The top seven rows of 219


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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will be the only buffer between the student secion and one of the visitor sections....

Could be some interesting discusions in that area....maybe more????

Anybody on the hole planning on selecting in this area?

will be the only buffer between the student secion and one of the visitor sections....

Could be some interesting discusions in that area....maybe more????

Anybody on the hole planning on selecting in this area?

i hope to see some old fashion fist fights up in that area that involve some red blood spilled all over some red becky & yellow hogeye jackets! now head on back to madistan and iowa city bitches. ;)

Then place armed guards and security there to break up any trouble BEFORE it starts. A DMZ would be needed there if there were more fans anti-social enough to call for blood-shed. Any kind of violence in the new stadium will be a BAD thing for the University of Minnesota. If the U of M allows ANY violence in their new stadium, heads in the administration had better be rolling. maturi really will need to be tossed out on his ear if he lets that kind of stuff happen.

Any instigation of violence in the new stadium should call for total and absolute banishment and loss of season tickets on the spot.

What kind of a zoo do you want to set up bronko???????

Then placed armed guards and security there to break up any trouble BEFORE it starts. A DMZ would be needed there if there were more fans anti-social enough to call for blood-shed. Any kind of violence in the new stadium will be a BAD thing for the University of Minnesota. If the U of M allows ANY violence in their new stadium, heads in the administration had better be rolling. maturi really will need to be tossed out on his ear if he lets that kind of stuff happen.

Any instigation of violence in the new stadium should call for total and absolute banishment and loss of season tickets on the spot.

What kind of a zoo do you want to set up bronko???????

blah, blah, blah. :cry: you are one to come here and try to talk reason when it comes to becky and hogeye fans talking smack in OUR gopher stadium. i for one want to make sure they are as uncomfortable as possible while in minneapolis for a college football game. if it takes a little muscle to get the point across then so be it. just get out of here already troll! head back to beckyville. or is it the hogyeye board where you usually hang out as pantherhawk?

Violence is NOT the answer maverick. I've been a Gopher fan long enough to be able to state an opinion. You seem more like those obnoxious student fans at wisky and iowa. If you start jumping visiting fans when they come to TCF BANK STADIUM, it will be time to start posting a LOT of off duty policemen through out the stadium with the instructions to take out the violent criminal element from the stadium. The University of Minnesota can NOT allow people to be beaten up in their stadium. Talk about liability! Hopefully, when you are arrensted for trying to attack someone, your new cell-mate will be very non-violent, peaceful and considerate.

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you..." Have your pound of flesh if you think you are person enough...but...take not ONE drop of blood!

I used to razz the opposing fans fierce at the Metrodome. Then I went on some road trips and found out that it's not fun to take a year to plan a perfect college football vacation only to have it ruined by some loud mouth local.

Morale of the story...cheer on the Gophers as loud as you can. Leave the visitors alone.

Violence is NOT the answer maverick. I've been a Gopher fan long enough to be able to state an opinion. You seem more like those obnoxious student fans at wisky and iowa. If you start jumping visiting fans when they come to TCF BANK STADIUM, it will be time to start posting a LOT of off duty policemen through out the stadium with the instructions to take out the violent criminal element from the stadium. The University of Minnesota can NOT allow people to be beaten up in their stadium. Talk about liability! Hopefully, when you are arrensted for trying to attack someone, your new cell-mate will be very non-violent, peaceful and considerate.

"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you..." Have your pound of flesh if you think you are person enough...but...take not ONE drop of blood!


Now I understand why most posters here don't like you 4starrecruit. Are you upset cause you didn't get that 5th star that you need to make up things?

Here is my entire post, in which I do NOT recommend nor incite violence. When I look at the overhead view of the stadium, it just looked like a possible trouble spot with visitor and student sections so close together, I had to ask the question... Here's my post:

<HR style="COLOR: #880027; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #880027" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->"The top seven rows of 219 will be the only buffer between the student secion and one of the visitor sections....

Could be some interesting discusions in that area....maybe more????

Anybody on the hole planning on selecting in this area?"


4starrecruit likes to incite his own team's fans, I bet he's a handful when confronting opponents fans...right 4starrecruit??? Violence your way to solve problems???

"...could be some interesting discussions in that area...maybe more..."

The "...maybe more..." would insinuate anything that might happen that goes beyond the "discussion" point. That would insinuate a lot more. Throw in this bronko's out and out call for blood-shed and enough is enough. There is NO place in college football for intimidation of opposing team's fans. The only reason Big Ten fooball is so fun and special is because of the friendly rivalries that have developed over the many decades of play. Without our friendly rivals the games would not mean very much.

I like to visit our friendly rival's stadiums and expect to be treated as a guest. I always try to treat our friendly rival fans as guests when they journey to the Twin Cities.

I didn't appreciate your insinuation that something "more" than "interesting" discussions may evolve in any locaion of the University of Minneota TCF BANK STADIUM. That stadium was NOT built to house ANY intractions between fan bases other than "friendly" displays of loyalty o one's favorite team...the visitor team's fans or the home team's fans.

"...could be some interesting discussions in that area...maybe more..."

The "...maybe more..." would insinuate anything that might happen that goes beyond the "discussion" point. That would insinuate a lot more. Throw in this bronko's out and out call for blood-shed and enough is enough. There is NO place in college football for intimidation of opposing team's fans. The only reason Big Ten fooball is so fun and special is because of the friendly rivalries that have developed over the many decades of play. Without our friendly rivals the games would not mean very much.

I like to visit our friendly rival's stadiums and expect to be treated as a guest. I always try to treat our friendly rival fans as guests when they journey to the Twin Cities.

I didn't appreciate your insinuation that something "more" than "interesting" discussions may evolve in any locaion of the University of Minneota TCF BANK STADIUM. That stadium was NOT built to house ANY intractions between fan bases other than "friendly" displays of loyalty o one's favorite team...the visitor team's fans or the home team's fans.

you are too much 4starrecruit. great "speech"! now where should we send your academy award?! madison or iowa city?

My words "Maybe more"

Your words 4starrecruit:

"You seem more like those obnoxious student fans at wisky and iowa. If you start jumping visiting fans when they come to TCF BANK STADIUM, it will be time to start posting a LOT of off duty policemen through out the stadium with the instructions to take out the violent criminal element from the stadium. The University of Minnesota can NOT allow people to be beaten up in their stadium. Talk about liability! Hopefully, when you are arrensted for trying to attack someone, your new cell-mate will be very non-violent, peaceful and considerate.

So from the simple words "maybe more" you take it straight to nuclear armegedden...quite a leap there 4starrecruit..... You are nothing but an internet bully! Big words and leaps of judgement and menaings that no sane person would do!

Go to bed and don't get back on this board until you have taken your "happy pills"

Watching Wren and Bronko engage in a battle of wits is akin to watching a weight-lifting contest between Calista Flockhart and Katie Couric.

Beat the other team and their fans on the football field...NOT...way up in the cheap seats...

Beat the other team and their fans on the football field...NOT...way up in the cheap seats...

So beat the other team's fans up on the field instead of the seats ... got it. Now we just need to figure out how to get them down there.:mad:

Beat the other team and their fans up by actually wnning a heck of a lot of Big Ten football games...that's the ticket. It's all about Big Ten wins. Graduate players. Run a clean program. And WIN Big Ten football games!!! It's SO simple... ; 0 )

aside from the possibility of the NE corner of TCF bank stadium starting WW III, I like that the student section is that close to the visitors section. That gives the student section more incentive (and the ability) to drown out those opposing fans...

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