The Missourian: 10 things you didn't know about Minnesota


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Some interesting items in here, including:

3. The University of Minnesota has the famous name "John Pillsbury" to thank for keeping operations running. The school closed in the midst of a financial crisis during the Civil War, but it reopened in 1867 thanks to generous monetary assistance from the Pillsbury Co. co-founder. The university alumnus would later serve as the eighth governor of Minnesota. No, the Pillsbury statue on campus is not that cartoon doughboy with a chef’s hat. It’s the man himself, known as “the Father of the University.”

Go Gophers!!

Some interesting items in here, including:

3. The University of Minnesota has the famous name "John Pillsbury" to thank for keeping operations running. The school closed in the midst of a financial crisis during the Civil War, but it reopened in 1867 thanks to generous monetary assistance from the Pillsbury Co. co-founder. The university alumnus would later serve as the eighth governor of Minnesota. No, the Pillsbury statue on campus is not that cartoon doughboy with a chef’s hat. It’s the man himself, known as “the Father of the University.”

Go Gophers!!

After an iffy start, some of those were pretty interesting. Thanks Bleed!


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Fun read. Of course, I'm so excited at this point I would read a Wren post about the Gophers.

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You can throw former WCCO Anchor Pat Miles in there too.

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