There's Nothing to Bitch About! There's Nothing to Bitch About!


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
For a game at least...

- Tubby didn't do a single hockey-style-5-for-5 sub the entire game.
- Tubby let the guards push the ball.
- The guards penetrated.
- Tubby was engaged the entire game.
- Tubby called a couple of nicely timed time-outs.
- Tubby shortened the bench in the second half.

Without arguably our two best players we pulled out a nice win against a solid team on national TV.

Go Gophers!!

The damn promotions killed the atmosphere. ;)

For a game at least...

- Tubby didn't do a single hockey-style-5-for-5 sub the entire game.
- Tubby let the guards push the ball.
- The guards penetrated.
- Tubby was engaged the entire game.
- Tubby called a couple of nicely timed time-outs.
- Tubby shortened the bench in the second half.

Without arguably our two best players we pulled out a nice win against a solid team on national TV.

Go Gophers!!

Without a doubt this is one of Tubby's finest hours at the U of M. He pulled all the right strings, and got the guys prepared to play all 40 minutes hard and smart. Hats off to Tubby and the players! Lots of things to offer hope tonight and the team won the crowd over with that one. Good stuff.

Someone will probably whine about the 53.3% FT shooting performance, as many people think free throw % is a big factor in who wins and loses basketball games. Of course, it actually matters very little... but Julian was pure with those big shots that actually had significance in the closing minute of the game.

PS - I like the "Tubby was engaged the entire game"!

you could nit-pick and say your backup shooting guard shouldn't go 0 for 4 at the free throw line-- but overall that was the best game of the year by far. The intensity and sense of urgency exhibited by the players made it much more fun to watch. And I liked the shortened bench in the 2nd half alot.

For a game at least...

- Tubby didn't do a single hockey-style-5-for-5 sub the entire game.
- Tubby let the guards push the ball.
- The guards penetrated.
- Tubby was engaged the entire game.
- Tubby called a couple of nicely timed time-outs.
- Tubby shortened the bench in the second half.

Without arguably our two best players we pulled out a nice win against a solid team on national TV.

Go Gophers!!

It is telling when you need to point these things out. Especially being engaged in the game.

Glad you didnt let this Tubby praising opportunity pass you by Bleed. You didnt seem to weigh in previously......

It is telling when you need to point these things out. Especially being engaged in the game.

Glad you didnt let this Tubby praising opportunity pass you by Bleed. You didnt seem to weigh in previously......

Thanks! I'm glad we both agree that praising after a win is fun. Sports are fun and they are more fun after a win.

"You didnt seem to weigh in previously......"


Go Gophers!!

Thanks! I'm glad we both agree that praising after a win is fun. Sports are fun and they are more fun after a win.

"You didnt seem to weigh in previously......"


Go Gophers!!

YEs, it is fun after a win - praising. However, both sides of the coin should be consistently applied - something that is in short supply here on gh, especially by the revered posters.

AS far as weighing in - nice article, and I did read it when you published it. Apply your writing skills to some thread discussions with your opinions. Makes it nice for us that enjoy your posts.

Cripes ZTA, are you going to rehash the same old arguments that you repeated over and over in the last days of Monson? I'm surprised you haven't trotted out reference to "The Club" yet.

You liked Monson, you liked Bill Walker, you didn't like the way they were dismissed or treated by the fanbase. This all happened in 2006-over five years now (actually Tuesday was the five year anniversary of Monson's resignation). Might be time to move on.

Someone will probably whine about the 53.3% FT shooting performance, as many people think free throw % is a big factor in who wins and loses basketball games. Of course, it actually matters very little... !

So very wrong. I'm not bitching about the %, but free throws have a lot to do with wins and losses.

YEs, it is fun after a win - praising. However, both sides of the coin should be consistently applied - something that is in short supply here on gh, especially by the revered posters.

AS far as weighing in - nice article, and I did read it when you published it. Apply your writing skills to some thread discussions with your opinions. Makes it nice for us that enjoy your posts.

this is the first time in my life that i have seen a fan of a team ask other fans of of the same team for equal time criticizing the team as they do praise the team. holy crap dude, we are FANS of a team. by the very nature we are likely going to be a bit loftier in our praise than we are in our critcisim. that is what makes it fun to be a fan. if you want fair and balanced analysis then watch fox news. this is a fan site.

Cripes ZTA, are you going to rehash the same old arguments that you repeated over and over in the last days of Monson? I'm surprised you haven't trotted out reference to "The Club" yet.

You liked Monson, you liked Bill Walker, you didn't like the way they were dismissed or treated by the fanbase. This all happened in 2006-over five years now (actually Tuesday was the five year anniversary of Monson's resignation). Might be time to move on.

The Club is alive and wll cool dude. You know, I know it.

Same old arguments Cool? Do the "same old arguments apply to what has been happening with the program for the last 5 years?

Base your answer on the expectations going into the 5 year period, the results during the 5 year period(wins/losses, police blotter, Barn revitalized), and the $$ made by the coaching staff during the 5 year period.

I know you see it clearly coolman - you may not want to admit it, but you do see it clearly.

Be consistent - both ways.

The Club is alive and wll cool dude. You know, I know it.

Same old arguments Cool? Do the "same old arguments apply to what has been happening with the program for the last 5 years?

Base your answer on the expectations going into the 5 year period, the results during the 5 year period(wins/losses, police blotter, Barn revitalized), and the $$ made by the coaching staff during the 5 year period.

I know you see it clearly coolman - you may not want to admit it, but you do see it clearly.

Be consistent - both ways.
If Tubby wins out you'll still be called for him to be fired because you just don't like him.

For those relative newcomers to the board, Barn Burner used to go by the moniker ZTAGopher. He was a staunch defender of Dan Monson and when almost everyone else (save for his pals wren and the loon) felt it was time for the program to go in a different direction, he became quite indignant and began referring to "The Club" which was anyone who disagreed with him. It was somewhat fascinating at first, but then became purely tedious. Many of the comments he is trotting out in these recent posts are thinly veiled references to that time period, which again was five years ago. I thought he said he was leaving the GH some time ago and he wasn't seen nor heard for quite some time, but he's back. My advice-avoid getting drawn into it with him, unless you have some aspirin handy.

And now, going against my own advice, for at least one last post. . .

ZTA, if you've been following the board, you'll notice I haven't posted quite so often as in the past. That's for a number of reasons, primarily being that I'm no longer living in the U.S. and I have had limited access to watching the Gophers over the last three years. Without seeing the team consistently, I have deferred to others who see the team on a regular basis. I have had my criticisms and questions regarding where the program is headed, both big picture and with particular games/seasons. There's certainly enough critics on the board for the program and I don't feel the need to pile on; additionally, the circumstances of life have taken me away from the frequency I used to spend on this board and I believe the same holds true for many of the others from the days when you decided to draw that line in the sand.

I've been fortunate to find a consistent internet feed this year so I will be posting more often perhaps. I was quite happy to see the win against Va Tech the other night and I think there is quite a bit of potential with this team. Is it where I thought the program would be after five years? Nope. I expected more and I still have plenty of questions if Tubby can get the team over the hump of mediocrity. That being said, he's our coach and that's not changing anytime soon. I see a lot of potential in the likes of Hollins-squared, Eliason, Welch, etc. I'd rather focus on the positives that are occurring on the court rather than rehash or engage in pointless personal battles. If you want critics ZTA, cast your eyes wide, there are plenty. And if you want to jump back into the muck, I'm sure you will find willing partners to argue with you. I'm just not up for it, and my guess is that your other old adversaries aren't either.

For those relative newcomers to the board, Barn Burner used to go by the moniker ZTAGopher. He was a staunch defender of Dan Monson and when almost everyone else (save for his pals wren and the loon) felt it was time for the program to go in a different direction, he became quite indignant and began referring to "The Club" which was anyone who disagreed with him. It was somewhat fascinating at first, but then became purely tedious. Many of the comments he is trotting out in these recent posts are thinly veiled references to that time period, which again was five years ago. I thought he said he was leaving the GH some time ago and he wasn't seen nor heard for quite some time, but he's back. My advice-avoid getting drawn into it with him, unless you have some aspirin handy.

And now, going against my own advice, for at least one last post. . .

ZTA, if you've been following the board, you'll notice I haven't posted quite so often as in the past. That's for a number of reasons, primarily being that I'm no longer living in the U.S. and I have had limited access to watching the Gophers over the last three years. Without seeing the team consistently, I have deferred to others who see the team on a regular basis. I have had my criticisms and questions regarding where the program is headed, both big picture and with particular games/seasons. There's certainly enough critics on the board for the program and I don't feel the need to pile on; additionally, the circumstances of life have taken me away from the frequency I used to spend on this board and I believe the same holds true for many of the others from the days when you decided to draw that line in the sand.

I've been fortunate to find a consistent internet feed this year so I will be posting more often perhaps. I was quite happy to see the win against Va Tech the other night and I think there is quite a bit of potential with this team. Is it where I thought the program would be after five years? Nope. I expected more and I still have plenty of questions if Tubby can get the team over the hump of mediocrity. That being said, he's our coach and that's not changing anytime soon. I see a lot of potential in the likes of Hollins-squared, Eliason, Welch, etc. I'd rather focus on the positives that are occurring on the court rather than rehash or engage in pointless personal battles. If you want critics ZTA, cast your eyes wide, there are plenty. And if you want to jump back into the muck, I'm sure you will find willing partners to argue with you. I'm just not up for it, and my guess is that your other old adversaries aren't either.

your analysis of zta was far too nice and politically correct. you took the high road which most on the hole know zta will never take. bravo to you coolhand, you are a good man. some on the hole don't get that praise.

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