The Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 10/21/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Mike Max joined Sid Hartman in asking coach Jerry Kill about yesterday's loss to Wisconsin in Madison. Dave Mona is in Las Vegas for a birthday celebration for Harvey McKay.

1) Sid asked about Phil Nelson's play yesterday: "I thought Phil did a very good job for a true freshman . . . made one decision that he'd like to have back." Kill said Nelson took most of the reps last week in practice. Marquies is not 100% yet and they plan to keep him on the outside at WR (less of a chance of reinjuring his ankle on the outside than running inside), and Max Shortell had an MRI last week because he was experiencing a tingling sensation in his arm and fingers. The decision to take off Nelson's redshirt was finalized Friday evening at about 9:30 when coach Kill met with Phil Nelson.

2) New schemes in Wisconsin's offensive line: Wisconsin did some shifting in the offensive line. Every team has new wrinkles or schemes in reserve that they bring out as the season progresses . . . we need to be prepared for the unexpected adjustments. Bottom line: Kill said they hung in with Wisconsin in the first half, however, they left points on the field . . . he felt Wettstein's field goal attempt at the end of the first half was good. Wisconsin wore the Gophers down in the second half. Big play in the 2nd half was when it was 3rd and 11 and Monte Ball broke several missed tackles for a first down. "They (Wisconsin) took away our will in the 2nd half.

3) Sid asked if Minnesota would like to copy Wisconsin's run game: "We want to run the football . . . always had an athletic QB and RBs . . . We're not built like that now." Kill again referenced the team's youth because of injuries and that the team is headed in the right direction.

He closed the question by saying Wisconsin's athletic director, Barry Alvarez, stopped and visited with him as he was about to board the team bus and its return trip to the Twin Cities. He said he'd keep their conversation private, but he did say Alvarez's comments meant a lot to him.

4) Sid asked about the OL being banged up: "It's been that way all year . . . can't change the past . . . kids are working hard; we'll just keep working." He then said the second year is a year of transition . . . people like and dislike what we're doing. The coaches had a special meeting last night after they returned home from Madison. Kill told the coaches not to let the players get discouraged . . . no yelling . . . the players hear enough negativity away from the practice fields. Need to keep them headed in the right direction.

5) Questions raised about injured players being ready for Purdue: "I have no idea." He said Marquies did some good things yesterday at WR; however, he needs to get adusted to the receiving position.

Derrick Wells needed to have one of his legs restitched that had been injured earlier this year.

Need Ed Olson to get well and back in the lineup. His high ankle sprain makes his availability a question mark.

Many of the starting players are missing valuable practice time because of being held out to recover from their injuries.

Kill also said they need to evaluate game films and determine what they're doing right and focus on those things and by keeping it simple for the players

6) Sid asked if Nelson would be playing QB the rest of the season: "Nelson will be playing. Didn't pull his redshirt and not play him . . . (he) will be learning by playing." He also said Max can help, if needed. Kill, once again, said Nelson would like to have one or two plays over in yesterday's game. Overall, he sounded pleased with Nelson's first outing.

7) Next opponent, Purdue: "Every opponent is a good opponent." He said the ball seemed to bounce Minnesota's way in the first four games; however, it's bounced the other way during games with Iowa, Northwestern, and Wisconsin. He went on to say Wisconsin has really improved its play in recent weeks and that Northwestern is a very good team. Purdue plays a wide open game (good receivers and running backs) and is similar to his team at NIU . . . they played a lot of youngsters during the past couple years and now they've grown up.

8) PSU vs Iowa: Kill is very impressed with O'Brien's coaching . . . gets an A+ for keeping the Nittany Lions focused and for overcoming adversity and multiple distractions.

9) Players raising money for cancer research: Kill cited and credited Connor Cosgrove for spearheading an upcoming fund raiser. Rumor has it that Mike Rallis will cut his hair as a part of the event - coach Kill said, laughing, he'd pay a lot of money to see that happen. Connor Cosgrove made the trip to Madiosn and that he grabbed Kill's hand when the team said "The Lord's Prayer" in the locker room following yesterday's game. He also said Connor is an inspiring young man.

Go Gophers!!


Good News: I'll be in the Twin Cities next weekend for a family gathering and I plan to attend the Minnesota-Purdue game.
Bad News: I won't be able to transcibe the Sports Huddle because of the family commitments.

Thanks DL.

As frustrated as I am with yesterday's loss, I agree that the players don't need to be yelled at. They are young, and it's important to build the belief that they will get better.

I listened off and on to the show today. Callers were brutal on teague and kill. Really a bad week for them both.

I listened off and on to the show today. Callers were brutal on teague and kill. Really a bad week for them both.

Thanks DL as always. Didn't get a chance to listen, what were some of the main gripes with the callers? Was it UNC related, performance related, or a combo of both.

For some reason fans think we should be able to be up 35-0 on Alabama in the 1st quarter at this point in Kill's tenure.

The angst I heard was unc $800k related. As in don't call me for fundraising if you just burned $800k. Max was a bit of an instigator. Sid was depressed about the uw dominance.

"4) Sid asked about the OL being banged up: "It's been that way all year . . . can't change the past . . . kids are working hard; we'll just keep working." He then said the second year is a year of transition . . . people like and dislike what we're doing. The coaches had a special meeting last night after they returned home from Madison. Kill told the coaches not to let the players get discouraged . . . no yelling . . . the players hear enough negativity away from the practice fields. Need to keep them headed in the right direction.

And this is what I mean by all the complaints on GH.

Brock Vereen‏@brockvereen21

We don't want fans, we want believers

Retweeted by Matt O'Connell

Can't hurt to stay positive with this team can it? Forget last week, this is a new week, a fresh start, treat it that way. That's all you can do anyway. Ski-U-Mah Minnesota Golden Gophers!!!

These kids are part of the pampered generation. They get down if one thing gets in their way. Lack of resiliency. God help this nation if this is what it comes down to.

"4) Sid asked about the OL being banged up: "It's been that way all year . . . can't change the past . . . kids are working hard; we'll just keep working." He then said the second year is a year of transition . . . people like and dislike what we're doing. The coaches had a special meeting last night after they returned home from Madison. Kill told the coaches not to let the players get discouraged . . . no yelling . . . the players hear enough negativity away from the practice fields. Need to keep them headed in the right direction.

And this is what I mean by all the complaints on GH.

Why are you posting your eye chart?

These kids are part of the pampered generation. They get down if one thing gets in their way. Lack of resiliency. God help this nation if this is what it comes down to.

Wow, what great wisdom and insight! So how many times did you get hauled behind the woodshed and beating to a pulp?

These kids are part of the pampered generation. They get down if one thing gets in their way. Lack of resiliency. God help this nation if this is what it comes down to.


These kids are part of the pampered generation. They get down if one thing gets in their way. Lack of resiliency. God help this nation if this is what it comes down to.

What absolute B.S. There's a difference between giving up and getting beaten because the other guys are bigger, stronger, older, faster, and healthier than you are. You don't have a frickin' clue about what they go through. Has nothing to do "pampered generation". It's been that way with football teams since the game was invented.

Thanks DL.

As frustrated as I am with yesterday's loss, I agree that the players don't need to be yelled at. They are young, and it's important to build the belief that they will get better.

I think that this is probably a good idea. I also think that UNLV's coaches did the same thing last week on Monday. They had endured a painful loss to UN-Reno, blowing a 21 point lead. I walked past the practice field and it was the quietest practice I had ever witnessed. The players were in helmets, t-shirts and shorts - the coaches were not yelling or blowing whistles. I'm not sure, but I think that it was the head coach, who handles the special teams, was off to the side just punting the ball back and forth with the team's 3 punters. It was a bizarre scene, but I guess that the coach was trying to tell the team that the coaches were not mad and were still behind them 100%. UNLV still got the crap kicked out of them this week vs. Boise St. I'm sure that its tempting to yell, but IMHO that strategy is not healthy for the team in the long run. Go Gophers, Go Rebs!

"no yelling . . . the players hear enough negativity away from the practice fields".

Hope they don't read Gopherhole!

These kids are part of the pampered generation. They get down if one thing gets in their way. Lack of resiliency. God help this nation if this is what it comes down to.

You know back in the 1950's players never lost football games. When they did, they kept fighting until the very end. That's what's wrong with the nation today, 50% of football players lose almost every single game and that's simply too many. They lack resiliency.

I hope the players don't read this stuff. There are just tooooooo many people here who don't know what they are talking about when it comes to building a program. If you think you can win with 10 true Fr. and 10 RS Fr. You are dreaming.

These kids are part of the pampered generation. They get down if one thing gets in their way. Lack of resiliency. God help this nation if this is what it comes down to.

When I was a young'n, we had to haul our own air down from the sky with a rope and a big bucket. These young whippersnappers expect to just breathe, wherever they are. Pampered babies.

I would hope the players would be more critical of their own play than fans after losing to the Badgers 38-13. I don't think the fans comments had much to do with last Saturday's results.

When I was a young'n, we had to haul our own air down from the sky with a rope and a big bucket. These young whippersnappers expect to just breathe, wherever they are. Pampered babies.

I laughed.

Bob Loblaw

You know back in the 1950's players never lost football games. When they did, they kept fighting until the very end. That's what's wrong with the nation today, 50% of football players lose almost every single game and that's simply too many. They lack resiliency.

LOL - Your comment reminds of an article I read many years ago about a government survey that found half of our nuclear plants were below average. The conclusion was that they needed to do something about that.

Killjoy, that reminds me of years ago when I was in high school. All of us in the Senior Class were above average.


Killjoy, that reminds me of years ago when I was in high school. All of us in the Senior Class were above average.

I always suspected that you grew up in Lake Wobegon.:)

Aw shuks, fellas, I've been stepin on toes since I was a yungin.

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