The official "Why I'm pumped about the new yard" thread

CP Gopher

Active member
Nov 21, 2008
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In one sentence, why are you pumped about the new stadium:

I'm pumped about the crisp fall air and a stadium filled with Gopher fans.

I'm pumped about the sound of helmets cracking on a crisp fall day and a massive new jagundo-jumbo-video board.

I'm pumped because the first Big Ten game is a chance to make a major statement against our most hated rival! :cool02:

I'm pumped to see all the new talent we've been hearing about for two years.

I'm pumped because everyone else on campus is finally just as pumped as i always was for gopher football.

I'm pumped because I've never seen a Gopher home game outdoors before.

I'm pumped because I HAVE seen an outdoor Gopher home football game before. :cool03:

I'm pumped to feel the electricty of the crowd just before the opening kickoff vs. Air Force.

It's ours, all ours! No more sharing with the pro franchises!

I am excited about the CHANCE to have the sun shining in my eyes!

I'm pumped because....

"Sam Maresh will lead us into TCF Bank Stadium on Sept. 12, 2009," Brewster said, referring to the date when the Gophers open their new on-campus stadium. "Either in pads or in street clothes, he will be carrying the flag."

.....Sam will be in pads! What a proud, grateful moment for all of us!

I hope this thread cannot be considered copyright infringement on the pumped poll. I would hate to see lawyers get involved along with an angry Tipsy McStagger and, perhaps from beyond the grave, Kelly Leeks (RIP).

1st Post to GH: Why I'm pumped about the new house!

Simply because Football was made to be played outside and it's OUR HOUSE! Quite frankly I'd play on a rock pile without a helmet...:)

I'm pumped because I'll be a part of the first band to ever play in that stadium.

I'm pumped because the Kool-Aid I'm drinking is SPIKED with dad gum hot chili

3 words, NO MORE DOME. I think the only way you could get me back into that stadium is if you paid me. Truly.

I am pumped

because I will be sitting in a maroon seat that is part of a giant M and not sitting in a blue seat that may at sometime in the past had the rear of some fat Becky fan planted on it.

Go Gophers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm pumped because I've been to all other stadiums in the Big Ten (except MSU and NW) and have been jealous of all of them.

Pumped because 10,000 students outside means it will be a totally different football "product" than the Viking are.

I am pumped for the opening game fly over.

I'll never have to go into the sterile confines of the dome thinking "what a fantastic day outside! Why are we wasting it indoors?" Even the hotdogs will taste better outdoors. It's like the difference between being in your own home versus renting a cheap hotel room. No more temporary banners!

I'm pumped because we will finally have HOME FIELD ADVANTAGE!!!

College football on a campus:eek: ...what a novel approach:rolleyes: (finally, we are back)
Seeing our first win, in our "new yard" :clap: priceless!

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