The incredible arrogance and defiance of USC


Nov 12, 2008
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Like most, I grew tired of the 'USC machine' years ago. Maybe some of it was envy and jealousy, but I just got sick of the entitlement attitude that seems to ooze out of the athletic department. Admittedly, I was pleased with the NCAA finally stepping up and knocking them down a peg. You'd like most schools would be contrite and seek to make changes. Not USC.

First, the appeal. I guess that can be forgiven (to some degree). But they came off right away as whiny children talking about how the NCAA 'went too far' and made an 'example' out of them. That bothered me, but again, it's USC so I just sort of laughed it off.

However, I just came across these tidbits and they absolutely FLOOR me. First from the USC athletic director Mike Garrett:

Speaking at a previously scheduled USC Coaches' Tour at the Airport Marriott in Burlingame, Calif., had this to say Thursday to boosters: "As I read the decision by the NCAA, all I could get out of all of this was ... I read between the lines, and there was nothing but a lot of envy, and they wish they all were Trojans."

Seriously?! Disgusting. This it the ATHLETIC DIRECTOR!

Then, the cherry on top of it all. USC's esteemed director of compliance Matt Billings apparently didn't care for other schools talking to a freshman recruit. So, he took it upon himself to write a snot-nosed letter to Pac-10 Associate Commissioner for Governance and Enforcement Ron Barker.

The letter states in part: "I just met with [Baxter] and he told me that he received phone calls from five institutions [June 10th]. All of the institutions asked if he was interested in transferring from USC due to the NCAA decision. Would you please speak with these schools to remind them they cannot speak to this student athlete?"

Nice to see Mr. Billings is now concerned about compliance.

It's safe to say I've never been so disgusted by USC. I hope Lane shows his true colors and USC gets caught again. This entitlement attitude is incredible. The fact that top USC officials are making public statements such as this speak volumes about the program.

They got caught and got a two year postseason ban. Big Deal. I was listening to ESPN Radio Saturday morning and the host (Eric Kusselias) made a great point. He said imagine you are a fan of the University of Minnesota or the University of Arizona or Ole Miss, would you take the 10 years USC just had if you knew at the end of the 10 years you would face these sanctions? Of course you would. The point was the sanctions were far too light to be looked at as a deterrent. He drew a comparison to a kid being 3 hours late for curfew and being forced to be home 5 minutes early the next Friday night.

College football is big business. USC restored their brand under Pete Carroll, they would do it again 1,000 times over and so would most schools. If the NCAA really wanted to stop it, there would be many teams getting sanctioned every year.

I wish USC had been given the NCAA Death Penalty. I hate USC, and it's just compounded after the arrogance you outlined in the original post. Of course, as as EG#9 pointed out, everyone would trade 2 years of sanctions for National Championships and several huge bowl appearances, but just shut up and accept the consequences. Seriously. I think it's not quite as light of a slap on the wrist as some think (despite what Lane "d-bag" Kiffin says)--recruiting will absolutely be impacted the next two years. That leaves them with sub-par (for USC, at least) teams for the next two years (presumably, or at the very least they won't be bowl eligible) and then the following two years you're dealing with the ramifications of sub-par recruiting classes the years after that.

Plus part of me wants Kiffin to be exposed as a horrible coach. We'll see how it plays out.

It looks like they are daring the NCAA to give them the death penalty. If the U had taken this sort of attitude after the Clem Haskins scandal... wel, it would have been a problem. If there are any more problems at USC, this attitide won't help them.

They got caught and got a two year postseason ban. Big Deal. I was listening to ESPN Radio Saturday morning and the host (Eric Kusselias) made a great point. He said imagine you are a fan of the University of Minnesota or the University of Arizona or Ole Miss, would you take the 10 years USC just had if you knew at the end of the 10 years you would face these sanctions? Of course you would. The point was the sanctions were far too light to be looked at as a deterrent. He drew a comparison to a kid being 3 hours late for curfew and being forced to be home 5 minutes early the next Friday night.

College football is big business. USC restored their brand under Pete Carroll, they would do it again 1,000 times over and so would most schools. If the NCAA really wanted to stop it, there would be many teams getting sanctioned every year.

Not a bad post, EG#9...

In a similar vein, I would imagine the brew did his own cost/benefit analysis before he undertook his violation-laced, last-ditch attempt to lure Seantrel to campus. :rolleyes:

He prolly thought, "If I get caught (and that's a rather big 'IF'), then I will just self-report...and no one will really care..."

However, some of us do care about the reputation of the local land-grant university our grandparents bought and paid for...

To see the "U" and 'violation' as the headline story on for 24 hours did NOT do the heart good...:eek:

Not a bad post, EG#9...

In a similar vein, I would imagine the brew did his own cost/benefit analysis before he undertook his violation-laced, last-ditch attempt to lure Seantrel to campus. :rolleyes:

He prolly thought, "If I get caught (and that's a rather big 'IF'), then I will just self-report...and no one will really care..."

However, some of us do care about the reputation of the local land-grant university our grandparents bought and paid for...

To see the "U" and 'violation' as the headline story on for 24 hours did NOT do the heart good...:eek:

Yes, that equivalent of a parking ticket really hurts. Again, kudos on that scoop Woodward.

However, some of us do care about the reputation of the local land-grant university our grandparents bought and paid for...

What does this have to do with you?'re referring to Iowa State.

I see what you did there.

Thanks for playing, now go back into your troll-hole.

(despite what Lane "d-bag" Kiffin says)--recruiting will absolutely be impacted the next two years. That leaves them with sub-par (for USC, at least) teams for the next two years (presumably, or at the very least they won't be bowl eligible) and then the following two years you're dealing with the ramifications of sub-par recruiting classes the years after that.

Plus part of me wants Kiffin to be exposed as a horrible coach. We'll see how it plays out.


Yeah recruiting will be adversely affected. USC is losing 30 scholarships in two years!! That´s a ton. Plus add in the fact that Juniors and Seniors are being allowed to transfer without sitting out, and I expect the team to be a shell of its former self come fall.

and yeah, while Monte Kiffin is a brilliant coach I don´t think Lane Kiffin is. I expect a depleted, pouty, and entitled Trojan team to be embarrassed by the Gophers at TCF come fall.

and Lane Kiffin will have insult added to injury. First, he wanted the Gopher job and didn´t get it. Now, the Gophers will give him the first in what should be a very long string of embarrassing losses.

I am so excited for the fall!

Not a bad post, EG#9...

In a similar vein, I would imagine the brew did his own cost/benefit analysis before he undertook his violation-laced, last-ditch attempt to lure Seantrel to campus. :rolleyes:

He prolly thought, "If I get caught (and that's a rather big 'IF'), then I will just self-report...and no one will really care..."

However, some of us do care about the reputation of the local land-grant university our grandparents bought and paid for...

To see the "U" and 'violation' as the headline story on for 24 hours did NOT do the heart good...:eek:

I guess, I'll bite the kind of "violation" under Brewster was NOTHING. The reputation of the local land-grant university our grandparents bought and paid for...has been going down the tubes (in sports) because it has failed to play the game.

Not a bad post, EG#9...

In a similar vein, I would imagine the brew did his own cost/benefit analysis before he undertook his violation-laced, last-ditch attempt to lure Seantrel to campus. :rolleyes:

He prolly thought, "If I get caught (and that's a rather big 'IF'), then I will just self-report...and no one will really care..."

However, some of us do care about the reputation of the local land-grant university our grandparents bought and paid for...

To see the "U" and 'violation' as the headline story on for 24 hours did NOT do the heart good...:eek:

Violation laced? Liar. This isn't remotely comparable, and you know it. It's like comparing a broken tail light to arson.

Lest anyone feel a bit of sympathy for USC, let's recognize that these habitual cheaters were finally caught. And I'll bet they're at it again today.

Love to the Lying Troll

Not a bad post, EG#9...

In a similar vein, I would imagine the brew did his own cost/benefit analysis before he undertook his violation-laced, last-ditch attempt to lure Seantrel to campus. :rolleyes:

He prolly thought, "If I get caught (and that's a rather big 'IF'), then I will just self-report...and no one will really care..."

However, some of us do care about the reputation of the local land-grant university our grandparents bought and paid for...

To see the "U" and 'violation' as the headline story on for 24 hours did NOT do the heart good...:eek:

I didn't know Hogtie Tech was a land-grant university. I didn't know fungus had grandparents...

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