The Onion on PSU

Gotta pay the troll toll to get in this boy's hole.

As sad as it is, that article speaks VOLUMES of truths. Mike McQueary is just as guilty as Sandusky if you ask me (if these allegations are true, of course).

As sad as it is, that article speaks VOLUMES of truths. Mike McQueary is just as guilty as Sandusky if you ask me (if these allegations are true, of course).

Let's get it clear--no one is as guilty as Sandusky, or any perpetrator. However, only slightly less guilty, and of a different crime.

Sometimes it takes a humorist to tell a horrifying truth. Well done Onion.

Let's get it clear--no one is as guilty as Sandusky, or any perpetrator. However, only slightly less guilty, and of a different crime.

Not in the court of law, but most definitely in the court of opinion. Which is where my post came from.

And honestly, I'm more disgusted with McQueary's actions than Sandusky's.

Not in the court of law, but most definitely in the court of opinion. Which is where my post came from.

And honestly, I'm more disgusted with McQueary's actions than Sandusky's.

Wow. While there's no question McQueary didn't do enough (i.e., beat Sandusky to death with wet locker room towel), given this logic I should be more disgusted with the people of Germany who did nothing to stop Hitler rather than Hitler himself... I don't think so. There is nothing worst than a perpetrator of an innocent child (period).

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