The O-Zone's take...

Worthless read. Added nothing, and it's dated.

Unless it has something to do with bashing Minnesota, praising KFAN, John Alt, Binns or some other Iowa guy Big Ten Mind posts will always "add nothing".

The one thing I've noticed trending with all of these previews, is that they seem to very frequently predict their worst case finish as their official prediction with this team. Like, he says worst case scenario is 2-10, then predicts 2-10. Usually you see a prediction somewhere in between worst and best case, but I'm not seeing much of that this off season. Reading the text, you'd expect a 4-8, maybe 3-9 prediction, but nope. Just odd how this seems to be en vogue with this team's previews this season.

Unless it has something to do with bashing Minnesota, praising KFAN, John Alt, Binns or some other Iowa guy Big Ten Mind posts will always "add nothing".

Get a clue Icelander - Iowa and WI are very legit programs and I'm not afraid to acknowledge that. I see the gophs at 5 or 6 wins but hope I'm wrong

Get a clue Icelander - Iowa and WI are very legit programs and I'm not afraid to acknowledge that. I see the gophs at 5 or 6 wins but hope I'm wrong

All one can do is read your posts. Your certaining drinking Kool Aid but not the one people usually complain about. Who knows why but even a cursory glance wouldn't lead one to think that you're exactly a "fan" of the program. Common Man's for sure but not the Gophers.

It ought to raise red flags when someone picks the worst case scenario as the likely scenario. It seems that everyone is just cutting and pasting the same reviews. I also don't think 6-6 is the best case scenario. If the Gophers won 7, it wouldn't be something that ran the risk of warping space and time beyond all recognition. With so many people cutting and pasting the same review, we're poised to really exceed expectations this year.

I think the most dated item in the article was the Mason-era Gopher helmet.

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