There is a game today!


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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Out of 40 some threads on the first page I saw two that had to do with the game today. A coach isn't going to be hired for some time ... Brewster is gone and that is in the past. I think the Gophers are going to respond in a good way. Unfortunately, three starters for the Penn St. defense are returning for our game.

According to the radar, it looks as if the rain could hold off until early afternoon. Just in time for Obama

According to the radar, it looks as if the rain could hold off until early afternoon. Just in time for Obama

Hard to believe that President Obamma can't schedule his appearance to accommodate Gopher Football. That's how far we have fallen.

What I'm really curious about is if he will sit or stand during the program and whether he expects to have a beer.

Seriously; it will be interesting to see how the congestion is handled.

Default There is a game today!
Out of 40 some threads on the first page I saw two that had to do with the game today. A coach isn't going to be hired for some time ... Brewster is gone and that is in the past.

But MNSpaniel, being able to read 5472 threads about who should be our new coach combined with Brewster comments is too much fun. It gives us something to do besides watch The Weather Channel.

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