The Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 10/7/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Today''s synopsis of coach Kill's comments and responses to Sid and Dave's queries:

1) Sid opened the show by asking if the team got healthy during the bye week: "We'll know a lot more today . . . will be meeting with staff and trainers." Kill sounded positive and hopeful that Martez Shabazz will be back this week and, "Martez Shabazz - we need him for Northwestern."

Cameron Botticelli is a question mark after he dislocated an elbow in the Iowa game - "We'll see how he progresses."

referring to the injured: "Many moved well on Thursday."

Brock Vereen is back and has been practicing.

Devin Crawford-Tufts has been battling a hamstring injury.

Kill stressed most of his concerns regarding injuries center around the offensive line and the problem of staying healthy. There's uncertainty of whether or not Tommy Olson will be available against Northwestern. He's hopeful Olson is available at least in a back up role.

Marquies Gray: Gray is not in shape because of the injury and his time off from practice. He may be at 75 percent and, of course, timing with his passing is off because lack of practice time. He has a way to go. He concluded the question by saying: "Playing quarterback is a different position - you can't play at half-speed."

2) Sid asked if he watched yesterday's game between Northwestern and PSU: "Watched them (Northwestern) on video of yesterday's game and previous games . . . they're well coached . . . (they) spread you out . . . they have a good kicking game . . . no huddle offense." Regarding the no huddle offense, it is similar to what Western Michigan and New Hampshire ran against the Gophers (some experience in facing the no huddle offense). Kill said Northwestern is a team that's hard to prepare for. Their quarterbacks are athletic and can play other positions as well, which can cause headaches in preparations.

3) Sid asked what they accomplished with the week off: "Have to play tougher - blocking and tackling." Spent a lot of practice time focusing on fundamentals/basic skill sets . . . sled time . . . working on feet and hand drills . . . catching the ball. (Too many dropped balls at Iowa.) He concluded by saying the team "practiced hard."

4) Dave asked about practices when so many coaches were on the road recruiting: "Whenever everyone is on the road there are changes in practices." He said several times that he enjoyed coaching the players in practice (picking up the various functions since the position coaches were absent).

5) Recruiting: Plan to sign 14-16 players . . . trying to redshirt a lot of kids . . . coaches recruiting on-the-road last week sometimes saw three games a day . . . tried to accomplish 4-5 live evaluations per day - games or practice. Kill said recruiting is going well and being 4 and 1 helps in recruiting. He also said he wants to take care of the players they have (rewarding walkons that are producing).

6) Northwestern having two quarterbacks: Again, Kill said Northwestern presents preparation problems because of their athleticism and their ability to play multiple positions . . . "they can do a lot of things . . . need good matchups on people."

7) Sid, again, asked about the availability of Tommy Olson and who is backing him up: Kill said Caleb Bak has replaced Olson and he also mention Jon Christenson. He said Christenson did a good job at Iowa . . .he has good technique and needs to gain 15-20 more pounds. If Zach Mottla is available, Zac Epping would move to guard. "We need Tommy (Olson) to spell some."

8) Andre McDonald: "He's got to learn and catch up." He missed some practices because of injuries and it takes longer for freshman to catch up than an upper classman.

9) Dave asked about JUCO recruiting: Kill answered the query by saying they're looking for "Best players available that fit our needs . . . need to make sure we take care of the young players we have to get them better." Dave asked if while looking at certain players they discover a player that wasn't on their radar screen (a player that pops up). Kill said it happens all the time.

10) OSU vs Nebraska: "It's hard to win on the road, that's why you need to take care of home (field)." He said the cupboard wasn't bare when Urban took over the Buckeye program.

11) Big 10 and PSU: Kill said coach O'brien has done a good job with the Nittany Lions, overcoming a lot of adversity. "He's in a tough situation . . . He's got them playing hard . . . Give the guy credit."

12) Sid asked if the redshirts get experience: Kill responded by saying they practice everyday and gain an extra day of weight training whenever the team is on the road. As to being a young team, he said the second team of offensive line are all freshmen or redshirt freshmen with one sophomore.

13) Dave asked about Marcus Jones: Kill said the ACL injury takes a while to heal and "It's a confidence thing . . . he has a good attitude." He then mentioned AJ Barker's play and having stepped up when the opportunity was presented. He said Barker had 3 excellent days of practice last week. "You've got come to work everyday."

Go Gophers!!

Thanks for the writup as always.

I really wish we could have red shirted all the FR wide receivers last year and this. DCT would have benefited to fully heal his hamstring and, of course, we probably wouldn't have had two with ACL tears in back to back years. Lack of depth really hurts this team right now...4-5 years to catch up.

I am still amazed at all the posters on other threads that don't account for the value of 4th and 5th year starters and second and third year back ups, especially on the line. Right now we have 2nd and 3rd year starters and first or second year back ups...we just aren't going to be able to compete at a consistent level against top competition with our lines right now. It will get better next year and the year after...but we really wont know how good Kill and Company are until year 4, 5 & 6. We will see improvement like we did from last year to this year...but it will take a couple more years to get to where we all want to go.

That said, Kill the cats! Go Gophers!

Thanks DL65 from an outlander. Looks like MG may take longer to heal than initial reports indicated. Having had a severe ankle sprain, this does not surprise me.

I really wish we could have red shirted all the FR wide receivers last year and this. DCT would have benefited to fully heal his hamstring and, of course, we probably wouldn't have had two with ACL tears in back to back years. Lack of depth really hurts this team right now...4-5 years to catch up.

I am still amazed at all the posters on other threads that don't account for the value of 4th and 5th year starters and second and third year back ups, especially on the line. Right now we have 2nd and 3rd year starters and first or second year back ups...we just aren't going to be able to compete at a consistent level against top competition with our lines right now. It will get better next year and the year after...but we really wont know how good Kill and Company are until year 4, 5 & 6. We will see improvement like we did from last year to this year...but it will take a couple more years to get to where we all want to go.

That said, Kill the cats! Go Gophers!

+1 A very nice summary of why we need to be patient and allow Coach Kill to put his program in place. I also find it quite amazing how some posters seem to get upset when Kill says "We are very young." They seem to believe it is just an excuse and he should do something about it now.

Oh well, patience has never been a virtue at the GopherHole. I personally find it comforting to know that coach Kill is trying to build a program on solid ground and that he knows how to do it. That is why I am more focused on improvement and not just wins. The wins will follow later. Patience is part of the process.

A caller to the show just now: I think the top teams in the Missouri Valley Conference could compete with the middle of the pack Big Ten teams this year.

Sid: I think you're right. It's all about pitching.


good stuff as always. you save me from having to endure what Sid has become, much appreicated. you can only hope to contain Sid.


good stuff as always. you save me from having to endure what Sid has become, much appreicated. you can only hope to contain Sid.


First of all, DL, thanks once again for you summary.

Second of all, tundra, what I bolded in your comment deserves a reply. I can only hope that when I am 93 years old that someone, anyone, endures what I have become. Give the guy some love, please. He deserves it if for no other reason than he has survived and still can function. (btw, I believe Sid still knows how to spell appreicated correctly, but you don't.

When Sid does finally pass and go to the great beyond, he will be around passing out Murray's Certificates to those who deserve it. With your luck and understanding, you will be out golfing with a buddy on a bright sunny day. Just as your buddy raises his club to hit the golf ball, Sid will send a bolt of lightening that hits you instead of the guy with the club swinging high. Sid will just say, "Oh *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#, I missed again."

First of all, DL, thanks once again for you summary.

Second of all, tundra, what I bolded in your comment deserves a reply. I can only hope that when I am 93 years old that someone, anyone, endures what I have become. Give the guy some love, please. He deserves it if for no other reason than he has survived and still can function. (btw, I believe Sid still knows how to spell appreicated correctly, but you don't.

When Sid does finally pass and go to the great beyond, he will be around passing out Murray's Certificates to those who deserve it. With your luck and understanding, you will be out golfing with a buddy on a bright sunny day. Just as your buddy raises his club to hit the golf ball, Sid will send a bolt of lightening that hits you instead of the guy with the club swinging high. Sid will just say, "Oh *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#, I missed again."

good grief. message board spelling... really? does that cover it? some people cant get over themselves. i also like how you wish my earlier demise because i call it like it is... i appreicate your comment because it helps me understand why i have pretty much avoided this board except for Sunday morning for the last few years.

please note i said what "he has become." i have not attacked his career, his body of work. i am commenting on how painful the show currently is with Sid's interjections. to help you understand the context here is a politically incorrect example: just because a blind driver used to be a Nascar champion, does not mean he should still be on the road. At some point the skills are not there. If anything i am even more impressed with how well Mona does in that work environment.

tundra, please excuse me for trying to have a little fun on the GopherHole.

(btw, I believe Sid still knows how to spell appreicated correctly, but you don't.

Give the guy a break. He had all the letters, but just forgot the rule "i before c, except after e."

Not sure if you're joking, but he did have all the letters: his appreicated vs the correct appreciated.

Right on, WAG. My bad. But it was fun checking it out though, right?

tundra, please excuse me for trying to have a little fun on the GopherHole.

Dr. Don: It's people. Soylent Green is made out of people. They're making our food out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!
Tundra: I promise, Dr. Don. I promise. I'll tell the exchange.
Dr. Don: You tell everybody. Listen to me, Tundra. You've gotta tell them! Soylent Green is people! We've gotta stop them somehow!

Give the guy a break. He had all the letters, but just forgot the rule "i before c, except after e."

Yea, but he didn't capitalize the pronoun I. Maybe he lacks self-esteem.:)

Dr. Don: It's people. Soylent Green is made out of people. They're making our food out of people. Next thing they'll be breeding us like cattle for food. You've gotta tell them. You've gotta tell them!
Tundra: I promise, Dr. Don. I promise. I'll tell the exchange.
Dr. Don: You tell everybody. Listen to me, Tundra. You've gotta tell them! Soylent Green is people! We've gotta stop them somehow!

Andre McDonald: "He's got to learn and catch up." He missed some practices because of injuries and it takes longer for freshman to catch up than an upper classman.
You've got to think that for a team desperate for playmakers, he could make a difference if he's healthy. Hopefully we will see him out there soon.

Redshirting lineman is a key to a successful program IMO. Most guys grow a lot and get a lot stronger between 18 and 20 years of age. The dividends should pay off especially when they are juniors and seniors. Pirsig and Isaac Hayes should be much better next year after a year of seasoning. I have been a fan of Sid's since the 1960s. That said it is at times painful to listen to him. My guess is that he will stay on as long as he wants to. WCCO would not terminate Sid unless they are prepared to deal with a lot of unhappy listeners.

tundra, please excuse me for trying to have a little fun on the GopherHole.

all is good. my humor meter must have been on reset.

ps... i very seldom use caps on message board. :cool:

I flipped over to Channel 4 after the Saints/Chargers last night and Rosen was doing a quick sports report. The CCO reporter was interviewing Jared Allen after the game. Who's over Allen's shoulder, trailing right behind him with a microphone? 93-year-old Sid Hartman. Yeah, he's a fossil and therefore, the words don't come easily and he gets confused, but he's a legend in sports journalism and guys that are in the business respect the hell out of him for his work ethic and dedication. I'm fairly certain that he hasn't written the bulk of his column for years, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't do a lot of the prep work that goes into it.

"3/4 percent speed." Huh?

Duly noted. I've made the proper correction in the summary. That's what I get for resorting to abbreviations and then not transcribing properly. Thanks for catching the error.

Go Gophers!!

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