The Jimmer is going nuts, even by his standards

From the Barn

Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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The Jimmer is going nuts, even by his standards 33 in the first half!

CBS College sports. Turn it on now. 20 points in the first 12 minutes. If you haven't seen him play you are missing out.

If I were from Boston I'd say that kid is wicked sick crazy good!


DirecTV channel 613. Funny thing is I'm flipping between Jimmer and Dan Monson's LBSU squad on ESPNU.

I betcha Jimmer sucks it up in the NBA though.

This is seriously some Michael Jordan in his glory years stuff. Unbelievable.

50 pts w4 mins left.

He doesn't miss. Jordan was streaky and clutch. Jimmer just doesn't miss.

This is extra since BYU is ripping Alford's team a new one.

That was disappointing. Only 19 in the second half.

You know what the frightening statistic is? How many free throws he shot, compared to the 37 field goals he attempted.


(He made it).

I just don't like the guy. He has some fake wanna-be badass scowl on his face all the time like Kobe Bryant. I know I'm nitpicking but the guy just looks like a phony (who can score like crazy).

I'd say Jimmer can do whatever scowl he wants on the court if he's dropping numbers like that every night.

I'd say Jimmer can do whatever scowl he wants on the court if he's dropping numbers like that every night.

Yup...I'll bet if was wearing Maroon and Gold I'd be saying he's just an incredible gamer. But I kind of want someone to just jack him right in his smug mug.

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