The Nebraska win was the best win since (fill in the blank)

El Amin Fan

Well-known member
Jul 23, 2012
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I say the win at a nationally ranked Michigan team in 2005.

"The Nebraska win was the best win since (fill in the blank) "

The Northwestern win the week before.

Toss-up between the Iowa game in 2010 (at home, ranked opponent, but made a really crappy year feel much better and was much needed by Gopher fans struggling through the Brewster dumpster fire) and the 2005 win at Michigan (beating a helmet school for the first time in decades, ranked, national television, etc).

I think the 05 Michigan game is much more comparable. Unfortunately, it did little for the program because we came home and sh!t the bed vs Wisconsin with the blocked punt, and were soundly beaten by both OSU and Iowa later as well. Hopefully a strong showing the rest of the season and continued improvement in 2014 use this win as a springboard and not just a one-off.

It's hard to compare. There are a number of games that can compete for this honor. The 2011 win against Iowa, the 2010 win against Illinois were both seasons where people were talking 0-8. They saved seasons from real despair.

The Northwestern game last week came with the Gophers big underdogs and a lot of people despairing, again thinking the Gophers would be 0-8.

This is a game that's going to be remembered for a long time, probably all the more because how how much the media was talking up the 1983 loss. This win made that loss ancient history, a mere interesting historical quirk. This game really got a monkey off the Gophers' backs.

Toss-up between the Iowa game in 2010 (at home, ranked opponent, but made a really crappy year feel much better and was much needed by Gopher fans struggling through the Brewster dumpster fire) and the 2005 win at Michigan (beating a helmet school for the first time in decades, ranked, national television, etc).

I think the 05 Michigan game is much more comparable. Unfortunately, it did little for the program because we came home and sh!t the bed vs Wisconsin with the blocked punt, and were soundly beaten by both OSU and Iowa later as well. Hopefully a strong showing the rest of the season and continued improvement in 2014 use this win as a springboard and not just a one-off.


Great Points. If we don't do our job against IU, this signature victory over Nebraska will lose its shine. The Hoosier offense really scares me. I have not watched any more than 4 minutes of their games, so I am judging based upon scores. Somebody wrote we are 11 point underdogs against IU? That's good. We need to stay hungry. I think next Saturday at Memorial Stadium, Bloomington, Indiana will be a Battle Royale. It would be awesome if we traveled well there, put some more maroon and gold in their stadium. I know, it is a long trip from Minneapolis to Bloomington, 640 miles. If ever we needed a strong road presence, it will be this IU game.

The 2000 win in Columbus, broke a 50 year streak. We followed that up with a clueless performance in Bloomington, a loss to a team that ended the season 3-8.

Tough call. I'm going to first eliminate one of the choices, 2005 Michigan. We were different programs with different circumstances (Mason was in his 9th year at the helm). With that eliminated, I have to say it's a toss up between 2010 Iowa (interim HC Horton ((I LOVE YOU!!!!)) running the ship and facing a potential 2-10 finish) or 1999 PSU. I remember being at a card show (sports cards) and listening to it on the radio. I remember lots of the vendors/collectors jumping up and cheering when we kicked that FG. Was still 'early' enough in the Mason regime to be nominated for MY biggest win for the program.

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