The Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 4/15/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Discussion of Gary Tinsley's funeral was the topic that opened up the show. Once again, Dave Mona asked coach Kill a few GopherHole questions that were submitted this past week and one from a previous thread.

1) Gary Tinsley funeral: "Very difficult . . . it was a good thing for the family . . . Gary's mom is very close to some of the players." The Gopher team was named Honorary Pallbearers. "(The funeral) Good celebration for Gary . . . our kids have become relentless as Gary was."

Coach Kill complimented the kids on how they've responded to the death of Gary Tinsley saying they've practiced hard. He also complimented school professors and lettermen for the support and outreach that they've shown the team.

Kill also said that the rough days are ahead for the Tinsley family with the loss of Gary - after everyone departs and go on with day-to-day activities. He closed by saying, "They're (Gary's parents) going to come up to be part of Gary's graduation."

2) In a related topic, Dave asked if the team would wear a patch honoring Tinsley? Kill responded saying you always want to carry on someone's legacy with dignity. He said they have some ideas that they're consdering and that they'll let the kids decide.

3) Sid asked about the team's progress: Kill said last Friday's pracice was one of the best since his arrival at Minnesota, "Sharp on Friday." He then said the team got up at 4:30 a.m. on Saturday for Tinsley's funeral (coaches stayed overnight in the coaches office) and returned home from Jacksonville, Florida at 6:00 p.m. Later in the show he referenced Friday's practice and how sharp the team was by saying it was mistake free until the last six plays of the scrimmage when they had a lot of young players on the field. During the discussion of Friday's practice he said "Life is relentless." He went onto say he expects the team to come out on Tuesday and practice hard.

4) Sid, once again, asked about the juco players: "Pleased with where they're at." He went on to say they're, "Athletic . . . helped ourselves." He also said he was pleased with the freshmen that arrived early and are participating in spring drills.

5) Sid asked about the secondary: Kill sounded upbeat about the size and speed of the defensive backs. "We'll have depth and athleticism . . . good job in the weight room." Players mentioned in a followup question by Sid about redshirts that will help this year: Cedric Thompson and Derrick Wells played some last year (Kill also said they probably should've redshirted last year). He then said Steve Montgomery is playing safety and has "done a good job." On the offensive line, a red shirted freshman ,Foster Bush, was highlighted by Kill: "He'll challenge to be a starter." Wide receiver (walkon) Engel: "Has had a good spring." He also cited Thieren Cockran. "They're all going to have to sep up (freshmen and redshirted freshmen)."

6) Dave asked about the runningback position: "David Cobb had played well . . . took a shot to the knee . . . may be back this week." He said Donnell Kirkwood played well last Friday as did Gillum. In closing, he's looking forward to two freshmen that will join the team this summer . . . he didn't mention names and he said one of the incoming freshmen runningbacks may also play some at wide receiver.

7) Sid then asked about pass rushers: "You never know until Saturday . . . TC (Thieren Cockran) can run . . . you're always looking for speed." He then focused on speed linebackers: Manuel moving to linebacker and Keanon Cooper (being withheld) . . . "Must be able to come off the corners, must have speed (referencing pass rushing other than just from DEs in response to Sid's question)." Kill closed the question by saying they've (players) worked hard to improve themselves individually and as a team.

8) Sid referenced the battle for number 2 quarterback: Kill responded by talking about the volume of information that Philip Nelson and Mitch Leidner have had to confront and learn. He then cited Nelson's athleticism and his passing. In closing he said, "Competition is good for everybody."

9) Dave asked about Marcus Jones: Kill said he's been practicing everyday; however, he's being withheld from contact. Jones is having a great spring and is catching the ball well.

Dave then asked a series of questions that were submitted by GopherHolers:

10) killjoy's question about the size of the Gopher's playbook now after a year: Kill said he believes in the KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid) and it's all about execution . . . "doing the little things right." It was at that time that he cited the solid practice of Friday night (error free until the last six plays).

11) DL65's balanced squad question: "We're at the beginning stages . . . two good recruiting classes needed to balance out . . . slowly making progress - young at certain positions." "We've got to get good recruiting classes and how they handle themselves." He closed the question saying, "Excited about the players here that are working hard to get better . . . I'm enjoying being here and the kids."

12) DL65's question about recruiting additional walkons: Kill said they're always out recruiting and walkons will be a big part of their success. However, he said it's not easy because of the admittance standards at the U. He said they "need more big guys." He talked about the mentality of walkons that Nebraska enjoyed under Osborne and apparently again under Bo Pelini: Walkons look first to being a walkon for the Big Red before considering a scholarship offer to FCS, Division II or III schools. He wants the state's high school players to have pride in their state and the U. He closed saying that they presently have three or four walkons that are as good as the scholarship players. Also talked about walkon players earning scholarships.

13) highwayman's question about kickoff strategies, as a result of the new rule change: Kill said he doubts anyone has the answers at this time. Weather in the midwest will be a big factor in strategies employed. He also said that touchbacks (kicking team) is the optimum.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks for the overview DL!

On Point #3, I'm glad to see how Coach Kill characterized Friday night's practice and scrimmages. It looked very good to me...miles ahead of the look of things a year ago on the snow practice night.

I'm more of just being a fan than a technician of the sport of football. It's good to know the HC sees the same thing those in attendance saw.

Go Gophers! In Kill I Trust.

As always, DL, you are the go-to guy.

Some things:

"Life is relentless." -- is this a new team motto or what? Love it.

I should have been more specific in my kick-off question. With the 25 yard line being the new touchback location, and the NCAA kick-off return average around 22 yards, does it change strategy?

I look at Engel to be a major addition to the receiver corps. Not Decker-like, but like a Logan Payne or Ernie Wheelwright. He might be the "go-to" guy everyone begs for. You read it here first.

Discussion of Gary Tinsley's funeral was the topic that opened up the show. Once again, Dave Mona asked coach Kill a few GopherHole questions that were submitted this past week and one from a previous thread.

1) Gary Tinsley funeral: "Very difficult . . . it was a good thing for the family . . . Gary's mom is very close to some of the players." The Gopher team was named Honorary Pallbearers. "(The funeral) Good celebration for Gary . . . our kids have become relentless as Gary was."

Coach Kill complimented the kids on how they've responded to the death of Gary Tinsley saying they've practiced hard. He also complimented school professors and lettermen for the support and outreach that they've shown the team.

Kill also said that the rough days are ahead for the Tinsley family with the loss of Gary - after everyone departs and go on with day-to-day activities. He closed by saying, "They're (Gary's parents) going to come up to be part of Gary's graduation."

2) In a related topic, Dave asked if the team would wear a patch honoring Tinsley? Kill responded saying you always want to carry on someone's legacy with dignity. He said they have some ideas that they're consdering and that they'll let the kids decide.

3) Sid asked about the team's progress: Kill said last Friday's pracice was one of the best since his arrival at Minnesota, "Sharp on Friday." He then said the team got up at 4:30 a.m. on Saturday for Tinsley's funeral (coaches stayed overnight in the coaches office) and returned home from Jacksonville, Florida at 6:00 p.m. Later in the show he referenced Friday's practice and how sharp the team was by saying it was mistake free until the last six plays of the scrimmage when they had a lot of young players on the field. During the discussion of Friday's practice he said "Life is relentless." He went onto say he expects the team to come out on Tuesday and practice hard.

4) Sid, once again, asked about the juco players: "Pleased with where they're at." He went on to say they're, "Athletic . . . helped ourselves." He also said he was pleased with the freshmen that arrived early and are participating in spring drills.

5) Sid asked about the secondary: Kill sounded upbeat about the size and speed of the defensive backs. "We'll have depth and athleticism . . . good job in the weight room." Players mentioned in a followup question by Sid about redshirts that will help this year: Cedric Thompson and Derrick Wells played some last year (Kill also said they probably should've redshirted last year). He then said Steve Montgomery is playing safety and has "done a good job." On the offensive line, a red shirted freshman ,Foster Bush, was highlighted by Kill: "He'll challenge to be a starter." Wide receiver (walkon) Engel: "Has had a good spring." He also cited Thieren Cockran. "They're all going to have to sep up (freshmen and redshirted freshmen)."

6) Dave asked about the runningback position: "David Cobb had played well . . . took a shot to the knee . . . may be back this week." He said Donnell Kirkwood played well last Friday as did Gillum. In closing, he's looking forward to two freshmen that will join the team this summer . . . he didn't mention names and he said one of the incoming freshmen runningbacks may also play some at wide receiver.

7) Sid then asked about pass rushers: "You never know until Saturday . . . TC (Thieren Cockran) can run . . . you're always looking for speed." He then focused on speed linebackers: Manuel moving to linebacker and Keanon Cooper (being withheld) . . . "Must be able to come off the corners, must have speed (referencing pass rushing other than just from DEs in response to Sid's question)." Kill closed the question by saying they've (players) worked hard to improve themselves individually and as a team.

8) Sid referenced the battle for number 2 quarterback: Kill responded by talking about the volume of information that Philip Nelson and Mitch Leidner have had to confront and learn. He then cited Nelson's athleticism and his passing. In closing he said, "Competition is good for everybody."

9) Dave asked about Marcus Jones: Kill said he's been practicing everyday; however, he's being withheld from contact. Jones is having a great spring and is catching the ball well.

Dave then asked a series of questions that were submitted by GopherHolers:

10) killjoy's question about the size of the Gopher's playbook now after a year: Kill said he believes in the KISS method (Keep It Simple Stupid) and it's all about execution . . . "doing the little things right." It was at that time that he cited the solid practice of Friday night (error free until the last six plays).

11) DL65's balanced squad question: "We're at the beginning stages . . . two good recruiting classes needed to balance out . . . slowly making progress - young at certain positions." "We've got to get good recruiting classes and how they handle themselves." He closed the question saying, "Excited about the players here that are working hard to get better . . . I'm enjoying being here and the kids."

12) DL65's question about recruiting additional walkons: Kill said they're always out recruiting and walkons will be a big part of their success. However, he said it's not easy because of the admittance standards at the U. He said they "need more big guys." He talked about the mentality of walkons that Nebraska enjoyed under Osborne and apparently again under Bo Pelini: Walkons look first to being a walkon for the Big Red before considering a scholarship offer to FCS, Division II or III schools. He wants the state's high school players to have pride in their state and the U. He closed saying that they presently have three or four walkons that are as good as the scholarship players. Also talked about walkon players earning scholarships.

13) highwayman's question about kickoff strategies, as a result of the new rule change: Kill said he doubts anyone has the answers at this time. Weather in the midwest will be a big factor in strategies employed. He also said that touchbacks (kicking team) is the optimum.

Go Gophers!!


I wonder if STAN not the man and a fdw others are reading this?

What you spose Coach means?

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