The next Jim Rome, or perhaps Bob Costas... Iowa Style


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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Here is a video blog from the next up and coming sports reporting powerhouse...

Really, just watch the first 30 seconds and last 30 seconds to save yourself. That's plenty to get the point. This fella nearly falls asleep a couple times during his production, and admits at the end that he missed the first half to help a friend move. :)

He has inspired me to start my own video show. Problem is, my massive head takes up the entire screen and would scare small children.

He better clean up his mom's basement first before ESPN College Gameday comes calling. :)

The droopy eyelids are a telltale sign that this basement dwelling booger eater's dad is also his uncle. Cuts down on xmas shopping.

And I thought MY nose was crooked... Good lord, I can't stop staring at this kid's beak!!

I thought he was going to cry while I listened to that.

Just a heads up... I included a link to his MN/IA recap but when I select the link from my iPhone it goes to his "production" of Tony Larussa's retirement. If this happens to you, be sure to direct yourself to the more entertaining, and Gopher football relevant game recap.

While the game recap was fun.. I was more entertained with his Iowa-Minnesota game review. It made me smile knowing the outcome.

Formo said:
While the game recap was fun.. I was more entertained with his Iowa-Minnesota game review. It made me smile knowing the outcome.

If this keeps up, you might find yourself as his 5th subscriber on YouTube.

While the game recap was fun.. I was more entertained with his Iowa-Minnesota game review. It made me smile knowing the outcome.

I can't even blame him for feeling that way in the preview, they should have ran away with it considering the recent results. But, as they say, "that's why you play the games" lol.

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