The most awkward interview ever

Haha, why in the world would they do that?? I'm sure he was doing coverage throughout, but LOL, so awkward.

Haha, CBS clearly wasn't thinking! Kind of cool how both of them handled it and props to Rich Rod for being willing to do that, I am sure another job is coming his way very soon if he has that type of attitude.

It didn't really get uncomfortable until the last exchange when Hoke started on the "there are no excuses not to compete at a high level here" theme. You could just see RichRod thinking "thanks a lot dickhead."

Ah, a classic. Wonder what he's up to now, what's it been 4 or 5 years?

This pretty much says it all:


I guarantee that kid's never been laid.

What's funny (and oddly quasi-relevant to this board) is that he was in some summer math program for supernerds at UMD:

Once he solves the problem of suspended animation he'll have all the chicks he can handle.

Not sure about him wanting to be a professor, though it seems he has the ego for it.

Yup, he has the ego, but not the requisite social skills learned from interaction with ones peers at public school :).

I imagine he'll be locked in a basement somewhere breaking code for the next 50 years.

Yup, he has the ego, but not the requisite social skills learned from interaction with ones peers at public school :).

I imagine he'll be locked in a basement somewhere breaking code for the next 50 years.

I now know what my Analytical Chemistry Prof. looked and sounded like as a kid. Ms. Chetry is one good looking lady!

I hadn't seen the spelling-bee-meets-CNN-interview video before. That is absolutely brutal! Talk about a lack of social intelligence...

I showed my wife that video last night and she couldn't complete watching it. I can show her video with legs snapping in half or two girls and a cup but that spelling bee video was too much for her.

I showed my wife that video last night and she couldn't complete watching it. I can show her video with legs snapping in half or two girls and a cup but that spelling bee video was too much for her.


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