The Sports Huddle: Coach Jerry Kill - 5/13/12


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Nov 20, 2008
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Dave Mona had the day off, away from the Sports Huddle. Sid Hartman and Mike Max raised Gopher football-related topics and questioned coach Jerry Kill.

1) Mike Max opened the show with coach Kill saying Kill was a "hit" with a transportation group: "I enjoyed my time with them. Hopefully we'll get some more Gopher fans," said Kil.

2) Sid asked about coaches being on the road recruiting: "We'll be out (recruiting visits) through the month of May. The last couple days coaches have been at scrimmages (southern high schools)." Kill said there are Jamborees in the south (7-8 teams playing at a single location). Coaches also attend track meets and try to "get as many live evaluations as we can."

Sid followed up asking if there were scrimmages/spring ball in the Midwest, and Kill quickly responded saying, "No . . . it's a tradition in the South."

3) Sid said college basketball coaches can work with their players 4-5 times (2 hour workouts) per week (off season). He wanted to know why they can't do the same thing in football in the off season: "We push for it every year (no success yet) . . . give credit to the basketball coaches." Kill said the 2 hour workout rule is new this year; however, they were able to conduct workouts in recent years as well.

4) Returning to recruiting, Sid asked about the coaches reception by potential recruits: "Recruiting going well . . . have to be very selective." (Kill again stressed, a couple times, because of the low number of available scholarships this year, they have to be very selective.) "Have to do a good job and get the right players in to Minnesota."

5) Sid wanted to know if they're (coaches) being kept busy in the off season (besides recruiting): (Kill laughing) "A lot going on." Quality control staff and coaches busy planning for fall two-a-day camp . . . first game with UNLV . . . developing practice schedules.

6) Sid asked if the players can work out on their own during the off season: They can work out on their own, including in the weight room (Kill sounded pleased with the fact that the players have continued to work in weight room since spring drills ended). He said the players will start their formal weight training program under coaching supervision on June 4th. "Im excited with where we're at." He finished saying they're much further ahead then they were last year at this time. (There was excitement in his voice.)

7) Sid asked if everyone will be in summer school: "Yes," responded Kill.

8) Mike Max brought up the topic of Gary Tinsley's graduation: Coach Kill said he met with Gary Tinsley's parents for dinner on Wednesday night and the parents met with U officials (Deans) the following day. After the graduation ceremonies, they had a celebration event in the locker room. It was a "Happy day, tough day." Coach Kill went on to say it was a proud moment. Gary Tinsley was the first in his family to be awarded a college degree.

9) Sid asked about Josh Campion and Jimmy Gjere: Kill responded saying they "Had concussions." Josh Campion practiced most of spring with contact. Gjere practiced but was withheld from contact. Kill went on to say (Gjere), "Until he's cleared, we don't know." (Kill's voice sounded neutral, to me, when discussing Gjere's availability.)

Sid then asked about Brendan Beal's availability: Kill said he expects Beal to be ready for fall camp . . . "Rehab has gone well."

10) Sid asked if there are going to be more position changes: "I don't think so," said Kill. He then started talking about the changes of this past spring. "Derrick Well's future is unbevlievable" . . . James Manuel gives us more speed at the linebacker position; tremendous surprise." He also mentioned Kendall Gregory-McGhee's move to tight end and that he's looking forward to seeing his development in fall camp. (Obvious adjustment was noted in spring ball - sounded positive about the switch, however.)

11) Mike Max asked about former Gophers as free agents: Anthony Jacobs with the Vikings - "Prepared himself well." He also said a former player at Norhern Illinois said Daune Bennett did well in workouts with Green Bay. (GopherLady is probably smiling about the report, being the Gopher/Packer fan that she is.)

12) Sid asked if there were any surprises during spring drills: Kill responded saying, "A lot of kids got better . . . stronger . . . bending (flexibility)." He also said he initially was concerned about the secondary; however, players (jucos) picked up and the positon/moves were positive happenings. He then cited the following: Cameron Botticelli - "Had a very good spring." Thieren Cockran - "Speed rush end stood out." Cedric Thompson - "Gotten bigger, faster."

Go Gophers!!

I understand Dave Mona will be back next week. I'm sure he'll ask some GopherHoler questions.

Great update DL, thanks! Very interesting comment on Wells, Thompson also stood out to me at the spring game. I think the defense has the biggest chance to really improve this year.


Thank you for the detailed write-up. I was unable to listen this morning. Coach Kill's tone is so different than last year. It was great to hear this.

Sid then asked about Brendan Beal's availability: Kill said he expects Beal to be ready for fall camp . . . "Rehab has gone well."

I hope with all that he has perservered through he will get to play. I still think he may never play but what a positive addition it would be.

Bredan Beal


Thank you for the detailed write-up. I was unable to listen this morning. Coach Kill's tone is so different than last year. It was great to hear this.

Sid then asked about Brendan Beal's availability: Kill said he expects Beal to be ready for fall camp . . . "Rehab has gone well."

I hope with all that he has perservered through he will get to play. I still think he may never play but what a positive addition it would be.

I suspect that there are a lot of us who have the same concern as ButchNashGuy. Bud Grant always preached that a very important attribute a player must have is the ability to stay healthy and/or work through injuries. With Beal the question is the former, i.e. can he stay healthy. It is certainly my hope and desire that he has had just "bad luck" with his injuries and that he is not just predisposed to them.

It has to be very frustrating for him everybody else who cares about him to go through what he has. I wish him all the "Luck of the Irish" and success going forward. He deserves it.

Kill is very high on Derrick Wells. I for one can't wait to watch this kid become a player that opposing coaches have to adjust for.

Thanks DL, I'm sure that you would have, no comments about Hageman?

Great update DL, thanks! Very interesting comment on Wells, Thompson also stood out to me at the spring game. I think the defense has the biggest chance to really improve this year.

Yeah, I thought both Wells and Thompson looked good last year and everyone I talked to about the spring game commented on how natural they both look at the Safety positions.

The defensive backfield has really emerged on this team. The JuCo's obviously help a ton, but the rehabilitation of Carter, the return of Stoud and the emergence of the young safeties has really made this a deep unit (assuming the JuCos can play a bit).

Addendum to 5/13/12 Sports Huddle Summary. I inadvertently left off one item in my synopsis.

Sid asked about a reported walkon punter from Bemidji: coach Kill said he could not comment about any new commitments/walkons until they're in fall camp with their signed paper work.

Go Gophers!!

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