at UNC with Butch Davis at the helm. And Withers inherited a defense with more talent at UNC than he did with the 2007 Gopher squad.

One other benefit Withers now enjoys...he only has to stop ACC offenses, for the most part.

Overall, the Big 10 is the superior football conference :D, with tougher offenses to try to handle, week after week.

One other benefit Withers now enjoys...he only has to stop ACC offenses, for the most part.

Overall, the Big 10 is the superior football conference :D, with tougher offenses to try to handle, week after week.

If they had an ACC/Big 10 Challenge in football this season, the stadiums where the games would be played would spontaneously implode due to futility. Both conferences look awful, especially the bottom half of the ACC.

Duke is awful. Northwestern is decent. What a ridiculous thing to say thaileagle

Duke is awful. Northwestern is decent. What a ridiculous thing to say thaileagle

They beat Duke 24-20 last year and lost the previous year 20-14, they're not that far apart...but it was just a joke, lol.......

Well in 2007, Brewster chose Dunbar and Withers as his guys when he came in. Brewster sells fan base on Spread Offense. After Season One, Withers forced out.
In 2008, Dunbar is still Brewster's guy and he brings in Roof. After Season Two, Roof leaves for better job, no fault to Brewster. But Dunbar is dumped.
In 2009, Brewster brings in Fisch and Cosgrove.

Complain all you want about not having consistency with five coordinators in three years, just remember, only one left on their own accord. And the change from a Spread offense to a Pro-Style was made by one person - Brewster.

There was also the o-line and wide receiver coaches that left in addition to the coordinators. I have always found it odd and a little concerning that Brewster was not able to lure any coaches to come here who he had worked with at previous jobs in the past. It appears that the coaches who knew him best and worked with everyday did not want to come here and work for him. Normally when a coach gets a head coaching position they fill their staff with guys who they have worked with previously in their careers because they know first hand what they bring to the table. I would be curious to understand why this is.

There was also the o-line and wide receiver coaches that left in addition to the coordinators. I have always found it odd and a little concerning that Brewster was not able to lure any coaches to come here who he had worked with at previous jobs in the past. It appears that the coaches who knew him best and worked with everyday did not want to come here and work for him. Normally when a coach gets a head coaching position they fill their staff with guys who they have worked with previously in their careers because they know first hand what they bring to the table. I would be curious to understand why this is.


I thought Brewster had a previous relationship with Withers?


I thought Brewster had a previous relationship with Withers?

And he left after one season. I just think these lack of relationships with coaches wanting to work for him has contributed to some of the instability and the difficulties with in particular being able to get coaches that shared his same vision. Judd Fisch was unemployed and was not the first choice and Cosgrove was unemployed and out of football for a year. I just find it odd that after being in coaching as long as he has that he didn't have any friends that wanted to come work for him. It is just different from how many coaches go about building a staff.

And he left after one season. I just think these lack of relationships with coaches wanting to work for him has contributed to some of the instability and the difficulties with in particular being able to get coaches that shared his same vision. Judd Fisch was unemployed and was not the first choice and Cosgrove was unemployed and out of football for a year. I just find it odd that after being in coaching as long as he has that he didn't have any friends that wanted to come work for him. It is just different from how many coaches go about building a staff.

I had a strange feeling last year that Brewster & Roof didn't get along too well........

It's difficult to find people who were ahead of you to want to work below you. It's just the way it is. So when looking for a proven coordinator his personal circle was probably shut off to him unless he brought some one up which is what happened with Fisch. Coordinators also like to play for HC's that add to their resume. someone who will get them closer to an HC job. Those guys who would have seen this position as a resume builder weren't the names we were looking for. A couple more years in the league that will change.

I just find it odd that after being in coaching as long as he has that he didn't have any friends that wanted to come work for him. It is just different from how many coaches go about building a staff.

Not sure where you got this idea. Brewster had a previous relationship with Withers, Lewis, Butler, Cross, Berezowitz, Cosgrove, and Hightower. In addition, his relationships with other coaches led to the direct hiring of Fisch, Lee, Hammock, and McDonald.

No one ever says anything about the Great Davis, but his o line hasn't set the world afire. I think Cross (recruiting) and Butler have been his best coaches. Brew is a grade D game manager. His BS is wearing thin. It's time to clean house. As someone said on the radio, football is your revenue producer. You bring in a great BB coach in Tubby and then you bring in Brew, an untried head coach.

It's no where close to time to clean house. If you can't see the overall improvment in the program from last year you just can't see. This is esciting to watch this program build, if you can't enjoy the process go root for someone else and come back in two years.

With the exception of Cosgrove, every new coach is an up grade!! Don''t expect Davis to make a silk purse from a pigs ear. Give him some time with these young kids and you will see a good line. I repeat it usually takes 3 yrs. to get a o-lineman to be ready to start at this level.

I know this is a day late but its too shocking of a comment to ignore.


Please tell me this is sarcasm or a post you made in the early 1980's. Anything relevent to college football either this year, last year, or this decade suggests that it isn't even close.

You've just seriously lowered the validity of all your other opinions with this statement. Thall - you're just trying to post something you wish was true to prove your point. In this case it's not only not true, it's not even close.


I know this is a day late but its too shocking of a comment to ignore.


Please tell me this is sarcasm or a post you made in the early 1980's. Anything relevent to college football either this year, last year, or this decade suggests that it isn't even close.

You've just seriously lowered the validity of all your other opinions with this statement. Thall - you're just trying to post something you wish was true to prove your point. In this case it's not only not true, it's not even close.



Northwestern 14, Duke 20


Northwestern 24, Duke 20

Yes...they are *CLEARLY* better.......


Northwestern 14, Duke 20


Northwestern 24, Duke 20

Yes...they are *CLEARLY* better.......

You can't be serious, can you? Because of two games?? So by this logic, Appalacian State is a better football program than Michigan, right?

Look at their records/bowls over the last decade. Your statement is absurd.

You not only said that Duke was close to NW, but even suggested they are BETTER than NW - using two relatively close games with NW as your example of them being better.

Your best possible argument even throwing out all of the other NW wins from LY and the Duke losses from LY doesn't hold water.

In your own condesending and arrogant words toward others.......STOP IT.


I can't believe you're still entertaining that........

They seriously need a SARCASM simile.......

Going back to the original point, is it possible that it could be the reverse? Coaching schemes/staff change when they are doing poorly. When teams are doing well, they don't change their schemes/staff. I agree that it would be great to keep a set of coaches for more than 6 months, I'm just saying, think about it.

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