The Sporting News Has Advice For Maturi

Kevin Sumlin, Houston
A terrific mind for offense, and a guy who has proved in a short time that he can turn around programs and isn’t afraid to make changes on his staff even with a championship-caliber team.

Yikes, we just got rid of a guy who wasn't afraid to make changes. This coach drops lower on my list of coaches who can maintain consistency.

Yikes, we just got rid of a guy who wasn't afraid to make changes. This coach drops lower on my list of coaches who can maintain consistency.

You just read a writer's opinion, these comments have no bearing on my opinion of Sumlin.

You just read a writer's opinion, these comments have no bearing on my opinion of Sumlin.

I'm willing to be corrected. Did he not make changes in his staff? It sounds like a factual type report then an opinion type.

Haven't heard the Harsin name mentioned before. Young but interesting.

Treadwell is also an interesting candidate.

I like this list. It includes only quality candidates. If this is close to the list Maturi narrows the search down to it would be a step in the right direction.

I'm open to a coach with an offensive background coming in, but he's going to have to bring in a real solid DC.

I'm open to a coach with an offensive background coming in, but he's going to have to bring in a real solid DC.

I have a bias that an offensive minded coach will create his team to be offensive, and a defensive minded coach will create his team to be defensive.

I don't know if an offensive minded HC can effectively brain storm with a DC as well as a defensive minded coach.

How about the smack down of 'J-Mat" :D

We've had plenty of experience with a potent offense, but no defense. An offensive coach gets lots of attention, it makes for great highlight reel footage. Defense doesn't get a lot of highlight reels. A good defense makes a so-so offense look pretty good.

Our most recently fired coach did neither!

We've had plenty of experience with a potent offense, but no defense. An offensive coach gets lots of attention, it makes for great highlight reel footage. Defense doesn't get a lot of highlight reels. A good defense makes a so-so offense look pretty good.

Brew (good person) didn't know a 4 - 3 defense from a 3 - 4 to a whorehouse!

On offense, he rotated coordinators and other coaches on a regular basis providing an environment of complete instability (just as many of us suspected).

The crowning touch for Brew (my opinion) must have been when he fired Dunbar, and now we know that Maturi and Bruiniks were against that move.

My other "suspicion" is that Brew was also "meddling" with what any of his coordinators wanted to do.....creating an even more disagreeable environment and more chaos.

We need a head coach that (obviously) considers both sides of the ball and the players that will fit the chosen schemes as well as letting his (or her) coaches actually coach/teach.

Man... read that again, they really don't want Maturi to forget he hired a head coach four years ago with no coordinating or head coaching experience.

I like all the idea. My personal top 3 are (in no particular order)

1.) Al Golden
2.) Mike Bellotti
3.) Brady Hoke

I say those three names trying to be as realistic as I can.

Bellotti is 60, a drawback, considering the wear and tear of the job - still, an exciting choice; Golden has almost no experience, a losing record, and is at Temple! Hoke is promising, but not much HC experience - a fallback, maybe, and anyone at his level would be a disappointment and another risk. Maturi needs to hit a home run this time.

Bellotti is 60, a drawback, considering the wear and tear of the job - still, an exciting choice; Golden has almost no experience, a losing record, and is at Temple! Hoke is promising, but not much HC experience - a fallback, maybe, and anyone at his level would be a disappointment and another risk. Maturi needs to hit a home run this time.

Who would that home run be.

Who would that home run be.

I would say Bob Stoops, although his performance national championship games could leave him in the nice fall back category. If you look at just his record from National Championship games he is barely better then Brewster and certainly no Mason. :)

Don Treadwell should be on the radar screen

He did a great job stepping in for Dantonio when he was in the hospital. MSU has a long history of falling apart under pressure, and he held it together. Plus Treadwell managed to beat UW & SCum in a single season. You have to go back a quarter century to find a Gopher coach who accomplished that feat. Maybe he can pull off the trifecta in a couple of weeks when MSU plays Iowa (granted, I think Dantonio is back on the sidelines).

Plus, Treadwell looks like one tough hombre. Must be the combination of being bald with no eyebrows. Don't know how good a recruiter he is, but Dantonio has kept him on his staff at multiple stops. That says something. Treadwell will be a HC somewhere in the next couple of years. Not saying he's the guy, but he ought to be on the initial list.

He did a great job stepping in for Dantonio when he was in the hospital. MSU has a long history of falling apart under pressure, and he held it together. Plus Treadwell managed to beat UW & SCum in a single season. You have to go back a quarter century to find a Gopher coach who accomplished that feat. Maybe he can pull off the trifecta in a couple of weeks when MSU plays Iowa (granted, I think Dantonio is back on the sidelines).

Plus, Treadwell looks like one tough hombre. Must be the combination of being bald with no eyebrows. Don't know how good a recruiter he is, but Dantonio has kept him on his staff at multiple stops. That says something. Treadwell will be a HC somewhere in the next couple of years. Not saying he's the guy, but he ought to be on the initial list.

Please tell me you're kidding, right?

The guy was a head coach for two games and you're ready to annoint him as the next Bill Walsh?

By that reasoning, if Horton steps in and beats Penn State and Iowa to close the season (maybe even a win in the middle?), then he should hands down be the next Gopher Head Coach.

I'm not saying he's not a good candidate, but to say "he beat Wisky and Michigan" is ridiculous. You're giving entirely too much credit to the position of head coach. The guy who happens to be walking the sidelines on a given Saturday USUALLY has very little bearing on who wins the game. The game is won and lost in the offseason, preseason/training camp, and installing the game plan in the week leading up to the game.

Preparation wins games. Rarely is it coaching on Saturday.

Please tell me you're kidding, right?

The guy was a head coach for two games and you're ready to annoint him as the next Bill Walsh?

Good grief, take it easy. The guy never said he was the next Bill Walsh, he said he should be on the initial list.:rolleyes:

Man... read that again, they really don't want Maturi to forget he hired a head coach four years ago with no coordinating or head coaching experience.

I like all the idea. My personal top 3 are (in no particular order)

1.) Al Golden
2.) Mike Bellotti
3.) Brady Hoke

I say those three names trying to be as realistic as I can.

I would personally swap in Calhoun or Martin instead of Hoke, but that list looks good to me.

I personally don't see how being 60 years old is that big of a deal. I would see no reason why Bellotti couldn't coach 8ish seasons. Nick Saban is 1 year younger than Bellotti, Jim Tressel is 2 years younger than Bellotti and a handful of coaches 55+ (Ferentz, Les Miles etc.). If we are in a position where it would be devastating to be replacing Bellotti in 6-8 years than he is a no brainer hire.

Furthermore, Bellotti is known as being extremely good at picking assistant coaches. He has built staffs with Chip Kelley (current HC at Oregon), Chris Peterson (Boise St. HC), Chris Strausser and BRent Pease (Boist St. coaches and OC), Nick Aliotti (considered one of the games great DC (similar to the guy at Iowa (been there forever, etc.).

I guess, I don't see how age can be that big of a drawback with Bellotti.

Best Case Scenario with his age: He makes us into a contender ala Oregon and we don't have to worry about replacing him until he rides off into the sunset.

Worst Case Scenario with his age: He does a decent job here, we are on the path to rebuilding and he doesn't have the energy to continue coaching. However, he would likely be followed by one of his assistants and his former assistants are currently coaching #1 and #2 ranked teams in the country (not traditional power houses).

So let me ask you this....if his age prevents him from coaching very long, who would you rather have pick our next head coach...Mike Bellotti or Maturi (now)?

To me, it's a no brainer.

What he said!!!

Good grief, take it easy. The guy never said he was the next Bill Walsh, he said he should be on the initial list.:rolleyes:

I didn't say Treadwell is a #1 candidate, and as I wrote in another thread, I have reservations against ANY coordinator, just because a big part of being a HC is being an administrator (one part that Brewster was completely unqualified for).

But Treadwell is on his way up, and my guess is he'll be a HC somewhere sometime soon. We should initially be looking north of guys like this, but if Trestman is on the short list, Treadwell should at least be screened.

Oh, and if Horton were to beat PSU & Iowa, then yeah, maybe he gets a courtesy interview. But I don't think we have to worry too much about that scenario.

He did a great job stepping in for Dantonio when he was in the hospital. MSU has a long history of falling apart under pressure, and he held it together. Plus Treadwell managed to beat UW & SCum in a single season. You have to go back a quarter century to find a Gopher coach who accomplished that feat. Maybe he can pull off the trifecta in a couple of weeks when MSU plays Iowa (granted, I think Dantonio is back on the sidelines).

Plus, Treadwell looks like one tough hombre. Must be the combination of being bald with no eyebrows. Don't know how good a recruiter he is, but Dantonio has kept him on his staff at multiple stops. That says something. Treadwell will be a HC somewhere in the next couple of years. Not saying he's the guy, but he ought to be on the initial list.

Why would you even remotely consider this guy over Trestman. Trestman has a Super Bowl as a coordinator and Head Coaching experience. No comparison at all.

Please tell me you're kidding, right?

The guy was a head coach for two games and you're ready to annoint him as the next Bill Walsh?

By that reasoning, if Horton steps in and beats Penn State and Iowa to close the season (maybe even a win in the middle?), then he should hands down be the next Gopher Head Coach.

I'm not saying he's not a good candidate, but to say "he beat Wisky and Michigan" is ridiculous. You're giving entirely too much credit to the position of head coach. The guy who happens to be walking the sidelines on a given Saturday USUALLY has very little bearing on who wins the game. The game is won and lost in the offseason, preseason/training camp, and installing the game plan in the week leading up to the game.

Preparation wins games. Rarely is it coaching on Saturday.

Uhh.. If Horton steps in and beats Penn State and Iowa he definitely deserves to be looked at. And a win in the middle? (OSU, MSU, Illinois.. all of whom are leaps and bounds ahead of us) He most DEFINITELY deserves to be our head coach next year.

Why would you even remotely consider this guy over Trestman. Trestman has a Super Bowl as a coordinator and Head Coaching experience. No comparison at all.

Because success in the NFL/CFL doesn't mean squat.

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