The Seventh Annual GopherHole Unscientific Survey . . .


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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will be conducted shortly after LOI Day. I'm in the process of updating and putting the finishing touches to this year's questionnaire.

There'll be three segments in the survey, as in years past: 1) Demographics (makeup of GopherHole fanbase), 2) GopherHole-related questions (operations), and 3) Fun questions related to Gopher football and/or basketball.

I hope veteran and new GopherHolers and the many lurkers of this website will participate in the survey. I want to make the survey informative, fun and helpful for the GopherHole staff. Many of the upgrades that we presently enjoy were suggestions that were made in previous surveys. So, the survey does matter; an opportunity to provide your insights and be heard by the GopherHole staff. (What creates satisfied and dissatisfied customers, and steps toward continuous improvement.)

Shortly after the survey is closed (about seven to ten days) I'll tabulate the information garnered in the survey and compile this year's results with previous years.

Go Gophers!!

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