The search for the Real Adam Webber!


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Nov 23, 2008
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There is no one Gopher player this Saturday that has more to prove than Adam Webber. There is no one Gopher player that will determine the outcome of this game more than Adam Webber. After seeing Adam play against Purdue that can be a scary thought. Not Pun intended with Halloween coming up.

The big question is, "Which Adam Webber will show up this Saturday?". The one who has struggled all season or the one who showed much promise as a Freshmen that we thought we might have a special player on our hands. I hope it's the latter but I'm worried he will continue to struggle. His play this year has been mediocre at best.

I want the best for Adam and wished he'd throw for over 300 yards and 3 touchdowns a game. Right now that seems impossible. It seems to me Adam has stopped playing with that reckless abadonment that made him great as a freshmen. He was not afraid to make mistakes when he passed or ran with the ball as a freshmen. Now he seems to play with a focus on not making mistakes rather than looking to see what's the next big play he can make in order to help the team. When you play focusing on not trying to make mistakes you seem to make them. Rather he needs to play with the confidence that I'm going to make a big play.

I know Adam has had a lot of things go against him this year in a new throwing motion, new offense, and O-line troubles. Great players make plays despite the odds stacked against them. We can't keep coming up with excuses on why he was struggled this year. It's time for Adam to take the bull by the horns.

The search for the real Adam Webber will be answered in just a few short days. The answer to that question will be answered by Mr. Webber himself. I hope we are all pleasantly suprised at which Adam Webber shows up on Saturday or we might be in for a long Saturday.

I think some of what we've seen is Adam trying to manage a new scheme. When you have to compromise your instinctual athleticism for cerebral execution it can't be pretty. At some point I'd hope the scheme becomes more comfy and he can start improvising within the scheme becoming more instinctual again, more of a make it happen type of guy. I think we've seen a little of it here and there. Hopefully like you say he can pull the whole game together and kick some ass.

Maybee itsa Speeling Problum

...The search for the real Adam Webber will be answered in just a few short days. The answer to that question will be answered by Mr. Webber himself. I hope we are all pleasantly suprised at which Adam Webber shows up on Saturday or we might be in for a long Saturday.

I'm looking for Adam Weber myself...

A very solid piece of writing, gold04. I agree with everything you've said. Schnood starts up with the excuses again. But they don't fly my friend. Look at Michigan. They have a freshman qb. You watch a guy like Kellen Moore, a sophomore, and he is so much smoother than Weber. And confident. I think goldy is onto's all about confidence.

I've said it in another thread... I believe Adam Webbber is the central figure in this game. If Webbbber has his long awaited breakout game, the Gophers win. If he plays the same as he did in recent weeks... the Gophers lose.

Anyone else buy into the idea that the lack of protection is one reason for Weber lack of production?

Anyone else buy into the idea that the lack of protection is one reason for Weber lack of production?
Of course. I think you'd have to be foolish to argue that it doesn't impact his performance.

Part, notice I said part, of the protection problem is that Weber doesn't throw on time. When you eyeball one receiver and he is covered, he has already used his 3 sec. I don't think the new scheme has anything to do with Webers problem of not surveying the field, throwing on time or eyeballing 1 receiver, I just hope he steps up!!!

Part, notice I said part, of the protection problem is that Weber doesn't throw on time. When you eyeball one receiver and he is covered, he has already used his 3 sec. I don't think the new scheme has anything to do with Webers problem of not surveying the field, throwing on time or eyeballing 1 receiver, I just hope he steps up!!!

Is this the chicken and the egg? Is the reason he focuses on one read due to the fact he is expecting 3 or less seconds to throw the ball? I'm not here to apologize for Weber, but I think FB fans are too quick to jump on a particular player or position. There are many factors involved with our ineffective offense. Weber's play is one factor.....

Part, notice I said part, of the protection problem is that Weber doesn't throw on time. When you eyeball one receiver and he is covered, he has already used his 3 sec. I don't think the new scheme has anything to do with Webers problem of not surveying the field, throwing on time or eyeballing 1 receiver, I just hope he steps up!!!

Weber is accused of throwing too early, he is accused of holding the ball too long, he is accused ....

I once again point to that 5thquarter blog post, that was posted a bit back, where the guy makes an assumption that weber is staring down decker. When in his own pictures shows that he is reading the free safety. It is just something that continual gets used as a basis for attacking weber. It is something like "since we all know weber stares down his receivers, let me use that as my foundation for why wisconsin was so succesful of taking away decker, by doubling him". People really need to re-evaluate these assumptions that get thrown around.

It seems the more people repeat this stuff the more people tend to believe it is true. Is he the best reader of defenses, no, but to believe that he just stares at a receiver the whole time sounds like a kfan caller. We can be better then this, but you have to be willing to actually evaluate the game, including understanding the play, the defense, and what would be the primary read in that situation.

The one thing I continually see from weber is inability to plant his feet into a good throwing position. The 3rd down incomplete was a classic example of someone who has happy feet and isn't setting up in the pocket. That may or may not come from a crappy o-line and getting sacked a bunch.

Boy oh boy, would you people please learn that it's spelling that counts not thoughts or ideas. I have concerns about Mr. Weber, too. However, they have rebuilt his throwing motion. They have moved his hands under center. They have a whole new offensive, scheme. I'm not so sure that he wouldn't be just now getting into position to start producing. These are all major changes not just Brett Favre with 20 years of experience moving into a new scheme.

"Happy feet" is at the feet of all problems related to Weber

Premise this by saying Weber is a decent QB and he understands what his reads are when you evaluate his play. I don't know if this habbit has been borne of desperation for the lack of protection, or with all of the changes in systems and playing calling he has endured while he has been the starter but I could not have said it any better than Monk10. Asad Abdul Kaliq from time to time had this problem, when the feet start dancing, the happy feet start fluttering, and he is on the run Mr. Weber doesn't seem to take the time or remember to set his feet under him or at least allign them correctly and then drill the pass. That has to be instinctual and done without thinking. Weber has played enough QB now that he shouldn't have to think about setting his feet and getting them squared and alligned underneath even when on the run. This has to be a trust factor with the offensive line, they need to trust that he will make a play and he needs to trust that they will give him enough time to make the play and get a rythem going.

This happy feet thing goes back to the interception when Decker was triple covered, LB underneath, Safety on top and a corner at his hip, hesitates, dancing feet and then still heaves the ball towards Decker. If he would have looked to his left he would have saw Stoudimire wide open long before he would have had to even throw. Green, Stoudimire, Tow Arnett have all have caught enough balls by now that he should trust them. Decker is no doubt a great number one option and should always be looked to, but utilizing everyone, get's everyone happy and into a rythem and smiling and that keeps the offense moving. If the running lane is there then by all means take advantage of it and get some yards also. Weber managed the game fine against Purdue, against PSU we will need Weber to make some plays he shouldn't be able to, but did, to help win the game.

Almost all of the times he "hasn't thrown the ball away" this year have come in either end of the game, 4th down, or 3rd downs in the 4th quarter. Sure, a small handful of other times during games he's scrambled around too much - but this is far from normal. Any QB does this every now and again.

I wouldn't want my QB throwing the ball out of bounds in those specific situations, would you? He's trying to make a play in desparate situations to win. At least he has the ability, sense, and competitiveness to be able to "hang on to the ball too long."

This criticism of hanging on to the ball too long has to stop. Bad footwork is a definite talking point, but not this.

Will everyone be making excuses for him all throughout his senior year as well? Come on, this is his 4th year in college.

Curtis Painter Syndrome

Purdue's All-Time leading passer suffered the same struggles as a senior. No doubt, when you start thinking about it too much and start worrying about screwing up you wind up in even worse shape. I think Adam will figure it out, but give the guy a little credit for the team being 4-2. He hasn't lost any games for us this season and probably should be credited for his clutch play in a few that we have won.

I wouldn't have a problem with giving Marqueis Gray a series in either the PSU or OSU game just so everyone could see that he is not prepared (or even better, that he is) and then people would either put up or shut up.

The Cincy qb gets hurt and the backup comes in and promptly runs for a long td

I'm in the camp of not playing Gray entirely over Weber but give him some series. Let him try to develop a rythym. If he makes mistakes who cares, we are 17 point underdogs anyways.

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